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Tamara St. John author of Defeat Cancer Now and owner of the Alternative Health Solutions Facebook page, joined us to talk about how she was able to completely get rid of her breast cancer back in 2009. After losing her job and only weeks away from her Masters degree with no health insurance Tamara had no choice but to try holistic and natural treatments for her breast cancer.

Turns out she came out on top. Now she teaches people, writes books, gives presentation and consults with newly diagnosed cancer patients on how to beat cancer naturally. Her life completely turned around after going through this experience.

Did you know that a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer once every 1.9 minutes? Also the cancer industry spends $1.5 billion annually on “cancer research”? I mean seriously, what are they “researching”? They’re researching how much money the CEO of the pharmaceutical company should make any given year!

Tamara St. John was a joy to have on and she’s on a mission to get the word out about natural cancer therapies. I love speaking with natural doctors about alternative cancer treatments but sometimes you need to hear it from a cancer survivor. There’s power in listening to someone who has overcome cancer naturally themselves. Their journey is powerful.

After you listen, comment below and tell us what you think!

We discuss the following and so much more:

  • What her life was before cancer
  • The exact symptoms she experienced prior to her diagnosis
  • How the Budwig Protocol works
  • The mistakes she made during her treatment
  • How Ronald Reagan went to Mexico to get Vitamin B-17 (laetrile) shots
  • Do bras restrict lymphatic flow and cause breast cancer?
  • How the Dr. Navarro HCG urine test can detect cancer in the body
  • Foods that cause cancer
  • The benefits of sweating
  • The importance of cleansing and detoxifying in the right order
  • And so much more!

Learn how Tamara St. John reversed her breast cancer for only $25 dollars a month… – Click to tweet this!

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Show Date: Wednesday 3/20/2013
Show Guest: Tamara St. John
Guest Info: Tamara St. John holds a Masters degree in Business Administration with a dual concentration in Accounting and Finance. She is an author, motivational speaker, published writer, business owner, avid researcher, and adjunct professor of financial management and accounting. Tamara has also spent thousands of hours researching Cancer, How the Cancer Cell works, Biology, Biochemistry, Epidemiology, Nutrition, and Nutritional approaches to Health.

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Topic: Breast Cancer, The Budwig Protocol
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Items Mentioned: Dr. Richard Massey for blood tests –
Dr. Harvey Bigelsen live blood cell analysis
Theresa Sharp from Know Your Options Wellness Center
Dr. Navarro urine test for cancer
Dr. Kelley & Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez on cancer
Cut Poison Burn Official Trailer

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Duration/Size: 01:00:53 / 57.36 MB
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About the author

Justin is a natural health advocate and health researcher. He has been studying alternative health, nutrition, longevity and disease prevention since 2003 when he became a 100% raw food vegan until 2010. Initially motivated by his mom's non Hodgkin's lymphoma diagnosis in 1995, Justin seeks to provide natural remedies for chronic health conditions often demonized by the mainstream medical industrial complex. He started Extreme Health Radio in 2010 and strives to provide empowering content designed to give you the necessary tools to heal naturally.


Tamara St. John

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