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We had taken a couple weeks off from doing the show and I always have so much to share I couldn’t wait until our next show with Dr. Ed Group!

It’s interesting when you are on a path of personal growth, each day you learn so many new things. New insights are gained and new awareness happens! So much new information was bottling up inside of me I had to do a show about all the new things to talk about!

In today’s show I talked about a new feature on the website which will let you know of upcoming shows so you can send in your listener questions. We cannot guarantee that we will always be able to cover all of the questions but we will do our best. If you keep your health questions short, and the guest keeps their answers short, we’ll be able to get through more of them.

That information will be available on our homepage!

So take a look out for that!

I also talked about how we don’t really do new years resolutions as much as we have “themes” or overall words that describe how we want the upcoming year to go.

For me 2017 is going to be about fun and spirituality. I talked about how I work too much and I need to start introducing some more fun into our lives. Fun means laughter and that makes for great health!

I also talked about how important it is to grow spiritually and take your spiritual practice off the mat or off the meditation cushion and walk through our daily lives with a spiritual mindset of oneness, connectedness and awareness. It’s easy to meditate, do yoga and even qigong but it’s not always easy to take the revelations from those practices into our daily lives.

I think that it’s more important to have a general theme of how you want the year to look instead of meeting goals and ticking things off your to do list. Generally I want to have more fun this year so I will pursue whatever it is I want to do in the moment that allows me to have more fun, joy and laughter in 2017.

I also discussed a recent article about the dangers of colonoscopies. If you’d like to learn more about why colonoscopies are dangerous then make sure to listen to my thoughts about them during this show!

I also discussed 2 books I’m reading right now called Anastasia and The Vision by Tom Brown.

If you want to learn some things, become more enlightened and see the world in a whole new way, I’d highly recommend reading these two books!

I also talked about a couple documentaries we’ve watched on Netflix which are pretty incredible called Captain Fantastic and Blackfish. I feel like we all have similar interests so sharing these with you might help you in some way. It’s good to share ideas and sources of information that can help us grow!

I also discussed our new membership website that is going to be launching in 2017. Lots going on behind the scenes!

I hope you enjoyed this show!

On Last Thing!

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About the author

Justin is a natural health advocate and health researcher. He has been studying alternative health, nutrition, longevity and disease prevention since 2003 when he became a 100% raw food vegan until 2010. Initially motivated by his mom's non Hodgkin's lymphoma diagnosis in 1995, Justin seeks to provide natural remedies for chronic health conditions often demonized by the mainstream medical industrial complex. He started Extreme Health Radio in 2010 and strives to provide empowering content designed to give you the necessary tools to heal naturally.


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