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susan-smith-jones-bio-picSusan Smith Jones phd joined us today to talk about all things related to cleansing and detoxification. It quickly became apparent to us that we barely scratched the surface of everything we wanted to cover.

She’s an expert in this subject and we only began what could have been a 5 hour conversation with us.

I believe it’s more necessary than ever to rid the body of chemicals, stress, toxins, bad energy, poisons, heavy metals and undigested foods.

In today’s toxic world full of contaminants and pollutants, it’s ultra critical to have more going out than coming in. Cleansing is something that has to start with your daily habits. It starts with getting proper sleep, reducing stress, taking the right supplements and eating healthy food.

You can add in more green vegetable juices and green smoothies to your diet to help you get rid of toxins. We highly suggest getting a Vitamix or a high quality juicer and take your health to the next level.

It’s my contention that this is what ultimately causes disease. So we talked about things like herbal cleanses, colonics, juicing, coffee enemas, fasting and more. We really need to have Susan Smith Jones on again to get deeper into these issues to provide the best content for you guys.

We hope you enjoyed the show! 🙂 Please pass it on to your friends to spread the message of hope!

Sponsors For This Episode:

  • LivOn Labs Lipospheric Vitamin C – Vitamin C is the ultimate vitamin to help restore energy, prevent sickness and boost your body’s ability to heal quickly. Lipospheric vitamin C is completely absorb-able and doesn’t give you an upset stomach. Click the link to watch the video! hyperlink-arrow

We hope you enjoyed our interview with Susan Smith Jones as much as we did and if you did would you consider clicking “like” and “share” on this page to let your friends and family know about the work he is doing?

Kate and I would greatly appreciate that! 🙂

Show Notes For This Episode:

Commercials During This Episode:

Commercial #1 The Q-Laser Healing System
Commercial #2 Liv On Labs Lipospheric Vitamin C
Commercial #3 The FAR Infrared Sauna

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Show Date:

Wednesday 7/16/2014

Show Guest:

Susan Smith Jones

Guest Info:

Internationally Renowned Motivational Speaker, Award-Winning Columnist, Holistic Wellness Consultant, and Pulitzer Nominated Author. Internationally Renowned Motivational Speaker, Award-Winning Columnist, Holistic Wellness Consultant, and Pulitzer Nominated Author

Show Topic:

Detoxification, cleansing, colonics, coffee enemas

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Bear with us. We’re working on it! 🙂

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About the author

Justin is a natural health advocate and health researcher. He has been studying alternative health, nutrition, longevity and disease prevention since 2003 when he became a 100% raw food vegan until 2010. Initially motivated by his mom's non Hodgkin's lymphoma diagnosis in 1995, Justin seeks to provide natural remedies for chronic health conditions often demonized by the mainstream medical industrial complex. He started Extreme Health Radio in 2010 and strives to provide empowering content designed to give you the necessary tools to heal naturally.


Susan Smith Jones

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