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Tahoe-FacebookToday we had a FFAF show because yours truly failed to book a guest for today. I feel bad about that. I’ve been so swamped lately that I haven’t been able to keep up to date with everything.

I hope you enjoy the Free For All Friday shows though. We sure do enjoy having them for you.

Once again we had so much to talk about, much more than we ever have time for actually. In today’s world with all the articles, links, videos and images that come flying at you at warp speed there’s never a shortage of things to talk about.

On top of that we’re always expirementing with new things. Right now we’re doing a parasite cleanse that was put together by one of our favorite guests Markus Rothkranz. He’s the author of such amazing products like Heal Your Face as well as Heal Yourself 101.

We love Marcus! 🙂

We didn’t even plan on this but we discussed this restaurant called The Heart Attack Grill. I don’t know if you’ve heard of it but they serve hamburgers, fries and Coke that are aptly named The Double Bypass burger and it goes all the way up to the quadruple bypass burger. They’ve even had two or three people die possibly from a result of eating there.

The waitresses are dressed as sexy nurses and the guys are dressed as doctors or surgeons. Isn’t that a bit sickening? And to think that people go there is almost enough to give a healthy person a heart attack.

Even if people go there as a joke just to “check it out” and they don’t support it, they’re still supporting it by spending their money there. Where we spend our money is what we vote on. We vote every single day by how we choose to spend our money.

Anyway we talked about that a bit as well as these cool new sandals that are grounded to the earth. For those that don’t know grounding or “earthing” as it’s sometimes called after Clint Ober’s book called Earthing, is a new discovery of an ancient concept.

What do you think?

I love the idea of the grounded sandals but not so much the style. I’m going to email them and see if they have any plans for different styles. The idea of being grounded makes a lot of sense. This is why I use a grounded mouse pad and several other products from Less EMF to help me in that regard.

Then we talked a bit about a show we had with Kari Gray about holistic health insurance.

Can you imagine that?

Health insurance that actually covers treatments like the Gerson Therapy and products like juicers and supplements? Amazing right? Well it will be coming soon to a reality near you. 😉

Please share our show with your friends by clicking on the LIKE and SHARE buttons on this page. Kate and I would greatly appreciate it!!! 🙂

Show Notes For This Episode:

Commercials During This Episode:

Commercial #1 – Barf World Raw Dog Food
Commercial #2 – The Squatty Potty
Commercial #3 – Less EMF
Commercial #4 – Morrocco Method Hair Care Products

Inspirational Quote:

“Your weight problems, your financial problems, and most likely any other physical or mental pains you are experiencing all center on one single issue. You have something you love to do and were born to do, and you’re turning your back on it. Having something that you love doing is a gift from the universe, and you’re rejecting it. When you reject that kind of gift, you are rejecting the grace that goes along with it. As a result, you struggle, you yearn, and you starve.”Jon Gabriel author of The Gabriel Method

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Show Date:

Mondau 5/5/2014

Show Guest:

Free For All Friday

Show Topic:

The heart attack grill, parasite cleansing, grounded sandals, earthing, holistic health care insurance and more!

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Bear with us. We’re working on it! 🙂

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About the author

Justin is a natural health advocate and health researcher. He has been studying alternative health, nutrition, longevity and disease prevention since 2003 when he became a 100% raw food vegan until 2010. Initially motivated by his mom's non Hodgkin's lymphoma diagnosis in 1995, Justin seeks to provide natural remedies for chronic health conditions often demonized by the mainstream medical industrial complex. He started Extreme Health Radio in 2010 and strives to provide empowering content designed to give you the necessary tools to heal naturally.


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