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Author: Justin Stellman   Date: 
October 12, 2024

The research I’m reading is saying that you can increase your lifespan by heavy metal cleansing on a regular basis.

We’ll dive into exactly how that works from a physiological perspective more in this article.

If you can increase your lifespan it stands to reason that you should be able to reverse a disease that’s caused by heavy metal toxicity.

Makes sense right? If an accumulation of heavy metals is causing an illness, then cleansing and detoxifying the heavy metals would theoretically allow your body to return to homeostasis aka better health.

When I got into natural and holistic health in 2003 I learned very quickly about heavy metals and what they do to our body. I also learned the profound health benefits of heavy metal cleansing.

These days I follow a yearly detoxification protocol and heavy metal cleansing is one of the yearly detox cleanses that I do.

So let’s first take a look at what are heavy metals and what makes them different from just metal? Should we even have metal in our body to begin with?

What are Heavy Metals?

A metal is a pretty broad category of elements that are normally hard, shiny, malleable, ductile, and relatively good conductors of electricity and heat. Some examples would be iron (Fe), copper (Cu), and aluminum (Al).

Heavy metals on the other hand are elements with high density or atomic weights that can be toxic even at low concentrations, distinguishing them from regular metals, which may not necessarily have the same harmful effects at comparable levels. Some examples of heavy metals that you’d recognize are lead (Pb), mercury (Hg), cadmium (Cd), and arsenic (As).

The main health concern about heavy metals and metals in general is that some metals we need to function like zinc, copper etc but there’s a threshold where you can get too much of a bad thing. The threshold for each substance is different so it makes it difficult to figure out how much you should be getting.

And with that said, there’s a phrase amongst doctors that says “Get 4 doctors in a room and you’ll have 5 different opinions”. The same is true with natural health influencers, researchers (like me) and authors. Every person has their unique perspective so it’s up to each one of us to do our own research.

To give you an example of this, most alternative health people talk about copper toxicity and how toxic copper is. So we had on Jason Hommel the author of The Copper Revolution who argues the exact opposite.

So that’s just one example, based on one metal (copper) where a researcher has a completely different perspective. Just note that for each “heavy metal” there are probably dozens of people with completely opposite perspectives based on their health research.

So I’ll post that interview about copper below if you’re interested.

Below is a list of heavy metals

  • Mercury
  • Lead
  • Arsenic
  • Cadmium
  • Aluminum
  • Nickel
  • Uranium
  • Thallium
  • Manganese (in excess)
  • Iron (in high levels)
  • Lithium (in high levels)
  • Zinc (in high levels)
  • Calcium (in high levels)
  • Copper (in excess)
  • Chromium
  • Selenium (in excess)​

Dangers of Heavy Metals

There are many ways heavy metals impact our health which I will get into below. But fundamentally what heavy metals seem to do is impact energy production in the mitochondria.

At a core level, energy is the currency of our body and our health. If we cannot generate enough energy we will not be able to fight disease and biological processes will not function. As a result of this, we end up dying from said disease.

A bioaccumulation of heavy metals causes oxidative stress within your body. Another word for oxidative stress is electron loss.

Every molecule in the body needs to have an even amount of paired electrons. When it loses one electron (going from 4 to 3 for example) another molecule will donate an electron (these donations of electrons happen from antioxidants). This causes a cascade where electron donation is happened rapidly all over the body.

When there’s not enough electrons and antioxidants providing them, this is called oxidative stress. Oxidative stress will lead to cell death and tissue damage, which both drive chronic diseases.

When oxidative stress happens on the inner mitochondrial membrane electrons cannot pass from complex one to two, to three to four. Complex 4 is called cytochrome c-oxidase where ATP or adenosine triphosphate (energy) gets created. Oxidative stress breaks down this membrane preventing energy from being made.

Heavy metals cause oxidative stress very rapidly in the body. This is why heavy metal cleansing is critical for your health and longevity.

Because heavy metals prevent your body from making energy, you’ll notice many health issues happen as a result like….

Cognitive Decline

Heavy metal accumulation can damage the brain and nervous system, leading to symptoms like memory loss, brain fog, poor concentration, and neurological disorders. It may even mimic conditions like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and multiple sclerosis​.

Organ Damage

Heavy metals can cause damage to vital organs such as the liver, kidneys, heart, and endocrine glands, impairing their function over time​.

Chronic Fatigue

Heavy metal toxicity contributes to low energy levels and chronic fatigue, making it difficult for individuals to recover from physical exertion​.

Autoimmune Diseases

Exposure to heavy metals can trigger or worsen autoimmune diseases, such as Lyme disease, by weakening the immune system​.

Cancer Risk

Long-term exposure to metals like arsenic, cadmium, and lead has been linked to various forms of cancer, including lung, kidney, bladder, stomach, brain, and liver cancers​​.

Developmental Issues

In children and unborn babies, heavy metal exposure can result in developmental delays, cognitive impairment, and other long-term health issues​.

Reproductive Issues

Heavy metals can negatively impact reproductive health, causing issues such as fertility problems and developmental problems in newborns​.

Cardiovascular Problems

Heavy metals like lead and cadmium have been associated with an increased risk of heart attacks and cardiovascular diseases​.

Digestive Issues

Toxic heavy metals can cause digestive problems such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea​.

Skin Irritation

Heavy metal toxicity can manifest as skin rashes, irritation, or other dermatological issues​.

Tremors and Impaired Motor Control

Chronic exposure can lead to physical symptoms such as tremors, poor motor coordination, impaired speech, and vision​​.

Here’s a list of diseases associated with heavy metal toxicity, along with scientific research papers to read.

Where Do We Get Heavy Metals


Heavy metals are ubiquitous which means they’re in our air food and water. Unfortunately our soils are highly contaminated with heavy metals. This means spices and root vegetables like ginger, beets, carrots, turmeric can be loaded with heavy metals.

They’re also in many farmed fish like tilefish, swordfish, shark, king mackerel, and bigeye tuna. 

Non organic fruits and vegetables can absorb heavy metals through their skin. Non organic fruits and veggies can be high in cadmium and led. These crops are sprayed like crazy with herbicides and pesticides which can contain heavy metals along with other petrochemicals.

Other foods high in heavy metals are brown rice which can be very high in arsenic. Make note where these foods are grown. Many time other countries may have less stringent regulations on farms and crops which could be a major problem.

This is why it’s so important to follow these guidelines for your food choices no matter what diet you follow…

  • Organic
  • Non GMO
  • Local
  • Raw
  • Fresh
  • Ripe
  • In season
  • On time (that means eating food at the correct time)


There is no doubt that airborne pollutants from chemical plants and industrial plants emit thousands of pounds of heavy metals into our air per year. This isn’t even account for tire dust, restaurants, freeways and airports.

Also metals like lead, cadmium, and mercury are often present in emissions from factories, power plants, and incinerators. These metals can bind to airborne particles which can be inhaled when you breathe and deposited into your lungs. This is why I recommend a high quality air filter and routinely taking care of your lung health.

We didn’t even mention cigarette smoke which is is another common source of heavy metal exposure, as it contains harmful metals such as cadmium.

Even indoor air in your home or office can be a source of contamination, particularly in older buildings with lead-based paint or in homes using products that release metal particles into the air, like certain household cleaners or dust from metallic surfaces. Continuous exposure to polluted air can lead to the accumulation of these metals in the body, contributing to a range of health issues​​​.


Well water is very high in iron and other heavy metals. If you go onto the EWG Tap Water Database you can search by your zip code and see just how toxic your municipal water actually is. In municipal water supplies, contamination often happens mostly due to the corrosion of old lead pipes and plumbing fixtures, which can release lead into your drinking water. If you don’t want to be drinking lead, I would HIGHLY encourage to get a high quality water filter.


Industrial waste runoff, like mining operations or metal processing plants, can put heavy metals like mercury, arsenic, and cadmium into your drinking water.

If you’re on well water, listen up….

Well water is very susceptible to contamination if your well is anywhere near agricultural areas that use fertilizers or pesticides that contain heavy metals, or near landfills and waste disposal sites where metals can leach into the groundwater. In both cases, trace metals like aluminum and chromium can also make their way into the water, posing long-term health risks to those who rely on these water sources​​​.

Another place most people don’t think about when it comes to heavy metals is from mercury fillings. You could also search: Evidence of Harm Mercury Fillings Documentary.

Heavy Metal Cleansing Options

Chelation Therapy

This is a medical treatment where you get chelating agents, like EDTA, that bind to heavy metals in your body so you can flush them out through urine. I recommend this to be done under a natural doctor’s supervision. It seems to work well for metals like lead, mercury, and arsenic​​.

Detoxifying Foods

Adding certain foods to your diet can naturally boost your body’s detox process. Foods that are really high in sulfur—think garlic and onions—help your liver detox, while leafy greens, citrus fruits, berries, and herbs like cilantro and parsley can bind to metals and help flush them out. Chlorella and spirulina are also great for detox, especially when it comes to mercury​​.


Drink lots of filtered water. It helps your body flush out toxins, including heavy metals, and keeps your kidneys—key players in detox—working properly​.

Activated Charcoal

This can bind to toxins, including heavy metals, in your gut and help you get rid of them through your stool. Just be careful with it, as it might also absorb some essential nutrients​​. I take my activated charcoal at night before bed a few hours after eating dinner.


Boost your natural detox with supplements like glutathione, vitamin C, and probiotics. They’re awesome at supporting your body’s detox pathways. Milk thistle is also great for liver health, and cilantro tinctures can help bind and remove metals​​.

Supplements for the win!

Sweating and Exercise

Sauna therapy is critical for your health and to detoxify heavy metals through sweat. There are so many infrared sauna benefits I cannot even go over them here. Sweating helps your body get rid of metals through your skin. Regular workouts or sauna sessions can flush out metals like lead, arsenic, and mercury​. Sauna therapy is ideal though.

Benefits of Heavy Metal Cleansing

More Energy

Cleansing your body of heavy metals can lead to more energy because it reduces the toxic load on your cells, especially in the mitochondria, which are responsible for producing energy. When heavy metals accumulate, they disrupt how your mitochondria function, leading to fatigue and low energy levels. By flushing out these metals, your cells can work more efficiently, boosting your overall energy and vitality​​.

Improved Digestion

Cleansing heavy metals can really help with digestion because it takes a load off your gut. When your body’s dealing with metals like lead or mercury, it can mess with your digestive enzymes, leading to issues like bloating, cramps, or even nausea. Once you clear out those toxins, your gut can process food more smoothly, so you feel less bloated and more comfortable after meals​​.

Mental Clarity

Detoxing from heavy metals can seriously improve mental clarity. When metals like mercury and lead build up, they mess with how your brain functions, leading to brain fog, trouble focusing, and even mood swings. Once you flush out those toxins, your mind feels clearer, and it’s easier to concentrate and think sharply throughout the day​​.

Better Sleep

Cleansing your body of heavy metals can lead to better sleep. When heavy metals accumulate, they can disrupt your nervous system and throw off your body’s natural rhythms, making it harder to relax and fall asleep. By detoxing these metals, you can restore a more balanced state, which helps you unwind and get deeper, more restful sleep at night​​.


As you can see I’m a huge fan of heavy metal cleansing when you do it on a regular basis. I do a heavy metal detox once per year. I think it’s important to do things daily to cleanse the body of heavy metals, parasites, toxins and chemicals. Then once a year do a big cleanse.


  1. Do you have any symptoms of heavy metal poisoning?
  2. Have you ever done a heavy metal cleanses? If so, how did you feel?
  3. Would you considering doing another detox program for heavy metals?

Comment below!

Justin Stellman

About the author

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