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dr-natasha-campbell-mcbride-bio-picDr. Natasha Campbell-McBride joined us for a really great show on gut healing and digestion.

For those that don’t know she’s the author of Gut and Psychology Syndrome and Put Your Heart in Your Mouth. She has a clinical practice in England where she deals with all sorts of sick people.

She’s a neuroligist but also deals with common health conditions such as ADHD, autism, indigestion, irritable bowel syndrome, depression, memory problems, mental disorders and much much more.

Believe it or not, as Hippocrates said many years ago that all disease begins in the colon. Gut health is the #1 place to look (other than your mouth or emotional/spiritual traumas) when dealing with any kind of illness or disease.

Many people can’t figure how ADHD or autism can be a digestive disorder but after you listen to this interview with Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride and how she explains the mechanics of how it all works, you’ll be convinced.

Clean up your gut, clear your digestion and what what happens to your physical symptoms of your poor health.

One of the fun things that Kate and I discuss after the show is over with Dr. Natasha is how she shared some really unique and innovative ideas about how to bring in beneficial gut flora into the mother during pregnancy and even after childbirth to enhance breast feeding.

This was fascinating to me because I had never heard of these easy tips before.

If you know of anybody who has digestive disorders of any kind, please do them a favor and share this show with them. Dr. Natasha along with Kate and I would be most appreciative if you would do that.

So please share this page with your friends! They need to know about this information in a major way!

Also our shows are now 100% commercial free but we can only keep doing that if you click here to find out the many ways you can support us! Thanks for helping make the world a better place by sharing this information that’s probably not well known to the majority of the population! We appreciate that! 🙂

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Show Date:

Friday 5/29/2015

Show Guest:

Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride

Guest Info:

Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride holds a Degree in Medicine and Postgraduate Degrees in both Neurology and Human Nutrition. In her clinic in Cambridge, UK she specialises in Nutrition for Children and Adults with Behavioural and Learning Disabilities, and Adults with Digestive and Immune System Disorders.

Dr. Campbell-McBride book “Gut and Psychology Syndrome”

Show Topic:

digestion, gut health, healthy babies, natural birth, beneficial bacteria & gut flora

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About the author

Justin is a natural health advocate and health researcher. He has been studying alternative health, nutrition, longevity and disease prevention since 2003 when he became a 100% raw food vegan until 2010. Initially motivated by his mom's non Hodgkin's lymphoma diagnosis in 1995, Justin seeks to provide natural remedies for chronic health conditions often demonized by the mainstream medical industrial complex. He started Extreme Health Radio in 2010 and strives to provide empowering content designed to give you the necessary tools to heal naturally.


Digestion, GAPS, Gut Flora, Natasha Campbell McBride

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  • What a show! Your shows are getting better every time. I love the new ad-less format – no interruptions makes the interviews flow so well. And I have decided to become a Patron – very small, yes, but if all your listeners give a bit, you can both keep giving us so very much! xx

    • Ahh thanks Theresa! You’re so kind. People think if they only donate $1 per month or .25 cents a show that won’t help but if (like you said) all of our listeners supported us like that we’d be able to keep doing commercial free shows and offering everything for free. Thanks for your kindness and we’re so glad you’re enjoying everything!!!

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