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Timothy Hickey from (use code: extremehealth for a discount) joined us to talk about some top of the line water filtration systems for our house. Many people think that the water we have coming out of our sinks, toilets and shower faucets is fine and there’s nothing to worry about.

Nothing can be further from the truth.

People that say such things don’t understand the complexities of water. Water is a noble element and is highly conductive and is able to hold information. That’s why when water is nicely structured in a 6 sided hexagon shape we say that it’s in “formation”.

Also water is easily impressionable and can carry with it many impurities like homeopathic residues from chemotherapy and prescription drugs.

Do you think the cancer industry is concerned with the fact that chemotherapy patients are urinating and defecating these toxic chemicals into our municipal water system?

I don’t think so.

Other issues in our water are chlorine (linked to cancer), chloramine (when chlorine gets combined with ammonia), fluoride, lead, aluminum, calcium (known to cause calcification and all disease as a result of nano bacteria contained within it) and that’s only naming a few chemicals.

The water is run through lead or copper pipes, pressurized and has a lot of problems with it.

Personally I think that after you filter the water with one of the many amazing water filters from you should perform some alchemy on it. First I’d recommend vortexing it or spinning it in something like a Vitalizer Plus so that it gets structured.

When water is structured it looks like a honeycomb and the molecules are actually smaller. So the water is “wetter”. This means it can penetrate the cells, deliver nutrients (like vitamins and minerals) and then actually cleanse the cells themselves.

Have you ever drank a stomach full of water and urinated it right out? It’s most likely because it is not structured so it’s not getting directly to your cells.

When you structure it in a Vitalizer, you could add in some MSM powder or some fresh squeezed lemon to add some life, enzymes, minerals and alkalinity to it. Lemon is great for hydration.

Water is able to hold information in it and is highly complex on so many levels. I don’t even think the smartest scientists in the world even have a clue as to just how complex this substance is.

So don’t just go around drinking tap water. Or as I like to call it “tap liquid”. In about 20 minutes water actually becomes your blood. What are you making your blood out of?

The first step is to filter your water with some filters from (use code: extremehealth for more of a discount). We’re so glad to finally hook up with Timothy Hickey and his company to offer what we think are some of the best water filters on the market today.

After you listen, comment below and tell us what you think!

We discuss the following and so much more:

  • The problems with reverse osmosis
  • How his filters differ from Britta and other well known brands
  • The difference between bathing or showering vs drinking the water
  • The dangers of fluoride, chlorine and heavy metals on our health
  • What KDF filters are
  • How his products celebrate water
  • How much they cost on average
  • How long they last
  • How much it costs to replace the filters
  • And so much more!

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Show Date: Wednesday 4/24/2013
Show Guest: Timothy Hickey
Guest Info: is a family-owned and family-run business, founded in January 2006, with a web site, online store and free subscription ezine. We work to save water, filter water and celebrate water. Our offices are in northern California. We ship from different places around the country.

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Topic: Water filters
Guest Website(s): (use code: extremehealth for more of a discount)

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Items Mentioned: The Great Culling movie on water
Our interview with Dr. David Kennedy on water

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Duration/Size: 01:12:19 / 67.82 MB
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Coming soon. Thanks for your patience!

Here’s a few more weight optimization tips for your file …

(1) Whales or giant sea turtles kept in captivity don’t grow as large as they do in the ocean.

Deep diving into high pressure is what activates weight gain.

A similar effect occurs when a baby is expelled from a highly pressurized womb into the less pressurized environment to enter the world with the typical puffy-cheeked, balloon-like “popcorn” baby face.

Leslie Sabbagh (“Keeping the Beat,” Popular Mechanics, April 2005) wrote …

“Take away gravity and the human machine hardly knows how to behave. The gut rebels, sending food back up the esophagus; blood and other fluids shift upward too, giving astronauts puffy faces; and the volume of blood swells in the eyes’ tiny vessels, shortening focal length and decreasing near vision acuity.”

“Sending food back up the esophagus” – think GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease).

“Decreasing near vision acuity” – think myopia (near-sightedness) and presbyopia (“old eyes”).

(2) Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) said …

“There’s no such thing as weight loss or weight gain. It’s all constriction and dilation.”

Scientists know a single fat cell can expand 1,000 times, but what really is responsible for the expansion?

(3) My proudest moment at the gym was when someone asked, “Are you on steroids?”

Adano renamed me “Schwarzenberger.”

I combined semi-conventional ways of bodybuilding with Adano’s advice about the role of gaseous pressurization and fluid dynamics.

The “pump” is more than simple hydraulics.

Later I yawned, burped, and farted all my “muscle” and “fat” away, and I’m so skinny again you’ll see more “meat” in a five-cent taco.

(4) Adano (during a Solar Nutrition workshop at Scandia Health Food Store in California) pointed to a photo of a bodybuilder on a can of protein powder and boasted …

“See that guy with all his muscles? Give him to me for thirty minutes and I’ll make him yawn and fart all that muscle away.”

(5) A student of Master Chen (Yun Xiang Tseng) told me the following story …

He was amazed to watch Chen put away plate after plate after plate of food.

Chen read his mind and told him …

“I don’t shit. I turn it all into Qi.”

(6) “A sound heart is the life of the flesh,” according to Proverbs 14:30.

Burning calories is the job of the Third Chakra, while gaseous constriction and dilation is the job of the Fourth Chakra, commonly called the Heart Chakra.

An endomorph (chubby-morph) resonates with the Fifth Chakra – the Thyroid Chakra.

A mesomorph (muscle-morph) resonates with the Fourth Chakra – the Heart Chakra.

An ectomorph (skinny-morph) resonates with the Third Chakra – the Uterine Chakra.

Men have a homologue of the uterus (and vagina) called the prostatic utrical (“pouch of the prostate”).

Today’s mainstream medicine claims it serves no function, but urologist Dr. Robert William Taylor wrote in 1899 …

“In coitus it so contracts that it draws upon the openings of the ejaculatory ducts, and thus renders them so patulous [open] that the semen readily passes through.”

(7) The Third Chakra can also affect the Fourth Chakra – heat rises from the Fire Chakra to the Air Chakra.

One purpose of Kriya Yoga is to reverse this process and direct heat downward into the anus.

Adano said …

“The purpose of doing Kriyas is to have a cool head and a hot ass. Most people have a hot head and a cold ass.”

Drinking cold water causes weight gain while drinking warm water causes weight loss.

Yes, like today’s media says, drinking cold water burns more calories, but it still causes more weight gain, especially carbonated liquids.

Carbon dioxide is a refrigerant.

(8) Sri Yukteswar gained fifty pounds in a few hours, thanks to a little boost from his guru, Lahiri Mahasaya.

Qi is gaseous pressurization, not magnetic field or “auric” phenomena, as many so-called “experts” claim.

Magnets and magnetic beds can actually decrease life force without a thorough understanding of magnetic domains.

The “aura” is magnetic and calorific and confined to the Third Chakra.

COUGHING and BLOWING (and shoulder rotation and rib expansion) are precursors to the mastery of Qi, as seen in the coughing, water blowing, and inflation behavior of pufferfish and triggerfish.

(9) Solar Nutrition is based on constriction and dilation, based on the heart’s systole and diastole.

You constrict during the Spring of the Body (beginning at Lung Time).

“The best time to lose weight is during the Spring of the Body,” according to Adano.

You dilate during the Summer of the Body (beginning at Spleen-Pancreas Time).

You dilate more during the Autumn of the Body (beginning at Urinary Bladder Time).

“The best time to gain weight is during the Autumn of the Body,” according to Adano.

You constrict during the Winter of the Body (beginning at Triple Heater Time).

(10) A Master of Constriction and Dilation (weight loss and gain) is a master of four gases – oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, and carbon dioxide.

Jan Baptist van Helmont (1579-1644) was the “founder of pneumatic chemistry.”

Helena Curtis (Biology, Second Edition, 1968, 1975) wrote …

“Van Helmont grew a small willow tree in an earthenware pot for four years, adding only water to the pot. At the end of five years, the willow had increased in weight by 164 pounds, while the earth decreased in weight by only 2 ounces.”

Van Helmont discovered the “gas” (oxygen) is in the arteries and the “ferment” (coal) is in the veins.

Optimum weight is a result of the gas and the ferment cancelling each other out with EFFICIENT RESPIRATION.

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About the author

Justin is a natural health advocate and health researcher. He has been studying alternative health, nutrition, longevity and disease prevention since 2003 when he became a 100% raw food vegan until 2010. Initially motivated by his mom's non Hodgkin's lymphoma diagnosis in 1995, Justin seeks to provide natural remedies for chronic health conditions often demonized by the mainstream medical industrial complex. He started Extreme Health Radio in 2010 and strives to provide empowering content designed to give you the necessary tools to heal naturally.


Timothy Hickey

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