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john-bergman-bio-picFor those of you who have never heard of Dr. John Bergman, you’re in for a real treat. Some time ago a guest we had on Kit Campbell sent me his contact information.

I watched his videos on cancer and thought to myself, how does a regular chiropractor know all this? Turns out Dr. John Bergman is not your average chiropractor.

Not only is he incredibly knowledgeable and smart but he’s well spoken, entertaining and down to earth. He’s doing some great things here in California.

I was shocked when I initially found out that he’s only about a 40 minute drive from where Kate and I live! To have physical access to such high level and cutting edge doctors is a true blessing.

In between the recording of this show and posting it on our website, Kate and I had the opportunity to hear him speak at the Living Temple.

Like I said in the beginning of the show, Dr. Bergman is prolific to say the least. You can find about 450 videos on his Youtube channel which will take you months to go through.

We talked about medications and vaccines and how the average American over the age of 60 is on something like 12 prescription medications of pharmaceutical drugs. It’s quite shocking and pretty scary that we even have to be on these types of damaging chemicals.

What people don’t realize that every synthetic chemical drug that you’re taking damages your liver. Your liver is the most important organ in your body.

This is why I wrote an article entitled, It’s Time To Get Off Your Pharmaceutical Medications.

I really hope you enjoy this episode with Dr. John Bergman. He’s really a fun guy to be around and listen to.

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Show Date:

Tuesday 4/22/2014

Show Guest:

Dr. John Bergman

Guest Info:

Dr Bergman was propelled into Chiropractic by a severe auto accident, with 2 broken legs, fractured skull and sternum along with several organ injuries. With great need and a passion for healing and regenerating Dr Bergman began studying the body’s recovery process.

Dr. Bergman obtained his degree in Doctor of Chiropractic at Cleveland Chiropractic College in Los Angeles (CCCLA), California. Dr. Bergman teaching at CCCLA: Human Anatomy, Physiology, Biomechanics, and 4 Chiropractic techniques: Full Spine Specific (Palmer Method), Thompson, Diversified, and Extremity Adjusting. As a past Instructor Dr. Bergman has an extensive knowledge of human anatomy and human physiology that few can match. Dr. Bergman’s practice has continued to grow serving hundreds of families, focusing on corrective and wellness care and is dedicated to pediatric development and adult health care. With Dr. Bergman’s unique approach and direct experience of recovery from severe injury, many successes can be achieved in even with the most challenging cases.

In his spare time he enjoys, sailing, biking, camping and spending time with his 2 sons Michael and Danny. Dr. Bergman has been Serving Huntington Beach and its surrounding communities since May 1998. Dr. Bergman was born and raised in Burbank California. After graduating at 16 years old from John Burroughs High. School, he did his prerequisite studies in Santa Barbara, California.

Show Topic:

Frequency, sound, vibration, energy, acoustics, and healing of the body

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About the author

Justin is a natural health advocate and health researcher. He has been studying alternative health, nutrition, longevity and disease prevention since 2003 when he became a 100% raw food vegan until 2010. Initially motivated by his mom's non Hodgkin's lymphoma diagnosis in 1995, Justin seeks to provide natural remedies for chronic health conditions often demonized by the mainstream medical industrial complex. He started Extreme Health Radio in 2010 and strives to provide empowering content designed to give you the necessary tools to heal naturally.


John Bergman

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  • Hi just wanted to say a big thank for putting me on the right road re my diabetes type 2. Followed your advise and have reversed it. My Doctor was blown away I am his first patient to do it . still wants to put me on statins to “prolong” my life – I politely said no thanks. Will continue with my new life style and will tell all and sundry of your revelations. Much love xxxx

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  • Dr, Bergman, I was trained as a nurse. I am fascinated by your approach to health than treatmt from pharma products. I am 68 healthy and strong. Yesterday medical checkup show I have diabetes.Please help me with your approach. im gratful.

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