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Having Billy Blanks Jr. and Sharon Catherine Blanks on the show was a lot of fun. You can tell right from the get go that they’re inspiring people looking to help others achieve greater states of health.

Something Sharon shared on the show hit me in a unique way.

She said,

Just because you’ve got a good figure and look skinny on the outside, doesn’t mean you’re healthy

This resonated with me for a couple of reasons. The first is I have a friend who looked amazing from the outside. She was beautiful, skinny and judging from appearance only she looked like the picture of health, yet she passed away from colon cancer.

The other reason why that struck a chord with me is that they understand that there is a difference between being healthy vs being fit. Don’t get me wrong, we need both but I see people at the gym (my gym is right next to a bar) who looked ripped but they’ll go to the bar right after their workout to smoke and drink beer.

Clearly these people only want to look good and don’t care at all about their overall health.

Billy Blanks Jr. and Sharon Catherine Blanks are doing a wonderful job merging the two worlds. And believe me both worlds need each other. I can think of raw food gurus who are overweight or even underweight. They clearly don’t have any definition or muscle mass on their frame. Their entire focus is on food.

Then I see fitness trainers at my gym who tell their clients it’s okay to drink Pepsi. As long as people increase their cardiovascular fitness and burn calories and look a certain way, they’ll eat anything. It’s just sad.

So I love what the Billy and Sharon are doing. The other great thing about what they do is that they’re bringing back dance. I doubt there were any tribal cultures or ancient cultures for that matter that did not incorporate some form of dance into their lives on a regular basis.

For some reason we’ve lost that in our culture.

Well Billy and Sharon are helping to bring that back.

They also talk about some good dietary principles like snacking, tips for de-bloating, when to eat meals, how often we should leave after eating before going to sleep.

They are a fun and energetic couple whose desire is to empower people to live the kind of life they want to build for themselves.

In the interview they talked about how fitness and nutrition can be used as a catalyst to achieve even greater goals in life.

We hope you enjoy this interview with Billy Blanks Jr. and Sharon Catherine Blanks as much as we did producing it for you!

We discuss the following and so much more:

  • How to de-bloat after eating a meal
  • Tips for snacking healthier
  • How fitness and nutrition can be used to achieve other goals
  • How dance can be used to achieve greater levels of fitness and health
  • Their inspiring story of success
  • And so much more!

Learn how to use dance as a way to get fit, healthy and in shape once and for all… – Click to tweet this!

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Show Date: Thursday 9/5/2013
Show Guest: Billy Blanks Jr. and Sharon Catherine Blanks
Guest Info:

Billy Blanks Jr.

The fitness industry’s only husband and wife power duo, Billy Blanks Jr. and Sharon Catherine are the First Family of Fitness! They have taught together since 2000 and are proud that Dance It Out is the only actual fitness based dance certification course! They are searching for the next generation of Group Exercise Instructors to take fitness to a new level. Billy and Sharon are also in the process of launching their own original family lifestyle and fitness show, “America’s Fit Party”!

Lionsgate and YouTube’s Be Fit channel hail Billy as Read More…

Topic: Dancing, nutrition and tips to increase health
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About the author

Justin is a natural health advocate and health researcher. He has been studying alternative health, nutrition, longevity and disease prevention since 2003 when he became a 100% raw food vegan until 2010. Initially motivated by his mom's non Hodgkin's lymphoma diagnosis in 1995, Justin seeks to provide natural remedies for chronic health conditions often demonized by the mainstream medical industrial complex. He started Extreme Health Radio in 2010 and strives to provide empowering content designed to give you the necessary tools to heal naturally.


Billy Blanks Jr

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