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scary-parasiteThe first thing I do when I see an article is read the headline and then I look at the associated picture at the top of the page. I can only imagine the look on your face after you read the title of this article and then looked at that horrid picture to the left.

How can you love something that looks like that? I mean what’s it doing there? The thing has teeth and it’s making you feel horrible, how can you love something like that?

Today Kate and I just got done with our live show with Professor Alex Volinsky who’s been doing a lot of his own research and experimentation with rope worms.

Now doesn’t that sound nice? “Hey Justin what’s wrong with your stomach?” “Ahh nothing really I’m just dealing with rope worms in my intestine.” I don’t know what sounds worse rope worms or hook worms. Those are better than ring worms, flat worms, whip worms, pin worms or even the word parasite sounds pretty disgusting.

During the show we discussed (albeit briefly – which was unfortunate) our attitude towards these things using our bodies as a nice warm host. Most people think dogs and cats get parasites, not humans. I mean that’s so 18th century right? How could humans have parasites? Well all you have to do is a google search for parasites in humans and you’ll quickly find out.

Or you could just listen to the show we did.

During that show we were struggling to figure out where these things come from and what they’re doing in our bodies. We don’t even know from a DNA level, what they even are yet.

But what we do know is once these things get expelled (want to see pictures from Kate’s latest adventure? click here to check that out) we suddenly feel better. We have more energy, we lose weight, we’re less bloated, our digestion radically improves, we sleep better and on it goes.

Personally I don’t know if like candida, parasites are a necessary thing to have or not. The problem is we have an overload of them. I suspect the amount of parasites is the real issue. You see all these people are going around trying to kill yeast infections and candida not realizing we need these in our bodies for many reasons. The main reason we need a small amount (notice I said small amount) of candida is to eat up dead cells.

What would happen if a few billion cells died off and there was no candida around to gobble up those dead cells?

But if you kill off just the excess candida in a very intelligent way, you’ll notice you start to regain control of your life again. I believe the same goes with these rope worms and parasites. We might need some of them but we most likely have too many of them in our bodies and they’re causing all kinds of health problems.

So Why Should We Love Parasites?


Whenever you wage war on something what do you get in response? You get a spirited battle on your hands. Nothing wants to die, even if its candida or pin worms. Everything wants to live. Somehow we believe that these things are “bad”.

What you see outside is a reflection of something that’s already going on inside you. If you see war in the world, you have war in your heart. If you see injustice in the world, you have that in your heart. If you see hatred in the world, guess where you have hatred living? You got it mister, in your heart.

Everything we see in the external world is simply a reflection of that which is going on in the heart of man.

So what do you think happens when we see parasites and label them as bad? We break the symbiotic energetic bond happening between it and our bodies. That’s the first step.

Then we tell ourselves they are the reason (even if scientifically we can’t prove it) we don’t feel well. After we’re done putting that label on them there’s only one thing left to do. Fight and kill.

Can there ever be peace within, when you’re involved in fighting and killing? I don’t care what it is. Is it possible to have peace when you’re mentally involved in such thought patterns?

I suggest not.

Should we lie down passively and supposedly let these things eat us alive? That’s too extreme the other way as well. You see, this same principle applies to cancer patients as well. Ask yourself, how well has Nixon’s War on Cancer been going that started in 1971?

I’ll go out on a limb and say it’s been a huge disaster. You don’t come to peace while waging war.

So if you don’t go after it and kill it and you don’t roll over passively and let it overtake your body what do you do? I suggest there’s a middle path. It’s a combo path.

Could you not emotionally and spiritually give thanks for the parasite or cancerous tumor and holistically do natural cleansing protocols that assists them out of the body? Is it possible to love something and give thanks for it while at the same time allowing it to move on to bigger and better things….like your toilet?

The Native American Indians would give thanks for whatever animal they killed and actually have ceremonies that would last for days giving thanks to God for their sustinance. There’s a beautiful video of that here.

You see IBS, Crohn’s disease or colitis and even cancers are all teachers. The parasites and/or rope worms are the conduits to teach you something. It’s up to you to learn that lesson and figure out what it is you’re supposed to learn from them.

Don’t “fight” anything. Don’t fight a cold, don’t fight cancer, don’t fight and kill parasites. Thank them and then assist them to leave your body and I think you’ll find that you start to apply this principle to other areas of your life as well.

Everything and every one is a teacher to help you remember something you forgot somewhere along the way.

Now scroll back up to the top of this page, take a good look at that beautiful little parasite and thank him for teaching a lesson you need to learn.

Tell me about your experiences with parasites I’d love to know!

Comment below or continue the discussion in our forum! 🙂

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About the author

Justin is a natural health advocate and health researcher. He has been studying alternative health, nutrition, longevity and disease prevention since 2003 when he became a 100% raw food vegan until 2010. Initially motivated by his mom's non Hodgkin's lymphoma diagnosis in 1995, Justin seeks to provide natural remedies for chronic health conditions often demonized by the mainstream medical industrial complex. He started Extreme Health Radio in 2010 and strives to provide empowering content designed to give you the necessary tools to heal naturally.


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  • I am in my second day of battle with these things. I was full of fear and loathing of these creatures that have set up shop within my body. Your article was refreshing to read and relieved me of many of my disquieting thoughts. You are right – elevate the harmony within emotionally and you will elevate internal harmony on every other level. Thank you for that reminder.

    • Hey Jennifer. I personally believe that when we are not living out our calling, a little part of us dies. When this happens there needs to be a clean up crew…namely parasites and bugs.

  • Wow ! A very different view point, but I am unable to catch. Personally I see these rope worms / parasites have taken life out of me. But you say having few of these is okay!? Just like shadow/real and darkeness/light combo exists??

      • No I have not done anything particular in such. First of all I am fatigued and weak and so I am letting my body heal from food and nutrients first. I felt a lot stressed after finding about rope worms and especially feeling something moving inside me during nights and eating a food from FODMAP, or which is not from SCD. My constant search to answers lead me to this Ropeworm. But your viewpoint was very enlightening. A meditating person that I am, very well understand things deeply. Of course sometimes I fall off the wagon, but I get back. Articles like yours help.

  • I agree that every disease tells us something.But you’re limiting things to a spiritual/psychological level and that is foolish.The fact is that all pathogens are getting more agressive and new ones are formed because of our collective pollution of the food chain with pesticides,chemicals,GMO’s etc etc combined with the deadly levels of EM radiation.If you want to read a more balanced view on illness consider Ken & Treya Wilber’s “”Do we make ourselves sick””,over 30 years old but more intelligent than all the New Age baloney.Yours truly fred

  • By the way,rope worms are anaerobic so one way or the other,the moment they leave your body they’re dead.You can hug them or kiss them,but they won’t leave you voluntarily cause every life form has a survival instinct and recent research delivers piles of evidence that pathogens inside or body exchange info and DNA to keep us in the most deplorable state without actually killing us.The
    physical world is war and has always been war.The antilope vs.the lion is no different than us versus the rope worms.

  • I think the cure for you is a real good hardcore case of rope worms and candida! People are not compassionate with the needs of others until they suffer themselves. Then, you can go to the mainstream uncaring physicians I went to and try to embarrassingly ask them for help. Put a little humble pie in the mocking heart of yers.

    People are made in the image of God….rope worms are not!

    Serious sufferers, there is a cure circulating for this decrepit rope worm scourge….taking 1/8 teaspoon Wazine 17% with castor oil and orange juice. I found this cure on the fb Volinsky group site, and others are talking about it on such as Ryan, the dark curly haired guy who talks about enema procedures, lyme disease, rope worm, etc.

  • Hi Justin…

    This is a fascinating viewpoint. I do see the point made in recent comments (a positive mindset alone will not free the body of parasites) but your ideology is in fact very true, and necessary. It is one that I naturally found myself practicing when I hit a really low point. Case in point: we can choose to fight or we can choose to heal.

    I picked up something this summer from swimming in a lake. Two months later it was clear that I was suffering from a parasitic infection. At first I was angry, disgusted and filled with despair. My doctor gave me some medication but it didn’t entirely address the problem. I got angrier and started feeling hopeless. I wondered: Would I ever be free? Was this the beginning of dramatic health decline? Would these worms get all over my body and eat me alive?

    It is during this low point that I experienced a natural shift… As you’ve so eloquently described, fighting the parasites had proven not to work and another approach was needed. That’s when I thought, what are these worms here to teach me? What lesson am I to learn from these parasites?

    This shift in thinking was the necessary pivot point I needed to get onto the road of recovery. Engaging in a more loving form of thinking did in fact raise my vibration long enough for me to find other solutions (options that I could not see in my prior state of despair). I began to seek out holistic approaches and set an intention to find the best and most experienced parasitic expert in the city. A shift in energy brought me to a woman who specializes in parasitic detox. Having been through it herself, she knew exactly what to do. She perscribed a combination of herbal remedies and hydrocolon therapy, which I readily agreed to. I am happy to report that these treatment protocols have completely transformed my body and changed my life. The worms are gone but a lot more has left my body, an outcome that no medication could have ever achieved on its own. I discovered that my pH was off, which in turn made my gut an ideal place for a parasite to live in. Now that I’ve reversed this underlying disorder, I’ve see plenty of other parasites that I wasn’t aware of (like candida) leave my body. And you are correct, they’re not all gone but my gut flora has been restored back to a natural (and harmonic) balance with the use of probiotics. The body does in fact need these microbes to function properly. I will say, I don’t agree that we need things like tapeworms, round worms or protozoans! The fact is, if the body is in healthy balance then these things cannot live inside it.

    I think you’re right on point about living out our purpose and how things like this help us to see that we are off track. Since getting healed, I’ve lost 20 lbs, I’m eating better and exercising and I have more energy than I did prior to getting the infection. These changes have enabled me to do more in my life. Before this whole ordeal in had been trying to make changes in my life so that I could make more time for the things I truly wanted to do. Weight loss was part of this plan. It would give me the energy I needed to move forward with the changes but I could never get to the finish line. In contrast, in all but 3-4 weeks, dealing with this parasite holistically has got me to where I wanted to be (and then some). I am so thankful for thia holistic approach that I am now putting a website together with more info on this healing method as I know it will change people’s lives.

    Parasitic infections (read: an imbalance of microbiology within the body) must be dealt with but fighting it is not the answer (unless you need acute medical intervention, like a surgery). You need to shift your mind to transform your body. Do this and your body will do the rest.

  • Hi Iwould like to know whether the rope worm can cause autoimmune disease I’ve passed 5 miter rope worm I September and been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis I January I’m just wondering if this can be related ?

  • I’ve been fighting these things for 3 years, and firmly believe they cannot be eliminated. From MMS, garlic, daily coffeev enemas, rife, chelation, cinnamon, etc….and that’s after medical intervention, that was indeed a waste of my time. I’m getting the most pulls by limiting their food intake. One meal a day… Cinnamon enemas, daily paragone, interphase plus enzymes, etc. I am remarkably better. Even though at 39 ive nearly lost all my teeth and thyroid in the process. I won’t give up, but I won’t wage war either. It only worsens the pathogens. I just have a new normal….but my life and health are getting so much better and fgor that,cim thankful. My goal now is to make sure these pathogens don’t take my kids! They are certainly doing a number on my husband and maybe my goal was to heal just enough so I could save them.

  • I also meant to add that ACV, baking soda, hymalayian salt proto, lemons and alkaline water have recently been pretty huge in my healing. I believe this is a man made pathogen, used to make us all ill so that we are in need of the pharmaceutical company and are lifers giving them all our $. I believe it’s genetically modified, and in our food and drugs, and water. I’ve always been ill, since age 8…..but my symptoms became unbearable when in college the health Dept talked me into getting both a flu and pnuemonia vaccine. As years progressed, it got worse and worse…..I’m also the mother of two vaccine damaged boys, and we live a life without any medical intervention thanks to natural medicine, good diet, and homeopathy. Even our autism specialist, Dr Bradstreet was murdered recently. We are dealing with something far bigger and far deeper, than we could ever comprehend….and it won’t end until someone bigger than us ends it.

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