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We’re all guilty of it. We’ve all made this mistake in time’s past but my hope is that we’re still not making this mistake that in my opinion leads you down one path, and that is disease.

What’s this “mistake” I’m talking about you say?

Remember there’s nothing wrong with a mistake as a mistake is only a reminder that you had a “mis” “take”. Like actors do, you simply redo another “take”.

So what am I talking about here? I’m talking about the mistake of using the microwave to prepare dinner or driving through the drive through on your way home from work one night.

Somewhere along the line we’ve been lied to. We’ve been told by the media and by how our entire society is setup that the kitchen doesn’t matter. We’ve been told that nutrition has nothing to do with disease. We’ve been told that if you have a sickness or terminal illness there’s nothing that can be done through eating a healthy diet.

Changing your lifestyle won’t work on something like cancer. These are lies. But they’re true only if you believe them.

As a result of our fast paced industrial lifestyle men (and women now) are driving through their local hamburger joint after a stressful day of work. They stop and eat their “dinner” while sitting in stressful traffic on the way home from their job they hate.

Where did we go wrong?

Why do so few people spend barely any time in the kitchen? Why is it that we just want to get in and get out? Men don’t think it’s their place to prepare food and women want to prepare something quick and easy so they can have time to do other things.

The Kitchen has traditionally been a sacred place. It was a place where nourishment took place. It was a place to spend lots of time and it many instances it was the “temple” of the home. Typically large gatherings would happen there and it was a place to reflect on the day and connect with our food.

It was a place where we prepared food with love and with intention. It was a place where people would connect over the food they were eating. They would “break bread” together and share their lives over a great home cooked meal.

In the name of progress we decided production was more important than relationships and health. We decided our time would be better spent by working longer and grabbing a bite to eat on the way home.

We reap what we sow.

Today we’re seeing all kinds of chronic degenerative (think of the word degenerative – “de-gene-ing”) diseases. We’re literally de-gene(ing) our DNA as a result of these poor lifestyle choices.

It’s time to value food preparation. It’s time to get back and make the kitchen something sacred. To hell with fast food and drive thrus. We’ve done that, and that doesn’t work.

Let’s get back to the family dinners where all of the members of the family have a job to do for preparing the meal rather than the kids playing video games, the father is working or watching sports and the mother is alone slaving away in the kitchen. Let’s get back to all working together as a family unit to prepare a meal that we can all enjoy.

Even the idea of needing to come together as a family after a long day when we’re all separate from each other is strange. The mother goes off to work, the father goes off to his job and the kids all go to different schools and then we try to force everybody together over a meal.

This idea seems strange to me. It seems odd to have every member of the family go to different places every single day and then be forced to come together over dinner thereby creating extra stress and tension.

Doesn’t this seem weird to you?

I know everyone’s lives are different but it seems to me the home should be more of a homestead where most things are done within the area of the home. It isn’t until modern society comes into the picture that we have cars and people can go to work 40 miles a way from the home.

Be that as it may, at least up until the mid 1950’s people did come home and have that time together in the kitchen and at the dinner table.

Now we have neither. Both parents and the children all go their separate ways during the day and when they all come home at various times during the evening, nobody eats together.

I think it’s time to get back to spending time in the kitchen and preparing healthy clean foods to eat. It’s time to place more value on food preparation and putting loving intention into each of our meals.

If you don’t learn kitchen skills and don’t take care of your health beginning in the kitchen, it’s going to be stripped from you later on in life.

Let’s get back to old school values.

What do you think? Do you think I’m nuts or I’m on to something here?

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About the author

Justin is a natural health advocate and health researcher. He has been studying alternative health, nutrition, longevity and disease prevention since 2003 when he became a 100% raw food vegan until 2010. Initially motivated by his mom's non Hodgkin's lymphoma diagnosis in 1995, Justin seeks to provide natural remedies for chronic health conditions often demonized by the mainstream medical industrial complex. He started Extreme Health Radio in 2010 and strives to provide empowering content designed to give you the necessary tools to heal naturally.


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