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Rosemary-Drisdelle-bio-picRosemary Drisdelle joined us today in a very informative and interesting talk about parasites.

Most people talk about how parasites are destroying our health and causing diseases, poor organ function and eventually leading us to ill health and an early death.

Not Rosemary Drisdelle.

She brings a breath of fresh air to the discussion because she makes distinctions. Whenever you talk about general topics and then you start labeling them, I believe you run into trouble.

The human body is incredibly dynamic and multidimensional. It’s almost impossible to make blanket statements about what is healthy and what is not.

For example if someone were to say it’s unhealthy to eat meat, I would have a million questions like….how do you know?, what do you mean by meat?, what do you mean by unhealthy?, what kind of meat are you talking about? Is it cooked or raw? Is the person stressed when they’re eating it? What time of day are they eating it? What are they eating it with? What is the body type of the person eating it? How was the animal treated? What did the animal eat and drink?

So you can see that blanket statements won’t get us anywhere. The same applies to parasites. People will say parasites are “bad”. But what parasites are they talking about? Is 1 bad or just an overgrowth of them?

Just as with the meat statements you could ask a million questions about parasites.

We talked about how certain parasites might actually be healthy for the immune system and even promote health. We did discuss though there are certain parasites that are harmful but there’s a balance. And making distinctions is the name of the game here if we ever want to get to the bottom of any issue.

We need to get get better at defining our terms to make progress.

Rosemary Drisdelle talked about how parasites could even be good for the environment and the planet.

We hope you enjoyed our interview with Rosemary Drisdelle as much as we did and if you did would you consider clicking “like” and “share” on this page to let your friends and family know about the work he is doing?

Kate and I would greatly appreciate that! 🙂

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  • Carnivora Superfoods – Target & enhance your immune system with Carnivora supplements to prevent disease and feel amazing. Kate and I highly recommend checking them out! hyperlink-arrow

  • BioAge Superfoods – Kate and I have been taking BioAge superfoods now for quite some time and we don’t want to be without it. Their spirulina is incredible. Pick some up today. You’ll be glad you did. hyperlink-arrow

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Show Date:

Wednesday 10/1/2014

Show Guest:

Rosemary Drisdelle

Guest Info:

Rosemary Drisdelle is a freelance writer with a professional background in medical laboratory science, particularly parasitology. She focuses primarily on non-fiction science writing for a general audience. A major area of interest is infectious disease, especially parasitic diseases and the impact that they have on human societies and cultures. Environmental issues and current events are also of interest.

Rosemary Drisdelle’s first book, Parasites: Tales of Humanity’s Most Unwelcome Guests, released in August 2010, is published by the University of California Press.

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About the author

Justin is a natural health advocate and health researcher. He has been studying alternative health, nutrition, longevity and disease prevention since 2003 when he became a 100% raw food vegan until 2010. Initially motivated by his mom's non Hodgkin's lymphoma diagnosis in 1995, Justin seeks to provide natural remedies for chronic health conditions often demonized by the mainstream medical industrial complex. He started Extreme Health Radio in 2010 and strives to provide empowering content designed to give you the necessary tools to heal naturally.


Parasites, Rosemary Drisdelle

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