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Screen-Shot-2012-10-12-at-2.43.58-PMMany people I’ve read and listened to over the years have said that there are really only two human emotions, love and fear. And all feelings and desire stem from those two emotions.

For sake of argument we’ll assume that is true for just a moment.

Have you found that your motivations for doing certain things are based out of one of those two emotions? Think about your life for a moment and the real reasons why we do what we do.

I’m sure if we really thought about our true core motivation for doing certain things, you can follow them to either love or fear.

You’re late to work one day, you’re afraid of what your boss will say to you if you’re even 5 minutes late.

Perhaps you take that job because you’re afraid of living on the streets.

I’m not saying there is anything wrong with acting out of certain emotions. But being aware of what we’re doing is a great first step.

Being cautious is different than acting out of complete fear. If you’re trying to cross the street, you’re cautious right? You look both ways before you step out willy nilly into the street.

Nothing wrong with that.

If you were dominated by fear you wouldn’t even leave the house because you were so afraid.

Tying this into health makes me think of some interesting ideas, at least for me in my own life.

Asking myself the question, am I living this way because I want to avoid getting cancer and dying young or am I doing all this in order to have endless energy, excitement and live life to the fullest?

Interesting questions we can ask ourselves right?

Am I afraid of dying so I do what I can in order to avoid getting some kind of disease? Or am I living this way in order to have the health and vitality I need in order to accomplish my life’s work here on earth?

It’s important I believe to always be moving towards something in the direction we want to go, instead of away from something else.

Dr. Bruce Lipton has taught us that what we think about on the subconscious level can actually manifest in our lives. We are all energetic beings and if we have subconscious thoughts of getting cancer, diabetes or having a heart attack, it’s very probably these things can actually show up in our lives.

Health more than anything is more about energy, vibration and most importantly emotion. It’s incredible to think that diet, fitness and nutrition really take a back seat to stress, emotional mastery and energy.

Who would have thought right?

So what can we do about making sure we have emotional mastery in our lives?

This is a subject we can literally write an entire book about.

But I’ll just list some things Kate and I do in our lives that might help you with this.

We practice yoga as much as we can. We don’t make a big deal about it otherwise it becomes stressful rushing around trying not to be late to yoga class thereby defeating the whole purpose. I would encourage you to find a yoga class in your area or look into the work of Lucas Rockwood from Yoga Body Naturals or get some DVD’s from Rainbeau Mars. She’s got some great ones available and you can do these in your home.

I like to do Qigong and The Five Rites every single day to release stress. I also do meditation each day as well before bed along with some stretching with candles on. This really helps me to wind down. Spending time reading is another great thing. Whether you read the Bible or a great book, I highly encourage you do get into the habit of reading every single day.

Also don’t take things personally. Just realize that people are only interacting with the version of you that you give to them. It’s like an act. We all act in a way to others in order to present our best selves to them.

When people do mean or hurtful things to you, it’s only becasue they are the ones acting out of fear and they really don’t even know you.

Doing some reading each day, perhaps doing a massage, yoga, Qigong and not taking things personally will take you a long way in lowering the stress and fear in your own life.

We want to build all of these health practices up in a way that has at its foundation, love and not fear. A love for life and a love for others. We never want to be drinking green juices and doing enemas becasue we’re afraid of getting sick.

We want to do these things in order to become the best people we can be in order to better serve the world. Don’t you think?

I mean, that makes sense right?

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About the author

Justin is a natural health advocate and health researcher. He has been studying alternative health, nutrition, longevity and disease prevention since 2003 when he became a 100% raw food vegan until 2010. Initially motivated by his mom's non Hodgkin's lymphoma diagnosis in 1995, Justin seeks to provide natural remedies for chronic health conditions often demonized by the mainstream medical industrial complex. He started Extreme Health Radio in 2010 and strives to provide empowering content designed to give you the necessary tools to heal naturally.


Cancer, Emotions, Fear, Love

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