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michelle-bardwell-flower-road-bio-picIt was quite a treat to have Michelle Bardwell on from Flower Road talking about the powr of essential oils.

It’s amazing when we talk to our guests, how much information there is about one particular subject. One can study the power of essential oils for an entire life time and barely scratch the surface of how the affect the body and the potential they harness. Yet we only have about 1 hour to speak with an expert such as Michelle.

If you resonate with essential oils I’d highly recommend listening to this interview to see how to use them and how they can improve your life and health.

We talked about how she got started using essential oils and her history of studying them from experts in France. We also talked about how NOT to use essential oils. For example she doesn’t use essential oils at all in her practice if a woman is pregnant. Essential oils can affect the baby adversely so it’s important to know their power and respect that if you want to have the healthiest baby possible.

Also certain essential oils are so powerful that they can actually put people into a coma. Isn’t that wild? Did you know that in order to make an ounce of rose oil, it can take many pounds of rose heads? It could be in the thousands. So 1 drop of rose essential oil can be hundreds or thousands of rose pedals or heads.

Essential oils are the exact opposite of hoemopathic remedies where the product is diluted to the point where sometimes only the energetic vibration from the original compound is left in the solution considered to be medicine.

Both are extremely powerful but it’s important to know how to use either homeopathic medicine or more importantly essential oils. Michelle Bardwell is incredibly passionate not only about the power of essential oils but more importantly using essential oils to help people improve their health and life.

She’s got an incredible website and can take consultations in person as well as on Skype or telephone. She’s coming out soon with a book that will teach people how to utilize the Hippocratic Temperaments to determine what essential oils are best.

We talked about the power of smell and how smell affects the brain as well as the differences between aromatherapy and aromacology. We took a few listener questions about whether or not some essential oils are estrogenic and adversely affect hormone levels in both men and women. We also talked about how essential oils affect our beneficial bacteria and gut flora.

Other topics we discussed are how to make clay packs and work with healing clays to improve health and restore energy flow as well as leech therapy. This was quite interesting and we got into that a bit near the end of the show!

I hope you enjoyed this podcast as much as we did. If you enjoyed it please share the love with your friends by clicking “like” and “share” on this page!

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Show Date:

Monday 5/26/2014

Show Guest:

Michelle Bardwell

Guest Info:

Michelle Bardwell, Founder and President of Flower Road, LLC has spent a lifetime merging her passion for physical and planetary wellness with her innate entrepreneurial savvy. Always one to passionately and vigorously pursue her passions, Michelle sought out her Clinical Aromatherapy education from one of the world’s leading Naturapathic doctors and Aromatologists—Dr. Patrick Collin. Dr. Collin has educated many medical doctors, Naturopaths and Aromatherapists throughout Europe on the clinical use of essential oils and hydrosols. For over 10 years, Michelle studied aromatic medicine extensively under Dr. Collin in the Languedoc Region of southern of France. With over 15 one-on-one intensives with Dr. Collin, Michelle has had the honor of receiving a unique education under this world-renowned doctor and scientist.

Michelle’s education also includes Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Bach Flower Essences, Clay Therapies and Leech Therapy under the prestigious Madame Anne Portier—a practicing Naturopath in the Drone area of France.

This comprehensive educational opportunity has given Michelle a deep understanding of the intricacies of wellness, as well as a European approach to health and healing. Knowing of Michelle’s desire to create a perfume line with healing properties, Patrick introduced her to Mic Moisseeff, a master perfumer based outside of Toulouse. Mr. Moisseeff, well-known through out the perfume world, opened up the creative side of essential oils to Michelle allowing her a complete education in all uses of plant materials Ms. Bardwell’s demand for excellence and quality show through in every aspect of her work and personal life. The dedication she possesses for purity has brought forth a line of products that are incomparable to any on the market today. This combined with her vision and future genius will Flower Road the lifestyle of tomorrow.

Show Topic:

Essential oils, aromatherapy, bach flower essences, clay, leech therapy

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About the author

Justin is a natural health advocate and health researcher. He has been studying alternative health, nutrition, longevity and disease prevention since 2003 when he became a 100% raw food vegan until 2010. Initially motivated by his mom's non Hodgkin's lymphoma diagnosis in 1995, Justin seeks to provide natural remedies for chronic health conditions often demonized by the mainstream medical industrial complex. He started Extreme Health Radio in 2010 and strives to provide empowering content designed to give you the necessary tools to heal naturally.


Michelle Bardwell

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