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So for those of you who have been asking lately (God bless you) about pictures of my recent enema activity-here they are. I know some may think this disgusting-but it’s my experience and I have also received email after email asking to see these photos as well as many of you have shared emails with me of similar experiences, so by my publishing these pictures I’ll take one for the team.

Enemas are not for the weak. But I do think they are for everyone. I was once among the ‘weak’-thinking how disgusting as well as how time consuming this process seems to be. However as of late (especially the past 6 months) enemas have become something near and dear to my heart. I really do mean this. What once seemed a laborious process has turned into a ‘spa-day’ of sorts.

I have to say that I have almost read an entire two books just by the time spent reading during my daily enemas. At times though there is no reading-just candles and music…or sometimes just a quiet little catnap. I have come to not only appreciate this time set aside for just me to be quiet and still and with my own self-but my body is obviously appreciating it as well.

The first photos are of different worms and such that have made their way out of my system which was a pretty eye opening experience the first time something of this nature is expelled. It was a good month or so I’d say before I really started to experience this magnitude of cleansing.

The second set of pictures is what came out a few weeks back. I had been on a three day silent retreat and really felt like some emotional as well as physical healing was taking place in my life. (which I will be catching up and blogging about this as well in days to come) The very night I returned home from this retreat experience I felt a push (which I believe was God encouraging me) to return to coffee enemas that night after having had taken the time off during my solitude.

So I went with my gut (no pun intended) and did one that evening (even though it was a tad late for my liking, as I tend to do them a bit earlier in the day as they do give quite an energy boost at times)…

What came out was astonishing to me. This material was very different from anything I had and have yet to experience again as of to date. In my humble opinion it is what looks like pieces of flesh (I think they looked like pieces of a broken up tumor) and they were floating around separate from any of the coffee matter that had been expelled. So I scooped them up with disposable gloves, washed them off and had them sent to a lab for testing.

Well, the verdict came back that these substances were indeed just ‘regular fecal matter’ and that it was nothing to worry about.

As happy as this obviously made me I was also a tad in disbelief at this news. I don’t know about you, but have you seen this kind of matter ever come out? To me it seemed very odd and I have a hard time believing that this was a ‘normal’ substance that everyone sees and has come out of them. I mean-I am 35 years old and how many other times have I had this happen? Right.


Recently I had the opportunity to show these pictures to a doctor who I trust, and in her opinion she agreed that this did not seem to be ‘normal’ fecal matter. Made me feel a bit more validated in my opinions regarding what this really was. I asked the question though-“was the lab wrong then? How could they not know or give me false information”?

My doctor friend reminded me that the world of labs and results is among the many parts of a very political system of which we cannot even begin to imagine. Which posed a very good question in my mind-“Why would a lab expose the true nature of this substance if indeed it was something that was a bigger deal than regular fecal matter-if this was expelled through a home coffee enema?” Wow. Imagine.

It just brings up a few thoughts I hadn’t thought of before. Could it be that ‘they’ don’t want the general public to know the power we have in taking matters into our own hands in regards to our healing and the methods we choose? And if in fact the tested matter was something other than what they claimed (whether it be benign matter or not) maybe it’s a crazy thought but maybe they wouldn’t want that information to be widespread-that you can basically get foreign substances that don’t belong in your body out of your body all by yourself, for every little money and without surgery or pharmaceutical drugs?… JUST a thought.

Whatever it was I am certainly glad it is no longer in my body. I feel like it was a wake up call to what is really going on and a very powerful reminder to watch what I take into my body on a daily basis-as well as my personal responsibility to assist my body in detoxing what no longer serves me.






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  • Wow, thank you for sharing Kate!

    It looks extremely fascinating and frightening to think what we could have inside us and not even know :/

    I agree with you about your ‘unknown matter’ definitely not looking like ‘normal fecal matter… I was just browsing the web for information on liver flushes and came across this pic… Definitely not the same thing but looks a little familiar to me!


  • Hi Suzanne!! Kate here. I’m so glad you found us and that I also am not alone. I’m so sorry for how long it has taken for me to get back to you! 🙁

    Have you tried any of the Dewormer products from The Barefoot Herbalist? I hear they’re AMAZING but I have yet to try them.

    Please let me know what you’ve tried for getting rid of worms and parasites and what has worked for you!

    Thanks friend! 🙂

    – Kate

  • This is what came out, with a coffee enema, zapping and mebendazole. It is a large spoon. I sent it to the hospital to check it out, and the result was that it was just poop.. My doctor said it had to be something else that only poop.. But the hospital that was checking this, said it was only poop… And I got out a lot of this after…. I have done coffee enema for 4 months now, and I can not see any of this big one now.

    • Wow Siv that’s absolutely disgusting and encouraging all at the same time. I agree, it has to be something more than just waste. Can you share with us how much Mebendazole you took and for how long? Also how much zapping did you do and how often did you do the coffee enemas? If you shared that with us it would help tremendously!

      By the way Kate and I are on this parasite cleanse, you might want to try it. 🙂

  • Wow is all I can say. I’ve been so turned off by the thought of coffee enemas, but your photos of what is actually coming out of your body makes me want to try them. I don’t want that junk hanging out in my body for God knows how long. Does the process hurt? I think that’s one of the reasons why I’m leery of them…. also, do you experience discomfort when your body is actually purging itself of the things like what you’re showing in the photos? Just curious…

  • I have also seen these what i think are worms also in my stool off and on over about 5 years, i have had chronic diarrhea now for 3 weeks. i took activated charcoal last week trying to see if it would pass and saw the same ones that are in your pictures. i went to a gastro last week and am waiting back for results from my stool sample. I am taking it upon myself to do more days of activated charcoal and herbal drops to rid parasites. I just want this constant diarrhea to stop. I just ordered an enema to do at home. tank you for sharing.

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