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barbara-allen-bio-picBarbara Allan is the author of book called Conquering Arthritis and the person behind her website with the same name.

She has an incredible story of an 11 year battle with arthritis and she spent 2 and a half years incapacitated in a wheel chair unable to move and in chronic pain.

The last time she was on the show we talked a lot about her story, and how she used food to help heal her gut and over time get on top of the pain in her joints and all over her body.

It’s truly a remarkable story and one that you should share with your friends to spread the message of hope and healing.

Since last time we focused on foods, allergies, sensitivities, supplements healing the gut and topics related to the physical, this time we wanted to focus on the spiritual side of healing.

I believe all disease is caused by some imbalance in the spiritual, energetic or emotional field.

I think that’s the true root of all diseases. If we can get to the bottom of what’s happening on the emotional spiritual level, I think that’s where you’ll find the true deep healing.

We love Barbara’s approach because it’s not one sided. It focuses on intention and living your purpose and in particular meditation and living in peace and mindfulness.

Obviously it’s much easier said than done but in this show we talked about some meditation techniques to help get at the root cause of arthritis (whether you’re talking about reactive, rheumatoid or osteo)

We talked about different types of meditations and how they can help to alleviate and even reverse the symptoms of arthritis. The amount of natural healing tools and alternative health options these days, is remarkable.

The entire world is at your fingertips with a simple Google search!

We hope you enjoyed the show! 🙂 Please pass it on to your friends to spread the message of hope!

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Kate and I would greatly appreciate that! 🙂

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Commercial #1 The Q-Laser Healing System
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Show Date:

Thursday 7/19/2014

Show Guest:

Barbara Allan

Guest Info:

At age 25 Barbara Allan became one of the over 9.1 million people in the United States with an autoimmune-type arthritis. Her arthritis was triggered by a bout of bacterial dysentery caused by eating food tainted with a bacterium called Shigella. She was on vacation at the time.

Reactive arthritis was the name given to her condition. In many respects, it is very similar to rheumatoid arthritis. In fact, she eventually got well using methods proven to work for rheumatoid arthritis.

The onset of her arthritis was about 6 weeks after the dysentery. The arthritis came on very suddenly and left her in chronic, overwhelming pain that often made it difficult to walk even a few steps without passing out. Sometimes the pain was so bad that she was incapable of rational thought, or any thought at all. Sometimes her hands hurt so much she couldn’t even hold silverware well enough to feed herself. For years she lived with the loss of many things that she had valued highly: her health, her mobility and to a some extent the use of her mind. She lost friendships, status, the ability to continue as a graduate student, and the ability to hold a regular job. Read more >>

Show Topic:

Rheumatoid arthritis, reactive arthritis, osteo arthritis, leaky gut, diet, nutrition, healing inflammation, meditation, mindfulness

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About the author

Justin is a natural health advocate and health researcher. He has been studying alternative health, nutrition, longevity and disease prevention since 2003 when he became a 100% raw food vegan until 2010. Initially motivated by his mom's non Hodgkin's lymphoma diagnosis in 1995, Justin seeks to provide natural remedies for chronic health conditions often demonized by the mainstream medical industrial complex. He started Extreme Health Radio in 2010 and strives to provide empowering content designed to give you the necessary tools to heal naturally.


Barbara Allan

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