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  • alex-volinsky-bio-picToday was one of my favorite episodes because I had a ton of questions for Professor Alex Volinsky regarding rope worms.

    It was such a fascinating show that not only did it go for almost 2 hours but I didn’t even want to take a break for the 2nd commercial. I didn’t want to break the flow and I figured it was more beneficial if we just went forward with the discussion and didn’t do a commercial break (which was going to be for our Relax FAR Infrared Sauna by the way).

    He lost over 80 pounds and in the process he lots a whole lot of rope worms along with all that weight. He even has pictures and videos of these worms moving in the toilet after he expelled them.

    For those that are interested Kate wrote an entire post about the worms she got rid of and put pictures in it as well. If you’d like to see some kind of worms she passed from her coffee enema (along with something that looked like fleshy pieces of a tumor) feel free to click here at your own risk. 😉

    Before the show I even sent that link over to Professor Volinsky to check out as well to get his opinion which he mentioned on the show.

    One of the more fascinating things was how the rope worms exist in 5 different stages of life cycles and there are specific enemas that will kill them in all 5 stages.

    During the show he mentioned this briefly but he talked a little bit about how we need to come to terms with worms of all sorts (like hook worms, pin worms, whip worms, round worms, flat worms and all of them) and even parasites living in our bodies. Although we can go after them and help them leave our bodies, it’s important not to hate them or want to kill them. If you’d like more of my thoughts about that I expanded on that in much more detail here.

    As you can tell from the interview I had a ton of questions about how to do the entire protocol and what kinds of enemas to do and in which order to do them.

    It’s estimated that 80% of the American population have parasites which accounts for roughly 250 million people. Most people don’t even know it until they grow to such an extent that you start to feel the symptoms.

    Symptoms can vary from person to person but they can include weight loss, headaches, increased appetite, skin rashes and other skin disorders, lethargy, bloating, gas, poor digestion, diarreah, cramps, depression, lack of sex drive, inability to sleep and so much more.

    I’m guessing these rope worms are even involved in diseases like cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer’s Disease and many more as well. I don’t know if they are in fact causing these disease or if they’re simply contributing factors but I suspect they are involved somehow.

    Dr. Hulda Clark talks a lot about using zappers and how these worms can cause cancers and disease. She was a smart cookie but it seems almost impossible to know for sure.

    What I do know is that I’d like these rope worms (and any other kinds of worms for that matter) to exit my body as soon as possible.

    If you’re facing any kind of digestive distress like IBS, colitis, crohn’s disease, or anything else there could be rope worms or even parasites involved. You might want to look further into these enemas and cleansing protocols.

    I can’t legally recommend you do anything that we talked about during the show and neither can Professor Volinsky. We were simply talking for entertainment and educational purposes about what he did to expel these rope worms from his body and lose weight as a result.

    We hope you enjoyed this interview as much as we did recording it. Make sure to listen live as often as you can and continue the discussion in our forum to share your photos of what has come out during your coffee enemas! 🙂

    Thanks for listening!

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    Show Date:

    Wednesday 2/12/2014

    Show Guest:

    Professor Alex Volinsky

    Guest Info:

    In February 2012 Professor Alex Volinsky did his first 17 days water only fast, passing a long stream of mucus, called the rope worm or Funis Vermis. In January 2013 Dr. Volinsky coauthored two papers, which brought the information about the rope worms to the English speaking community.

    Presentations about the rope worms were made at the Chronic Disease Research Conference in Seattle: In one year over a hundred people contacted Professor Volinsky reporting the rope worms in different parts of the body. Besides the rope worms sufferers they are parents of autistic children and people with Lyme and Morgellons. Majority of the currently sequenced rope worm DNA has no match. Videos related to the rope worms can be found here:

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    Rope worms, whip worms, pin worms, round worms, hook worms, rope worms and parasites.

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    Bear with us. We’re working on it! 🙂

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    About the author

    Justin is a natural health advocate and health researcher. He has been studying alternative health, nutrition, longevity and disease prevention since 2003 when he became a 100% raw food vegan until 2010. Initially motivated by his mom's non Hodgkin's lymphoma diagnosis in 1995, Justin seeks to provide natural remedies for chronic health conditions often demonized by the mainstream medical industrial complex. He started Extreme Health Radio in 2010 and strives to provide empowering content designed to give you the necessary tools to heal naturally.


    Alex Volinsky

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  • where can I find recipes for volinskis enemas?
    the eucalyptus, milk with salt and the others
    you said you will make the transcript, I am sorry but haven’t found it.

  • I’ve been diagnosed with RA 1 year ago and in September I’ve passed 5 miter Rope worm I’m wonder if that can be related

    • Lucas, everything is related. Our medical establishment has spent ungodly amounts of money to keep parts of the body separated. In my opinion, it’s related. What protocols are you currently doing for the RA and are they working? I’d consider David Wolfe’s Longevity Now program as well.

      • Wright I’ve noticed that vegetarian and gluten free diet really helped me and water fasting reduce inflammation

  • After listening to the show I was hoping to find a link to the instructions for the different enemas. I don’t see anything on your site or the associated links. Everything I have found is not very specific with measurements and how often etc. Do you have this information?

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