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alicia_diaz_bio-picAlicia Diaz joined us today all the way from sunny San Diego! Perhaps next time we can do a show with her in studio and get more in depth into the principles of Ayurveda.

We have been heavily into studying Ayurvedic medicine recently. I have known about Ayurveda for many many years but never gave it much thought because I thought I had everything sort of “figured out”.

God was I wrong.

As many of you know Kate and I have been on a journey of healing our digestive systems and learning as many different modalities as possible which help to heal the gut.

So having Alicia Diaz on the show was a real treat and just so happened to be at the right time for us.

We talked with Alicia about her work and her journey into Ayurveda and what a dramatic impact that has had in her life. She now helps clients from all over the world explore the 5,000 year old principles of Ayurveda into their own lives.

[spp-tweet “When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. When diet is correct medicine is of no need. – Ayurvedic proverb”]

We talked about many issues but here are a couple we covered from the chat room you might enjoy….

Carly: Can you talk about getting live enzymes and the benefits of raw foods when we potentially are more ‘Vata’ or windy and are recommended via Ayurveda to have cooked food only?

Jess: wondering if personality plays a role in doshas as well. I have taken physiological personality tests and been told i have a split personality being an introvert and extrovert.. and after taking the dosha quiz and having equal amounts of all three makes me think the doshas effect our personality

FruityJess: Wondering if your body type changes as you heal and detox..?

One of the main topics of this discussion was understanding the three doshas (body types) of the body which are pita, kapha, vata. She mentioned that before she gets her clients to understand how their doshas play a role in their health, she first teaches them a foundation for self care and listening to their bodies.

Listening to what our bodies are telling us is critical if we want to live in harmony with all the phases of life. As in the macrocosm so in the microcosm.

Just like each year is broken up into seasons, and each season breaks down into months our lives do the same thing. Each day and each hour can be looked at in comparison with the bigger cycles of the earth and universe.

If you’d like some really interesting information about eating on time, I would HIGHLY suggest you take a look at a book called Yes, No Maybe by our good friend and long time guest Atom Bergstrom. I believe his work fits in beautifully with the principles of Ayurveda.

I hope you enjoyed this podcast as much as we did. If you enjoyed it please share the love with your friends by clicking “like” and “share” on this page!

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Show Date:

Wednesday 10/29/2014

Show Guest:

Alicia Diaz

Guest Info:

Alicia Diaz, MA, AHP is an Ayurvedic Health Coach whose mission is to empower women worldwide to align their bodies with the rhythms of nature and free themselves of pain. During her years as a Clinical Exercise Physiologist in integrative medical clinics in NYC and San Diego, she was always searching for a way to heal her body from fatigue, digestive disorders and reproductive imbalances. Discovering and applying the timeless wisdom of Ayurveda proved to be the missing framework for her and many others that can fully restore balance and create long lasting transformations. She has studied under the world-renowned Dr. Vasant Lad and other prominent teachers in India and the U.S. and shares these authentic teachings in a practical way that seamlessly integrates with modern concepts of holistic health.

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Ayurveda, cycles of life, women’s health issues, cleansing

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About the author

Justin is a natural health advocate and health researcher. He has been studying alternative health, nutrition, longevity and disease prevention since 2003 when he became a 100% raw food vegan until 2010. Initially motivated by his mom's non Hodgkin's lymphoma diagnosis in 1995, Justin seeks to provide natural remedies for chronic health conditions often demonized by the mainstream medical industrial complex. He started Extreme Health Radio in 2010 and strives to provide empowering content designed to give you the necessary tools to heal naturally.


Alicia Diaz, Ayurveda, Body Type, Dosha

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