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Today we had the honor of having Joe Cross on the show. He’s the man behind the hit movie Fat, Sick And Nearly Dead. He’s also the main man behind his new site Reboot With Joe.

I was telling Kate today while we were walking Maggie that the first time I watched his documentary Fat Sick And Nearly Dead while I was in the sauna, I said to myself, we have to interview this guy and get his story out to more people. And sure enough because of his kindness and the people he’s got working with him, we made it happen.

Joe Cross is an inspiring guy to say the least. At the time of the interview he was in New York having just flown in from London about 3 hours before. He told us he was enjoying a cacao, maca smoothie. He warned me before the show that he’s a bit tired.

Obviously the new diet he’s on is giving him tons of energy and vitality because he sounded anything but tired in this interview. Juice fasting has been around for a few years now and it’s quite amazing. As Joe was saying it’s only recently that we’ve been able to juice leafy greens to create a traditional “green juice”.

By recently I mean in the last 20 years or less. Kate and I talk all the time about how strange it is that we know friends and family that have never even had a green juice. What a privilege that we live in a society today where we can have the ability to extract the life giving enzymes, micro-nutrients, vitamins and minerals in liquid form from leaves!

We can then drink these juices and they can change our lives! And on top of that we can have the ability to do an interview like this and help spread this life changing inspiration to all of you who listen to our shows on your smart phones and ipods.

We truly live in amazing times don’t we?

Joe Cross was so generous with his time and we had an excellent conversation today with him during this podcast. The power of juicing fresh, raw fruits and vegetables can change your life in so many ways if you’re open to it.

Personally I believe that the minerals you’re getting help to open up your mind to bigger ideas and allow you to see more possibility in your life. I know it sounds strange but drinking this alkaline juice every single day really can change you in ways that you never thought possible.

Mr. Joe Cross has a new movie coming out, he’s got reboot programs (juice fasts) free of charge, guided reboots where you can work with your very own nutritionist, he’s got ebooks, recipe guides, retreats, how to books and even a new series coming out.

Talk about a busy guy.

Have you ever tried a juice fast? Kate has done a 3 day one. I have never done a juice fast myself. Kate and I usually drink at least one green juice a day and sometimes more if we feel up to it.

As someone who weighs only around 170 pounds at 6 feet tall, I feel like the last thing I want to do is lose any more weight. I’m trying to build muscle so juice fasting for me right now might have to be something I put on the back juicer. 😉

I really hope you enjoy this interview with Mr. Joe Cross. Please pass this onto your friends and share this life changing information!

We discuss the following and so much more:

  • How to make green juices taste good
  • What you have to do before you begin a juice fast to succeed
  • Detox symptoms
  • Getting past the first 3 or 4 days of a juice cleanse
  • How colonics and enemas fit into his reboots
  • Tips for traveling & working while doing a reboot
  • How to start eating after the fast
  • What happened to Phil Staples, Siong from Iowa with migraines
  • What his favorite herbs and plants are
  • How often he does a juice fast
  • And so much more!

Joe Cross from Fat Sick & Nearly Dead explains how he did a 60 day juice fast & lost over 100lbs – Click to tweet this!

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Show Date: Wednesday 6/12/2013
Show Guest: Joe Cross
Guest Info: Joe Cross is an Australian entrepreneur and investor who invests in early stage high potential growth companies. These include investments in the fashion, transportation, private equity finance, derivatives trading, early childhood education, structural steel distribution and health and wellness sectors.

Joe began his business career as a trader on the Sydney Futures Exchange where he worked from the early 1980s until 1998. During this time, Joe founded several companies in the derivatives trading and technology space.

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Topic: Juice Fasting, The documentary Fat Sick and Nearly Dead
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Duration/Size: 01:11:09 / 66.75 MB
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About the author

Justin is a natural health advocate and health researcher. He has been studying alternative health, nutrition, longevity and disease prevention since 2003 when he became a 100% raw food vegan until 2010. Initially motivated by his mom's non Hodgkin's lymphoma diagnosis in 1995, Justin seeks to provide natural remedies for chronic health conditions often demonized by the mainstream medical industrial complex. He started Extreme Health Radio in 2010 and strives to provide empowering content designed to give you the necessary tools to heal naturally.


Joe Cross

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  • Wow that’s more than I’ve ever done. Great job! I will definitely look into Dr. Fuhrman being on the show. I love him!

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