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It was great to be on vacation for a week but now we’re back! You know you love what you do when you’re on vacation and can’t wait to get back to your work.

Thanks everybody for your patience! We had to reschedule our Monday guest Steve Barwick because of some scheduling conflicts along with some major technical issues which we’ve ironed out by now.

We had the incredible privilege of speaking with Dr. Gilbert Renaud on the subject of Recall Healing which is the title of his book along with his website itself.

For those of you who have never heard of Recall Healing (that was me a few years ago) it’s based on how our emotional conflicts can be the root of all our diseases.

I always had a feeling the cause of all disease is something other than physical haven’t you?

Of course there always seems to be a physical trigger with the disease process but I think the emotions and energy play the most critical role of how disease is able to take root.

Have you ever heard that a heart attack is the healing? Or cancer is the body actually healing? The reason why this idea seems to be backwards is because just like our eye sees upside down, so we look at disease in the wrong way.

The heart attack is actually the body doing the healing and the cancerous tumor is the body trying to heal itself. The “disease” happened long before any diagnosis or heart attack.

If this idea is new to you, you should really listen to this interview with Dr. Gilbert Renaud. He talks about how emotions are stored in the body and trigger the onset of the disease process which could take years to manifest in corporeal form.

Personally I think working with your emotions, lowering stress and not identifying with your disease is critically important if you want to begin the process of healing. So many times we identify with our opinions, our business that we’ve built up, our marriage or anything else physical. We think those things are “us.”

Getting way from this disease of identification is the first step in not only preventing the major diseases of our day but also reversing them.

I think Dr. Renaud is on the cutting edge of where we’re going in alternative medicine and natural healing. I don’t suspect traditional medical doctors trained in the western way will think there is anything here.

And that’s fine.

We’ll give them their surgery, pharmaceutical drugs, radiation treatments and vaccinations all day long. We’ll stick to what works like energy medicine, recall healing, holistic healing, stress management and nutrition to do our healing thank you very much. 🙂

So enjoy this show with Dr. Gilbert Renaud and please contact him to work with him. He says over 80% of his patients work with him over Skype.

Give him a call and tell him we sent you!

After you listen, comment below and tell us what you think!

We discuss the following and so much more:

  • Where cancer comes from
  • The disease process behind heart attacks
  • Food allergies and how they’re connected to the rest of your body
  • How journaling, meditation and prayer help
  • How long stress needs to be there in order for disease to develop
  • Why identifying with illnesses is part of the disease process
  • Where rheumatoid arthritis comes from
  • Liver and gallbladder illnesses and how emotions play a role in their development
  • And so much more!

Learn how heart attacks and cancer are the body’s way of healing. Sound strange? Gilbert Renaud from recall healing explains… – Click to tweet this!

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Show Date: Wednesday 7/24/2013
Show Guest: Gilbert Renaud
Guest Info: Gilbert Renaud, PhD has been working as a Consultant in, Recall Healing/Total Biology and in Biological Deprogramming in Vancouver for over 11 years. He has thirty years of experience as a professional in the field of holistic health.

Today he…Read More…

Topic: Recall Healing, Energy Medicine
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Items Mentioned: The Ancestor Syndrome: Transgenerational Psychotherapy and the Hidden Links in the Family Tree

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Duration/Size: 01:13:10 / 68.6 MB
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About the author

Justin is a natural health advocate and health researcher. He has been studying alternative health, nutrition, longevity and disease prevention since 2003 when he became a 100% raw food vegan until 2010. Initially motivated by his mom's non Hodgkin's lymphoma diagnosis in 1995, Justin seeks to provide natural remedies for chronic health conditions often demonized by the mainstream medical industrial complex. He started Extreme Health Radio in 2010 and strives to provide empowering content designed to give you the necessary tools to heal naturally.


Gilbert Renaud

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