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Lately I’ve been studying carbon dioxide therapy and wanted to wet your appetite with some of its health benefits.

I’ve been reading a lot of Pubmed articles and studies about its health effects. There’s also a lot of good content on Youtube and some podcasts too that I’ve been consuming.

What I find interesting is that when you search, you have to filter out all of the garbage about the environment and how CO2 is killing our planet.

Once you get through all of those articles and studies, most of what you see is about carboxytherapy which is injecting CO2 into your skin. You really have to filter down and read old articles about longevity and the systemic effect of CO2 on disease.

I first heard about CO2 for health from Dr. Ray Peat and then Atom Bergstrom. Then that lead me to Dr. Emanuel Revici’s work and down the rabbit hole I went.

As you know, I’m a firm believer in using natural substances to heal the body before having to use mainstream medicine. In my attempt to highlight some use applications for various tools and substances, I’ll be talking about carboxytherapy and how it might help with your overall health.

Caboxytherapy is the term used to inject carbon dioxide subcutaneously under the skin for specific purposes like wound repair, arthritis, winkles, crepe skin, cellulite and conditions like that. Typically carboxytherapy is used for women getting facials or tummy tucks, that kind of thing.

If carbon dioxide is being used for vanity purposes it’s relatively safe in terms of it being a threat to the establishment.

But if CO2 is being used to improve the health of your body in any way, then it’s a threat. So much so that they have to wage war on it because it’s “destroying our environment”.

What if carbon dioxide could help your body to heal itself from any chronic degenerative disease?

How much money would the medical industrial complex lose if people learned about natural therapies (like CO2) to heal themselves?

You see this right now, whenever there’s a natural substance that has a biological effect (that is gets rid of a disease) then they quickly synthesize it in a lab and remove all the buffering alkaloids and concentrate it.

At that point they can sell it at a 5,000 percent markup and make hundreds of billions of dollars off it and make you sicker in the process.


In my opinion this is one of the many reasons there’s a war on carbon dioxide therapy for health purposes. Having less wrinkles is nice but what if your body took in this CO2 and healed itself from cancer? What if the same could be said of fibrotic diseases or heart attacks?

This is what you find when you do a deep dive into carboxytherapy and learn how it helps other health conditions.

“Recently, Dr. G.G. Costa and others at the Medical College of Virginia developed a test for cancer which probably involves this pregnancy metabolism. They feed the patient some radioactive fat, and a person with even a very small cancer will breathe out about three times as much radioactive carbon dioxide, showing that the metabolism shifts toward fat mobilization at an early stage of cancerization.” – Dr. Ray Peat

What Is CO2?

Our body naturally produces carbon dioxide as a gas from our lungs when we exhale.  It’s not just a waste gas, it turns out that it’s needed to create ATP (energy) at the mitochondrial and cellular levels. It gets created as the byproduct of the oxidation of glucose inside our cells. CO2 appears to work alongside oxygen to maintain good microcirculation, blood flow and even tissue oxygenation.

Turns out CO2 is needed to regulate your nervous system (think somebody having a panic attack being told to breathe into a paper bag to calm themselves down….this happens by re-breathing their own CO2). It’s also necessary to regulate your endocrine system and helps to balance your blood pH. But what I think is so cool is that it supports mitochondrial proliferation as well as function (can you say win/win?!).

Co2 also directly opposes your stress response (who is not stressed out of their mind these days?). A high stress response I’ve found directly corresponds to electron loss and a cascade of inflammation and oxidation as a result. Some health researchers have argued that all disease could be caused by oxidation.

I tend to agree with them.

“Could carbon dioxide, a major product of mitochondria, help to call mitochondria into existence? My answer to this is yes,” – Dr. Ray Peat

7 Healing Effects of CO2

I’m going to highlight 7 ways carbon dioxide can help your body to heal below. But just note, there are many more ways it can help your body to heal. If I had any chronic degerative disease, CO2 would be the top one or two things I would concentrate on to heal.

The deeper you dive into the science the more incredible it becomes. I often wish this information would be on the news and doctors were allowed to give true informed consent. I’ll share a story by a friend of ours (and former guest) Dr. Richard Massey MD.

He told us a story once where he would be invited with 10 or 15 other doctors to give presentations at popular health events. After the event would be over, the doctors would get a chance to decompress and spend some time together in a private room to discuss new ways of healing and the results they were getting.

They surmised that if the American Medical Association and various licensing boards represending the government were not there and they were free to conduct real scientific expiriments, they could heal all disease in a matter of six months or less.

They were not allowed to heal people. It’s amazing to think that our own so called “authorities” are preventing us from healing.


This is why I like to share studies, books and synthesize information as best as I can to help you realize there are natural and alternative therapies that can allow your body to heal itself.

So let’s dive into a few of them below…


Carbon dioxide therapy, red light therapy and deuterium depletion would be at the heart of my anti cancer strategy. I would also include many other strategies too but those would be at the heart of the protocol.

What CO2 seems to be doing in relation to cancer is altering the acidic environment that tumors rely on for their growth and metastasis. Cancer produces lactic acid which creates a low-pH (acidic) environment surrounding the tumor which supports its ability to invade and spread throughout your body. This low pH environment also protects it from our own immune system. Pretty sneaky these cancer cells are.

By increasing extracellular CO2 this can raise the pH around the tumor itself which weakens the acidic barrier making the cancer cells more vulnerable not just to chemotherapy and radiation but also to novel treatments like 714x or cannabis. This will help slow the tumor growth but also help enhance the effectiveness of natural anti cancer therapies by improving tissue oxygenation and nutrient delivery (remember cancer cells are deprived of oxygen and nutrients) which creates a hostile environment for cancer cells to proliferate and spread.

I always like to think of it this way, if a fish is sick, do you change its diet or clean the water its swimming in? Unfortunately we are all swimming in a sea of nnEMF (poor light environment), chemicals, toxins and poisons in our air food and water. Change your external environment and your internal environment and my belief after 25 years of study, is that cancer cells will slowly go away as the body metabolizes them through homeostasis.

With that said let’s look at a few studies….

“Pre-treatment with sodium bicarbonate results in alkalinization of the tumor environment and enhances the anti-tumor activity of chemotherapy drugs” was done at the University of Arizona in 2009 using mouse models of breast cancer. Over multiple stages of tumor development, the study found that bicarbonate increased tumor pH and reduced cancer spread to lymph nodes. The conclusion suggested that bicarbonate could help improve chemotherapy’s effectiveness. – Source

Wouldn’t it be nice if your oncologist told you about studies like these?

“The Antioxidant Action of CO2 as a Universal Mechanism of Carboxytherapy” was conducted by researchers from Uzhhorod National University in Ukraine, 2021. Over three months, 50 patients received CO2 therapy, showing reduced oxidative stress markers linked to cancer progression, suggesting potential anti-tumor effects. Researchers concluded CO2’s antioxidant properties could offer supportive cancer therapy. – Source

The researchers always say the same thing, “further testing is needed to determine the effectiveness of XYZ treatment for XYZ condition”. They have to say that because it can never be admitted that natural therapies can help with chronic conditions.

“The Tissue Response to Hypoxia: How Therapeutic Carbon Dioxide Moves the Response Toward Homeostasis and Away from Instability” by MDPI researchers in 2023 involved lab models, where CO2 therapy was administered to simulate hypoxic tumor conditions. Over six weeks, the study observed that CO2 lowered tumor acidity and improved immune cell response. This led researchers to propose that CO2 therapy could be a promising adjunct in cancer care. – Source

As you can see these studies were pretty powerful but even still we cannot say that CO2 cures cancer. I can say however it “might make you more healthy” wink wink. 😉

“In the way that carbon dioxide alters the shapes and electrical affinities of hemoglobin and other proteins, I propose that it increases the stability of the mitochondrial coacervate, causing it to recruit additional proteins from its external environment, as well as from its own synthetic machinery, to enlarge both its structure and its functions.” – Dr. Ray Peat

Oxidative Stress

CO₂ is actually pretty amazing when it comes to fighting off oxidative stress in your body. By helping the body use oxygen more efficiently via hemoglobin, CO₂ reduces the strain on cells and prevents them from going into overdrive (leading to senescence), which is often what leads to oxidative damage. Instead of cells struggling and producing harmful free radicals due to low oxygen, CO₂ allows them to get the oxygen they need without the extra stress. This means less inflammation, better energy production, and ultimately a healthier, more resilient body.

It’s quite interesting how a gas that we breathe off after we breath in oxygen, helps us to utilize oxygen better. Weird how that works.

Anyway let’s look at two studies in relation to Co2 and oxidative stress.

“The Antioxidant Action of CO2 as a Universal Mechanism of Carboxytherapy,” conducted at Uzhhorod National University in Ukraine in 2021, studied 50 patients over three months. Results showed a reduction in oxidative stress markers, suggesting that CO2 therapy might reduce cellular damage linked to aging and disease. Researchers concluded that CO2’s antioxidant effects make it promising for managing oxidative stress. – Source

And here’s another study you might find interesting…

“Carbon Dioxide and MAPK Signaling: Toward Therapy for Inflammation,” from Springer in 2023, reviewed studies where CO2’s influence on cellular pathways was analyzed for its antioxidant benefits. The study observed that CO2 helped lower inflammatory oxidative stress by modulating key cellular responses in lab models. Researchers concluded that CO2 may offer a new therapeutic angle for controlling oxidative stress-related inflammation. – Source

“The inhibition of carbonic anhydrase causes carbon dioxide retention, and this can produce acidosis. Intracellular acidosis has many important cell-protecting effects. By reducing the ionization of the cell’s macromolecules, the cell’s affinity for water is decreased.” – Dr. Ray Peat

Wound Healing

For wound healing, CO₂ is pretty awesome. It increases blood flow and oxygen delivery to any area of your body that’s wounded, helping your cells repair faster.

By increasing oxygen, CO₂ creates a balanced environment around the wound, which can speed up healing and lower inflammation. Plus, it helps reduce overall pain and oxidative stress, giving your body the right conditions to heal smoothly and steadily. CO₂ therapy is even being used for chronic wounds, and it’s showing promising results.

I’ve seen it used in diabetic patients with non healing wounds or even neuropathy in extremities with great results.

Check out these studies you might find interesting…

“The Influence of Carboxytherapy on Scar Reduction” conducted in Poland in 2022, involved 30 patients over two months using CO2 injections to treat post-surgical scars. Results showed a significant reduction in scar visibility, with improved skin elasticity and texture. Researchers concluded that CO2 therapy is an effective option for enhancing wound healing and scar improvement. – Source

Think of all the ways CO2 could be used in your body for fine lines, wrinkles, wound repair, age spots, and even non healing cuts and scrapes.

“Effect of Carbon Dioxide Facial Therapy on Skin Oxygenation,” published by the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology in 2015, studied 25 patients over a four-week period. The study found that CO2 therapy increased oxygen levels in the skin, accelerating the healing of minor wounds and enhancing skin repair. Concluding, researchers noted CO2’s potential as a non-invasive method for wound healing and skin rejuvenation. – Source

“Besides the simple excitotoxic killing of nerve cells, the processes which impair carbon dioxide production set in motion the long degenerative process that ranges from diabetic lacticacidemia to dementia.” – Dr. Ray Peat


The naked mole rat is a fantastic example for CO₂ and longevity because, unlike typical rodents that live around 2-4 years, naked mole rats can live over 30 years and as high as 41 years old. This means they can live up to 10x longer than regular rats. The main reason why they live so long is they live in a high CO2 environment. Pretty incredible right?

Living in high-CO₂ burrows, these unique animals (along with queen bees and bats oddly enough) experience reduced oxidative stress and a slower metabolic rate, both of which help keep their cells healthy and resilient over the length of their little lives. This high-CO₂, low-stress environment shows how CO₂ might help create a stable, energy-efficient state that promotes longevity, making the naked mole rat really interesting to study in terms of aging and possibly longevity in humans.

“Elevated CO2 Levels Affect Development, Motility, and Fertility and Extend Life Span in Caenorhabditis elegans” by researchers at the National Academy of Sciences in 2009 examined CO2’s influence on the life span of nematodes over several weeks. The study found that increased CO2 levels correlated with a longer life span, likely through mechanisms distinct from typical longevity pathways. This suggests CO2’s potential role in longevity by promoting unique biological adaptations. – Source

It’s pretty awesome when you consider as human we may be able to live longer and healthier simply by utilizing more carbon dioxide in our daily routines!

“Relationship Between Hypoxia and Hypercapnia Tolerance and Life Expectancy” from MDPI in 2024, studied lab models in high CO2 and low oxygen environments over four months. Results indicated that CO2 exposure might support longer life spans by enhancing cellular resilience to stress. The researchers concluded that these conditions could positively influence longevity pathways. – Source

“The neuroprotective steroids, progesterone and pregnenolone, and magnesium and carbon dioxide all protect against ecotoxicity and the related excess of intracellular calcium, while promoting normal calcification.” – Dr. Ray Peat


CO₂ can actually be a massive help for those that suffer with asthma because it keeps your airways more open and relaxed, which makes breathing easier.

When CO₂ levels are balanced, it helps calm the muscles around the bronchial tubes, so there’s less chance of those tight, uncomfortable spasms that make asthma feel (and sound) worse. It also helps keep blood pH in check, which can prevent that panicky over-breathing feeling during an asthma flare-up.

Some people even use specific breathing techniques (like Buteyko) to increase CO₂, which can really make a difference in reducing symptoms naturally. In fact I’ll post a radio show below where we did a deep dive into this exact subject.

“Carbonated water is such a common thing, chemists are embarrassed to talk about it. All the water in respiring organisms contains a considerable amount of carbon ‘dioxide. Carbon dioxide binds to proteins and to other amine-containing polymers, and dissolves in water, reducing the pH, so that the interactions of polymers and water are strongly affected by the concentration of CO2. Carbon dioxide modifies biological materials and structures in and around our cells.” – Dr. Ray Peat

Fat Loss

CO₂ can actually play a surprising role in fat loss by boosting your body’s metabolism and helping cells use oxygen more efficiently. This is so critical for losing weight. It’s not about calories out vs calories in, it’s how your body makes energy at the mitochondrial levels.

When  your CO₂ levels are balanced, your body can tap into stored fat more easily for energy, which helps in burning fat naturally. Plus, CO₂ supports your thyroid and reduces all those stress hormones, both of which are key for maintaining a higher metabolic rate. So, when you’re breathing well and CO₂ levels are healthy, your body’s more likely to stay in a fat-burning mode without extra effort.

Co2 for the win.

“Subcutaneous Infiltration of Carbon Dioxide (Carboxytherapy) for Abdominal Fat Reduction” was conducted by M. Alam and team at the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology in 2018 with 20 participants over five weeks. The study found a significant reduction in fat layer thickness on treated abdominal areas after CO2 injections. Researchers concluded that carboxytherapy may be effective in reducing localized fat deposits. – Source

When was the last time you heard carboxytherapy as an option for losing weight?

“Modern and Non-Invasive Methods of Fat Removal,” published in Medicina in 2023, reviewed multiple non-invasive fat reduction techniques, including CO2 therapy. Findings indicated that CO2 applications can enhance circulation and potentially support fat loss by improving tissue oxygenation. The authors concluded that CO2 therapy is a promising option for localized fat reduction. – Source

“The transparent structures of the eye are interesting places for considering the effects of carbon dioxide. I think carbon dioxide has a role in maintaining the clarity of the lens, as I discussed in the cataracts newsletter, by preventing swelling.” – Dr. Ray Peat

Brain Health

CO₂ is great for brain health because it helps improve blood flow and oxygen delivery, giving brain cells the fuel they need to function at their best. It also helps to keep nerve flow and conductivity high helping to create new neural pathways. Balanced CO₂ levels also help reduce your inflammation and calm your nervous system, which can improve focus and lower anxiety. I haven’t studied it yet for things like depression and anxiety but my guess is CO2 will help with that as well.

Since we know that CO2 helps reduce lipid peroxidation and oxidation in general it would also make sense that it could help with other neurological diseases like Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s disease as well as dementia. Perhaps I’ll do an article on that in the future.

But continuing on….CO₂ supports better cell energy production, which is super important for mental clarity and protecting your brain from age-related decline. So, having the right amount of CO₂ is like giving your brain the perfect environment to stay sharp and healthy.

“The Effects of Arterial CO2 on the Injured Brain: Two Faces of the Same Coin” from the Journal of Critical Care in 2021, studied CO2’s impact on brain-injured patients over several days. The study found that controlled CO2 levels helped improve blood flow to damaged brain tissue, aiding recovery. Researchers concluded CO2 modulation might benefit brain health in trauma patients. – Source

Perhaps the effect of CO2 on brain health could extend to strokes and even concussions. It’s amazing to me that it’s 2024 and we’re still learning new things about natural substances and their impact on our health.

“The Influence of Carbon Dioxide on Brain Activity and Metabolism in Conscious Humans,” published in 2011 in the Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism, observed brain activity in 15 participants after CO2 inhalation over a short period. Findings showed that increased CO2 improved blood flow and reduced metabolic demand in the brain. This led researchers to suggest CO2 therapy could support brain health by balancing oxygen and metabolic needs. – Source

“In aging, connective tissue becomes hardened by chemical cross-linking of the large molecules. If amino groups are well saturated with carbon dioxide, this type of reaction should be inhibited.” – Dr. Ray Peat

How To Get More CO2

There are many ways to get more CO2 into your body. The first way I would recommend is to simply breathe more through your nose. It’s called Buteyko breathing. We did a radio show some years ago with Patrick McKeown author of The Oxygen Advantage all about doing just that.

What I love about it, is that it’s free. All you have to do is close your mouth and you’ll better regulate your oxygen to CO2 levels. Another option is to simply bag breathe like kids do when they have panic attacks.

The way I like do to it is to invest in some mouth tape and sleep all night while breathing through your nose. I notice when I do that, I feel much more rested and energized in the morning. I have less aches and pains and feel ready to take on the day when I wake up from my sleep. When I combine mouth tape with sleeping on an earthing grounding bed sheet, it’s a killer combo. I’m a big fan of grounded bed sheets so this is a no brainer.

If you have some extra money, you can invest in something called a Carbohaler along with what’s called a Body Stream and get therapeutic levels of CO2 saturation through your skin. Doing each of them a few times per week is what I recommend this way, 7 days a week  you’re doing a carbon dioxide therapy along with sleeping all night using mouth tape.

“Carbon dioxide, produced by respiration, and ATP hydrolysis, are two powerful acidifiers of the cell; with sufficient stimulation both can probably act simultaneously, and in this situation the pH decrease will tend to oppose the exciting stimulus.” – Dr. Ray Peat


After reading all these benefits of carbon dioxide doesn’t it make you think, why have I never heard this before? The reason is simple.  It’s too powerful and almost free. “They” meaning those that run Western medicine (we all know who they are) don’t want you to be strong, healthy or free. They want you to be sick, dependent and fearful.

If I were you I would invest in a Carbohaler as a first option and if you notice benefits (I’m sure you will!), then invest in the Bodystream to do more intensive sessions.

Caboxytherapy is a great way to extend you life, lower your pain and inflammation, improve your chances of avoiding cancer and have more energy.


  1. Have you tried carboxytherapy before?
  2. What did you notice?
  3. How long did you try it?

Share your thoughts below!

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About the author

Justin is a natural health advocate and health researcher. He has been studying alternative health, nutrition, longevity and disease prevention since 2003 when he became a 100% raw food vegan until 2010. Initially motivated by his mom's non Hodgkin's lymphoma diagnosis in 1995, Justin seeks to provide natural remedies for chronic health conditions often demonized by the mainstream medical industrial complex. He started Extreme Health Radio in 2010 and strives to provide empowering content designed to give you the necessary tools to heal naturally.


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