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Free-For-All-Friday-SA111111Once again we had another amazingly fun Free For All Friday show.

Kate and I LOVE learning so much during our interviews with all of our amazing guests but we might enjoy recording these shows just a little bit more. Why is that you ask? I think it’s because we don’t have much of an agenda. We do always go through some of the best listener questions but we also simply enjoy being ourselves and talking about what has been going on in our shows.

I’ve been into health, cleansing, nutrition, detoxification and all kinds of cutting edge health info since 2003 so I have some insights that hopefully can help you. I don’t purport to know everything but I might be able to recommend a website, a book or some kind of information that could point you in the right direction.

Kate and I would LOVE more audience participation during the shows. I realize many people are shy and would rather listen but please call up if you could. The shows where we have no guests are the shows we allow callers to call in. From the chat community on our live show, to the forums and Facebook community we should be able to come up with some answers to your health conditions.

We talked for quite some time about the interview we had with professor Alex Volinsky regarding getting rid of rope worms in the colon. Actually these rope worms can live in the intestine (large and small) along with organs like the brain, the liver, the lungs and the blood. That interview has to be one of the more fascinating shows we’ve done in a long time. What struck me was the exact types of enemas (milk & salt, baking soda, oxygen etc) that were used to get these parasitic worms out of the body.

We also talked extensively about how we view food. How we talk to ourselves regarding food and our own illness is very important. It’s fascinating to see how the mind plays a role in our health. Please forgive us as for the middle segment of the show we had to blow off a little steam in regards to our own digestive challenges and health struggles. So we really do apologize if any of it came across as complaining.

We really didn’t mean for it to come across like that but as you can probably tell from the interview we were a little frustrated. We hope you understand and can at least see where we’re coming from.

You can look at food and tell yourself a story of at least 5 to 10 things that are wrong with that food. If you do that with all the different foods out there pretty soon you can’t eat anything because of this story you’ve told yourself that you believe.

I think what we need to do rather is look at a food, be grateful for it and forget all the information we’ve ever heard about it. Take almonds for example. People say they need to be soaked. Other say the need to be soaked but you also need to remove the skins. Some people say they should be sprouted and only eaten in moderation. Others say you can eat more as long as you do these things to them. Other say you should eat almonds only at a certain time of day. Other people say you should avoid almonds all together because they’re so heavy, dense and hard to digest.

All of this information about an almond? Really?

If you’ve heard this conflicting information about almonds from a handful of highly respected people, I guarantee it’ll change how you look at almonds the next time you open that bag to eat some.

Our challenge is to retrain our brains so that we listen to our own bodies for guidance.

Anyway we hope you enjoyed this show. Please don’t forget to share using the social media links on this page!

We appreciate you.

Please continue the discussions in our forums.

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“When you stop doing things you are passionate about, you stop living and you start merely existing. The same way your body responds to food, your heart, mind and spirit need nourishment too. You are able to get that nourishment when you indulge in your passions. Because when you truly lose yourself in something you love, you will eventually find yourself there too.” – Angel Chernoff

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Show Date:

Friday 2/14/2014

Show Guest:

Free For All Friday

Show Topic:

Rope worms, emotional eating, psychology and food, diet, digestion and more!

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About the author

Justin is a natural health advocate and health researcher. He has been studying alternative health, nutrition, longevity and disease prevention since 2003 when he became a 100% raw food vegan until 2010. Initially motivated by his mom's non Hodgkin's lymphoma diagnosis in 1995, Justin seeks to provide natural remedies for chronic health conditions often demonized by the mainstream medical industrial complex. He started Extreme Health Radio in 2010 and strives to provide empowering content designed to give you the necessary tools to heal naturally.


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