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ian-clark-bio-picFor those that don’t know Ian Clark is the founder of a website called

It’s interesting I really wanted to talk with him mostly during this show about the health and healing benefits of magnesium (apparently there are over 300 biochemical processes that magnesium is responsible for) but we got started talking about his marine phytoplankton product called Ocean’s Alive and we never really stopped.

I don’t like to force the interviews. I like to let them go in their natural direction. I hope you can gather that when you’re listening to our shows. I figure what’s meant to be will happen. I say a prayer before the show and hopefully one of the 3 of us will say something that can change your life during the episode.

So with that in mind I didn’t force this conversation because I had an agenda to talk about magnesium. I let it go where it was going to go and since I’m such a curious person, I love asking lots of questions.

I figured why not? I love learning about minerals and why the ocean is such an incredible source to tap into. The ocean contains all 92 minerals and elements for the human body to thrive. I could have talked with Ian for days not only about that subject but what his product Ocean’s Alive does, how it’s made and different ways to take it.

There’s just so much to get to and as you’ll hear at the end, we barely even scratched the surface. At the end of the radio show I asked him if he’d like to do a completely different show about magnesium and what that’s all about.

I hope you enjoyed this show as much as we enjoyed creating it for you.

If you could do us a HUGE favor and please consider clicking like or share and share this interview with your friends Kate and I would be so grateful. 🙂

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Show Date:

Thursday 2/20/2014

Show Guest:

Ian Clark

Guest Info:

My name is Ian Clark. I’m not a doctor or scientist. I’m just someone who started “connecting the dots” after I got severely ill, overweight and sick 8 years ago.

At that time, someone introduced me to powdered versions of micro algaes including one from Marine Phytoplankton supplement. I knew the only one I was interested in was the Marine Phytoplankton after trying all the different types. I noticed that it started to change my health, my perspective and life. But I knew it could be better. I knew an original, raw, unprocessed marine phytoplankton supplement would be a hundred times better than processed powdered versions.

That’s when I seriously started doing research on harvesting, producing and storing it. The first challenge I faced was the production. I knew I was not interested in doing what everyone else does; growing micro-algae in an “open pond environment”. In other words, I didn’t want air pollution or environmental contaminants mixing with the seawater where the marine phytoplankton grew. At the perfect time, I connected with some European Engineers, who had built a complex photo-bioreactor. A photo-bioreactor is a sealed growing environment, with the perfect ingredients. Ultra pure ocean water, pure CO2 and natural sunlight providing the exact conditions to grow marine phytoplankton at its best. In other words, you are creating a “closed off” mini-ocean, but without the pollution, waste, toxicity, heavy metals and bacteria of the real one!

Show Topic:

The benefits of magnesium, ocean minerals, marine phytoplankton, minerals

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magnesium-infusion-product oceans-alive-product

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About the author

Justin is a natural health advocate and health researcher. He has been studying alternative health, nutrition, longevity and disease prevention since 2003 when he became a 100% raw food vegan until 2010. Initially motivated by his mom's non Hodgkin's lymphoma diagnosis in 1995, Justin seeks to provide natural remedies for chronic health conditions often demonized by the mainstream medical industrial complex. He started Extreme Health Radio in 2010 and strives to provide empowering content designed to give you the necessary tools to heal naturally.


Ian Clark

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