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Fears-are-storiesIt seems like from the moment we’re born we’re being programmed for fear. If you think about it, fear is almost like an essential ingredient in order to participate in this modern society we live in.

Every single day we operate on fear. Fear is everywhere. We’re afraid of getting bad grades, we’re afraid of what other people think of us, we’re afraid of failing, we’re afraid of losing somebody, we’re afraid of regret. I could think of a thousand other things we’re afraid of in this life.

How does this fear related to disease or being healthy you say?

Well today we had on Dr. Leonard Coldwell. This is a guy whose given lectures and seminars in front of 75,000 people. He’s written over 19 books and has had over 35,000 cancer patients with a 92.3% success rate.

Of all the causes of cancer there could be (GMO’s, chemicals, toxins, hormones, sugar etc.) guess what his answer was after all these years?

Wait for it….

You guessed it, stress.

To me that seems crazy and makes sense all at the same time.

Stress is the natural outcome of fear, anger, resentment and so on. Stress is the logical outcome of these emotions.

As Kate and I were walking to the beach today after the interview, we were talking about how important it is to reduce stress in all areas of life.

We came to an interesting correlation.

Remember the germ theory vs the terrain theory? For those that don’t remember, the germ theory says that all germs and bacteria are bad and we must kill them before they kill us.

The terrain theory says that we shouldn’t care what germs are there as long as our own internal terrain and ecosystem is vibrant and healthy.

We applied this same theory to fear and stress reduction on the emotional level.

I love all the stuff that Alex Jones and Mike Adams puts out. I think there’s a need for that information because it does us no good to live under a rock and not be aware of what’s going on.

But on the other hand they’re not always offering empowering information are they? I mean what’s the difference between the fear that they’re talking about (Monsanto controlling all our food, chemtrails killins us, fluoride in our water systems etc) and the fear from the other side of the media coin on the nightly news?

Again don’t get me wrong, I love Mike Adams and Alex Jones but I’m just saying we need to protect our own internal mental and emotional environment like a mamma bear protects her young cubs.

It’s all fear.

What if we decided one day, today that we’re simply not going to live a life based on fear. We’re not going to get stressed out and be afraid of what others think.

How do we do that? Well I can get into that in subsequent articles but the first step is to guard our hearts and minds from anything that creates fear in our lives.

This means getting rid of any media input of any kind that does not empower us.

It doesn’t matter that they might be building underground bases or declaring martial law in Boston after the marathon bombings that’s unconstitutional.

What’s really important is that we don’t live in fear. All of that stuff is what’s going on “out there” and has nothing to do with us.

If we have no filter we’ll be afraid of even walking down the street.

It does us no good if we eat only organic food, exercise at the gym, eat grass fed meats and make green juices if at the same time we’re watching the evening news being programmed by mass media.

It’s an all encompassing journey that doesn’t just depend on what we consume. Health is much more holistic than that. Being healthy involves the emotional, mental and spiritual levels as well.

Just like the germ theory vs the terrain theory holds true for the physical world, let’s start applying the terrain principles to our emotional, spiritual and mental life as well and see where that takes us.

I’m sure it’s going to be a wild ride for you as it has for Kate and I.

What do you think?

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About the author

Justin is a natural health advocate and health researcher. He has been studying alternative health, nutrition, longevity and disease prevention since 2003 when he became a 100% raw food vegan until 2010. Initially motivated by his mom's non Hodgkin's lymphoma diagnosis in 1995, Justin seeks to provide natural remedies for chronic health conditions often demonized by the mainstream medical industrial complex. He started Extreme Health Radio in 2010 and strives to provide empowering content designed to give you the necessary tools to heal naturally.


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