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We had quite the long show today. We talked about many many subjects we think you might find interesting.

One of the first things we talked about was this amazing new product called Moringa Olifera that we absolutely love. It’s interesting because there’s been a lot of buzz about this new “superfood” over the past few years. I was expecting this buzz to die down but it hasn’t. Not only has the buzz surrounding Moringal Olifera NOT died down, it has been gaining more and more momentum as time has gone on.

I figured it was time to look into this more. Then when Ty Bollinger spoke about it on our last show as one of his top 5 anti cancer protocols I figured there’s something to this plant. He so kindly offered to send me some samples to try out. I didn’t want to get involved on a financial level without trying the product first. I never want to recommend things to you that are not high quality. Your trust in me is of utmost importance to Kate and I.

So anyway we tried it and have quickly become addicted. I took 1 packet per day mixed with some Vitamin C powder from Health Force mixed in water for breakfast. You have to try this yourself it’s really really good.

Here’s a video you can watch about it below if you’re interested:

Feel free to click on this link to learn more about it.

We also talked about killing tapeworms using a method laid out by Dr. Hulda Clark that includes using 7 essential oils 3 times a day to kill tapeworms living in your colon. If you click here you can learn more about it. Just scroll to the bottom to find out more.

We also had two very fun conversations during this show. We spoke with Bo Wong from My Organic Life in England via Skype. What a fun conversation we had with her about all things related to health, happiness, healing and most importantly transformation. We really like her passion and what she is doing through her website. Please visit her often and follow her on Facebook.

We also had the opportunity to speak with Michelle Kramer from Ohganix about some of the products she’s been producing lately. These are all great products that not only look stylish and sexy but they’re also not made with chemicals or dyes and they’re not too tight. When clothing is too tight it dramatically reduces lymphatic drainage throughout the body. If you wear tight clothes that are sexy and look good, be aware of what that is doing to your body.

In my opinion women look better in more fitted and tight clothing but there comes a big price for that. So you might want to think about how you can reduce the amount of time per day you wear clothing like that. You can also purchase some really nice things from her website that are trendy and hip but also organic, chemical free and allows your lymphatic system to flow.

We also discussed lots of other interesting topics like what to do if you have type 1 diabetes. The only thing I know about that is to find a good naturopathic doctor and at the same time read the book called, There Is a Cure for Diabetes by Gabriel Cousens. If you have any ideas or thoughts about that please share them below for the rest of the community.

We about why I’m no longer a raw food vegan like I was for 7 years. I share some interesting thoughts about how my diet has changed throughout the years.

We also discussed some chemical free cookware called Orgreenic that was brought to our attention by one of our good friends Yvette. Up until she brought that up I hadn’t heard about them. If you have any ideas about their products please report them in the comments section below so we can all benefit. Personally I’m partial to glass cookware free of aluminum and other heavy metals.

Other items mentioned:

“One of the hardest lessons in life is letting go. Whether it’s guilt, anger, love, loss or betrayal. Change is never easy. We fight to hold and and we fight to let go.”– Unknown

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Show Date: Sunday 10/13/2013
Topic: Zija Moringa Olifera, Diabetes, Killing Tapeworms with essential oils, Organic Clothing
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About the author

Justin is a natural health advocate and health researcher. He has been studying alternative health, nutrition, longevity and disease prevention since 2003 when he became a 100% raw food vegan until 2010. Initially motivated by his mom's non Hodgkin's lymphoma diagnosis in 1995, Justin seeks to provide natural remedies for chronic health conditions often demonized by the mainstream medical industrial complex. He started Extreme Health Radio in 2010 and strives to provide empowering content designed to give you the necessary tools to heal naturally.


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  • Hey guys! Love your show! Have learnt so much over the last 6 months of listening! So great you have Bo on board! Such a talented, passionate and healthy lady! Look forward to hearing the next catch up (hopefully skype behaves next time! 😉 PS You may have checked these people out before but I highly recommend Gabor Mate, Lissa Rankin and Jon Kabat Zinn…

    • Hey Rachel. Yes Bo is amazing. 🙂 So glad you enjoy our little show. I’ve heard of 2 of the people you mentioned but not Gabor Mate. Thanks for the heads up. We’ll look into them!

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