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I had been into natural healing for 15 years before I even heard of the benefits of dragon’s blood.

In fact I hadn’t even heard of dragon’s blood. The first time I heard it I thought is this stuff blood from a dragon? It couldn’t be. But why would they call something “dragon’s blood”.

Then when I heard about all the health benefits of it, I had to do some research and then try it.

That’s how I usually do things. I’ll hear claims and then I’ll do my own research on a certain product. Then I’ll try it for a few months and end up writing an article about it or doing a show on it.

This article is going to be just that, sharing my own research and experience about all the health benefits of dragon’s blood.

But first….

What Is Dragon’s Blood?

Dragon’s blood is a bright red resin that comes from the fruit, bark, or sap of several plant species, primarily from the Daemonorops, Dracaena, Croton, and Pterocarpus genera. Despite the mythical name, it’s entirely plant-based.

I’ll get into some studies below but it is the highest antioxidant substance in the world. The only thing that rivals is is melatonin and molecular hydrogen. Melatonin isn’t as powerful but it is able to donate electrons up to 9 times before it becomes oxidized. Molecular hydrogen is an electron donor as well but it is more powerful as an antioxidant because of it’s size.

Molecular hydrogen is able to repair DNA. It is 0.15 nanometers wide. It turns out that 3 million hydrogen molecules can fit across the width of a single strand of human hair. Pretty remarkable. So hydrogen is a potent antioxidant because of it’s size. It’s so small there’s nowhere in the body that it cannot penetrate.

But dragon’s blood is a food and it’s a supplement you can take on a daily basis. Hydrogen is a gas you can breath or add to water but it can be expensive.

This is why I love dragon’s blood so much.

5 Health Benefits of Dragon’s Blood

1. Lowers Inflammation

Inflammation is electron loss. When molecules in our body lose electrons, they become unstable and become oxidized by light, heat and oxygen inside our body. This is why we want to consume high antioxidant foods.

And dragon’s blood is the highest antioxidant food on the planet.

• Dragon’s Blood: 2,897,110 ORAC score
• Clove: 314,446 ORAC score
• Cinnamon: 267,537 ORAC score
• Oregano: 159,277 ORAC score
• Chaga : 147,828 ORAC score
• Turmeric: 102,700 ORAC score
• Cocoa: 80,933 ORAC score
• Cumin: 76,800 ORAC score
• Parsley (dried): 74,349 ORAC score
• Basil: 67,553 ORAC score
• Ginger: 28,811 ORAC score
• Thyme: 27,426 ORAC score

Dragon’s Blood Inhibits Chronic Inflammatory and Neuropathic Pain Responses by Blocking the Synthesis and Release of Substance P in Rats

These findings indicate that DB (dragon’s blood) exerts anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects by blocking the synthesis and release of substance P through inhibition of COX-2 protein induction and intracellular calcium ion concentration. Therefore, DB may serve as a promising potent therapeutic agent for treatment of chronic pain, and its effective component CB might partly contribute to anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. – Source

2. Anti Cancer

You could say that cancer is a form of massive oxidative stress. When your body is in fight or flight (a stressed state) all day everyday, cells to replicate properly and they don’t die (apoptosis) and get discarded properly though your normal elimination organs (lungs, colon, liver, kidneys).

Cancer is oxidative stress on steroids. Dragon’s blood is what puts out the fires of inflammation.

Rutin exerts antitumor effects on nude mice bearing SW480 tumor

RTN (3-rhamnosyl-glucosylquercetin which is in extremely high amounts in dragon’s blood) exerts in vitro cytotoxic effects on SW480 cells, induces in vivo antitumor effects, lacks toxic effects on mice bearing SW480 tumor and exerts antiangiogenic properties. – Source

3. Anti Fungal

Fungal spores occur in the body when the body is under stress and tissues are dying. This is called candida and sometimes referred to as yeast infection. By bringing in powerful antioxidants like dragon’s blood on a regular basis, you can dramatically reduce cell death and therefore inflammation and stop the cycle of cell death and fungal growth.

In vitro antifungal activity of dragon’s blood from Croton urucurana against dermatophytes

dragon’s blood (0.175-3.0 mg/ml) exhibited an inhibition zone range of 7.6-26.9 mm against all the tested fungi with minimal inhibitory concentrations of 1.25-2.5 mg/ml. – Source

4. Blood Sugar

Dragon’s blood has shown potential to help lower high blood sugar levels by improving insulin sensitivity and reducing glucose absorption in the gut.

Effect of Sanguis draconis (a dragon’s blood resin) on streptozotocin- and cytokine-induced β-cell damage, in vitro and in vivo

…the molecular mechanism by which SDEE inhibits iNOS gene expression appears to involve the inhibition of NF-κB activation. These results suggest the possible therapeutic value of S. draconis and could be potentially developed into a novel drug for preventing the progression of diabetes mellitus. –Source

5. Antibacterial

Dragon’s blood has some pretty powerful compounds in it like phenols and flavonoids that some studies I’ve seen have been shown to stop the growth of bacteria. Other studies have shown its effectiveness against pathogens like Staphylococcus aureus. I know all my wrestling and Brazilian jiu jitsu athletes will be happy to hear this! Lol

Cytotoxic and antibacterial flavonoids from dragon’s blood of Dracaena cambodiana

As a result, compounds 1, 2, 5, 7, and 9 showed cytotoxicity against K-562, SMMC-7721, and SGC-7901 cell lines. All these compounds were observed to exhibit antibacterial activities against S. aureus, and compounds 1- 4, 6, 8, and 9 were observed to exhibit antibacterial activity against MRSA. – Source

How I Take Dragon’s Blood

As you can see there are so many benefits of dragon’s blood and I only highlighted 5 of them here in this article. I could have gone on forever. I simply take 2 capsules per day at lunch with my main meal of the day.

I like to take it with food rather than on an empty stomach. Usually I just take Nattokinase on an empty stomach.

With high antioxidant foods I always take them with food.

I also make sure to double up on my dosing if I’m going to get an Xray or go through an airport scanner etc. If I know I’m going to be in a high stress environment (like an airplane flight, living in a high rise or working on the 10th floor of a building, I always make sure to have my dragon’s blood with me!).

Why I Take Dragon’s Blood

Stress is ubiquitous in our world and as a result, your body loses electrolytes, key minerals, vitamins and antioxidants at a rapid rate. It has been said that the average human being living in the western world today, experiences more stress in one day than our ancestors did in their entire life.

I don’t know how to quantify that or verify that but the point is we’re living in extremely stressful times and the result of that stress is sickness, illness and disease at record levels.

Loading your body up with antioxidants just makes sense to deal with this stress. I take many forms of antioxidants both fat soluble and water soluble. I also take molecular hydrogen and melatonin but the core of my antioxidant supplementation is dragon’s blood.


I hope you learned more about this ancient mystical tree resin that is Dragon’s blood and will consider adding it to your current supplements stack. I tell my friends and family to try it for 30 days and see the kind of results you get!


  1. What’s your stress level like?
  2. Has it gone up in recent years? Why?
  3. What do you do to combat stress?

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About the author

Justin is a natural health advocate and health researcher. He has been studying alternative health, nutrition, longevity and disease prevention since 2003 when he became a 100% raw food vegan until 2010. Initially motivated by his mom's non Hodgkin's lymphoma diagnosis in 1995, Justin seeks to provide natural remedies for chronic health conditions often demonized by the mainstream medical industrial complex. He started Extreme Health Radio in 2010 and strives to provide empowering content designed to give you the necessary tools to heal naturally.


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