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Dr. Richard Massey joined us on today’s show to talk about the real cause of dis-ease. He spoke about the spiritual/emotional aspect of healing.

In the natural healing alternative health community things go in cycles. When I first got into this alternative healthy lifestyle back in 2003 the focus was on raw foods and a vegan lifestyle. The emphasis of healing was based in physical things you could do like cleansing the body of toxins (think natural hygiene) and detoxing.

Then you started to hear about energy work, yoga, meditation and non physical things you could do or participate in which would help facilitate healing in your body.

Now it’s switched back to optimizing your “meat suit” or “space suit” and biohacking.

Ultimately we are inextricably tied to our family and all things non physical. There’s an invisible process that running not only the genes and DNA but also the mitochondria.

We now know the mitochondria are what control genetic expression. But what controls the mitochondria? Some like Dr. Jack Kruse and Dr. Doug Wallace would say environmental stimulus like light, water, magnetism and vibration.

I suspect there a layer higher than that which Dr. Kruse doesn’t speak much about. The higher layer has to do with the very interesting work that Dr. Richard Massey talks about. These are healing arts sometimes called…

Family Biology
Recall Healing
Emotional Freedom Technique
Family Constellation Therapy
Gestalt Therapy
Timeline Therapy
And there are many others…

Getting to the root cause of all disease is of utmost importance. If you believe we simply evolved from a monkey you’re going to forever locked into both the nuclear and genetic genomes never making it to the green pastures of Psalm 23 where you can lie by the still waters. The revelation of stillness is where healing in the invisible happens.

Like Carolyn Myss says we came to this planet with Sacred Contracts so that we can evolve and grow in order to express more of God’s love.

Dr. Richard Massey has been one of the most influential people I’ve ever had the pleasure of speaking with on this show. He is a treasure and a profoundly deep and insightful person.

As many of you know there are many ways to heal the body. There’s cleansing, detoxification, manual adjustments (like chiropractic or massage) there’s herbalism, understanding light, the role of spirituality, nutrition, energy medicine, frequency and more.

We talk to many people who are experts in one of these fields….like Dr. Jack Kruse about light for example or Chris Kehler on energy medicine but I don’t know anybody who puts it all together as much as Dr. Richard Massey.

I’m thoroughly impressed with his growth and insights each time I speak with him. He truly is a hidden treasure and his work needs to be more well known!

Thank you all for listening to this show with Dr. Richard Massey. I hope you enjoy! 🙂

On Last Thing!

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Thank you all!

Justin, Kate and Maggie

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Show Topic:

Recall healing

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About the author

Justin is a natural health advocate and health researcher. He has been studying alternative health, nutrition, longevity and disease prevention since 2003 when he became a 100% raw food vegan until 2010. Initially motivated by his mom's non Hodgkin's lymphoma diagnosis in 1995, Justin seeks to provide natural remedies for chronic health conditions often demonized by the mainstream medical industrial complex. He started Extreme Health Radio in 2010 and strives to provide empowering content designed to give you the necessary tools to heal naturally.


Recall Healing, Richard Massey

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