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Once again we had a great show with a fascinating individual named Dr. Robert Cassar. He’s the founder of The Earth Shift Project. He’s a parasitologist, toxicologist and chiropractor who after a huge car crash in 1997 completely changed his life.

He broke so many bones in his body he knew it was time to start looking at tissue regeneration and tissue repair at the most basic and fundamental levels. He’s a real inspiration in terms of what can be accomplished with your body if you know what you’re doing. And Dr. Robert Cassar is an expert and uses his own body as a testing ground for his unique and revolutionary ideas concerning diet and fitness.

When you have people like Dr. Cassar that live the life and walk the talk, it’s really inspiring. You can tell they put their money where their mouth is because of how much passion he has in what he’s saying and how much energy he has as a result of his daily cleansing and detoxification protocols.

Dr. Cassar is amazing. If you followed his daily health practices you would be amazed. He understands how important it is to cleanse the body of toxins, parasites, pathogens, chemicals, heavy metals and more. He’s passionate about colon cleansing, sweating and using the body as a tool and as a gift for much greater things like helping people change their lives.

He’s completely ripped and has better six pack abs than I do. His stomach is absolutely shredded for a guy his age. It’s really inspiring to know what our bodies are capable of if we’re willing to put in the work to take good care of them.

He contends that these parasites actually control us and take up residence in our tissues, blood stream and colon. By cleansing the body and regenerating the nerve force in our bodies we can begin to not only heal the body of chronic diseases but we can get to the point that our bodies can do things beyond our wildest comprehension.

He’s into things like gua sha (guasha), skin scrubbing and dramatically increasing circulation to all extremities of the body. He lives on the big island of Hawaii and is growing his own edible food forests in highly mineral right volcanic soil that imparts the most minerals, enzymes and nutrients to his food. This guy is on the cutting edge of health, nutrition and longevity.

What I found interesting was that he’s a very spiritual individual who want to take his life, success, business, health and well being to the highest levels possible.

Talk about an inspiration!

Dr. Robert Cassar is really a unique individual and a great great guest to have on our show. I hope you enjoy this podcast interview as much as we did making it for you!

After you listen, comment below and tell us what you think!

We discuss the following and so much more:

  • How parasites are literally sucking the life out of us
  • How to understand the role of parasites better
  • How we’re being harmed by EMF (electromagnetic radiation) from cell phones, cell towers, Ipads and Iphones
  • The dangers of alcohol and wine
  • What kinds of animals foods you should eat should you choose to do so
  • Why eating pig and pork is extremely dangerous
  • The benefits of sweating in a FAR infrared sauna
  • The 6 liquids of vitality
  • How to improve your sleep issues naturally
  • Dissolve it all
  • And so much more!

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Show Date: Monday 4/8/2013
Show Guest: Dr. Robert Cassar
Guest Info: Lecture Description: Renowned Health Researcher, Dr. Robert Cassar, explains the Science of Terrain Modification and how it can Transform our Body Vessels from Acid to Alkaline, Carbon to Crystalline and from Disease to Ease. Learn how eating and drinking Live, High Vibration, Non Corrupted and Mineral Dense Foods can change our Energy and Vibratory levels to Elevate our Health Consciousness. Dr. Cassar will also be sharing his latest Research in Parasitology, Toxicology and Naturalistic Living.

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Topic: Terrain Modification Program
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Items Mentioned: (Books)
A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose (Oprah’s Book Club, Selection 61)

Dissolve It All with Dr. Robert Cassar
6 liquids of Vitality

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Duration/Size: 01:16:32 / 71.68 MB
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About the author

Justin is a natural health advocate and health researcher. He has been studying alternative health, nutrition, longevity and disease prevention since 2003 when he became a 100% raw food vegan until 2010. Initially motivated by his mom's non Hodgkin's lymphoma diagnosis in 1995, Justin seeks to provide natural remedies for chronic health conditions often demonized by the mainstream medical industrial complex. He started Extreme Health Radio in 2010 and strives to provide empowering content designed to give you the necessary tools to heal naturally.


Robert Cassar

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