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forced-vaccines-ffaf-showI wanted to say that I really hope you guys enjoy this show. As always we talked about a number of interesting topics on this #FFAF385 show.

Kate and I always joke about how much there is to talk about!

By the way, if you want access to our shows as soon as they become available, subscribe to our Youtube channel as they get released there before anywhere else! 🙂

We could go on for days and days. For those of you that are new to our work and Extreme Health Radio, the shows we do that are interviews are obviously all about natural health, alternative healing and subjects like that.

But these Free For All Friday shows are more of a look into our personal lives, the books were reading, the journey we are on with health and our own healing. We talk about past guests, research we’re doing on our off days and different things we’re learning on emotional, spiritual and physical levels.

Thank you to all of our news Patrons as well as people who have joined us in our mission to help more people wake up and be healthier.

So thank you! 🙂

We like to answer listener questions and hang out with listeners in our chat room who are listening live. Inevitably the show always turns to the spiritual lessons we are learning as we evolve.

It’s my personal contention that every dis-ease is locked into a physical form and position due to an underlying emotional or spiritual trauma. For example you can take one person and have them smoke their entire life and they live until they’re 100 or more (like the comedian George Burns). On the flip side you can have somebody who smokes for 10 years and dies of lung cancer.

It’s my contention that it’s the unseen that is really the problem or where the deep healing lies.

So our #FFAF shows always end up discussing spiritual issues we are either learning from or growing as a result of.

In any event we hope they are a good balance to the interview shows we do on a regular basis!

Don’t forget to visit this page for many cool ways you can support the show that have nothing to do with donating or money or anything that costs you money. 🙂 We greatly appreciate your support and it’s because of you we can continue doing the work that we do!

So much was discussed on this show. Please share it if you like it. Also thank you to everyone who bookmarks and uses our Amazon link to support the show. You know who you are and we cannot thank you enough for using it often! 🙂

Please leave us a review in iTunes if you can along with a rating. That will help tremendously!

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Show Date:

Monday 7/3/2015

Show Guest:

Free For All Friday

Show Topic:

Forced vaccinations, healing cancer

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About the author

Justin is a natural health advocate and health researcher. He has been studying alternative health, nutrition, longevity and disease prevention since 2003 when he became a 100% raw food vegan until 2010. Initially motivated by his mom's non Hodgkin's lymphoma diagnosis in 1995, Justin seeks to provide natural remedies for chronic health conditions often demonized by the mainstream medical industrial complex. He started Extreme Health Radio in 2010 and strives to provide empowering content designed to give you the necessary tools to heal naturally.



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  • Hey Justin, as I was listening to you guys lament the passage of the vaccine legislation, I was thinking that this may be the end of vaccinations if things don’t go well. If it turns out that more people end up with adverse reactions from the vaccines than died of the diseases they were supposed to prevent, that’d be a smoking gun! Here’s to hoping they fail and the truth is exposed about our health.

    • Hey Andrew! I know right? But I don’t think they’d ever admit to it do you? They’re still holding on to the idea that somehow marijuana is more dangerous than alcohol and it’s 2015!

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