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A while ago I posted to our Facebook account about a documentary I watched called Fat Sick and Nearly Dead. And in that post I mentioned how I don’t really watch that many “health” documentaries. It seems kind of strange because you might imagine that I’ve seen them all.

I mentioned on Facebook that I like to watch “out there” type of documentaries. I like watching political documentaries, spiritual documentaries as well as conspiracy documentaries.

It’s not that I’m burned out on health it’s just that that is my life right now. Kate and I interview cutting edge nutritionists and authors on the subject of health strategies and alternative healing therapies to reverse the worst kinds of diseases.

On average I listen to about 2 hours of health related radio shows on my ipod each day. And I’ve been doing so since 2003. You should see my ipod. It’s filled with different health shows on cutting edge nutrition. It’s my passion to learn as much as I can so I can deliver great content for all of you.

When it comes to watching documentaries I’m just not inspired to watch health stuff unless it’s cutting edge, done in a unique way or has some sort of different angle on things.

But I digress…

The reason for saying all this is that I feel like people get stuck in the health world for too long.

What do I mean by this?

Well as a result of years of physical abuse we’ve done to ourselves at the dinner table, we probably have lots of health issues to work on. And I get that. If you have cancer, arthritis, irritable bowel syndrome, lyme disease, hashimotos, heart disease or just plain old diabetes you’ve got a lot of work to do in order to reverse such conditions.

It becomes your full time job to heal again and reclaim your health.

And like I said, I get that.

The trick is to not stay in the “health” game too long. And what I’m trying to say is that yes we need to reverse our health conditions as well as teaching others how do to so, but after that it’s time to contribute something meaningful to the world in a unique way that only you can do.

My mission is to inspire others to create a life they want to live, and do work that’s meaningful to them to changes lives. Yes I want people to be healthy but then what?

Let’s take a middle aged man who has been recently diagnosed with cancer. He finds out the devastating news from his oncologist and tells his family. Now he’s got 3 choices for how he’s going to pursue treating his disease. He could do chemotherapy, radiation and surgery or he could choose to do the many natural treatments for cancer or he could even choose to do nothing.

Let’s say he buys the book Cancer Step Outside the Box and ends up causing his cancer to go into complete remission as a result of natural and holistic therapies outlined in that book.

Fast forward 3 years later and now what? In one scenario he could be dead as a result of the toxic chemotherapy and radiation but in this reality he’s still alive. This is the space I want us to get to. It’s almost like we’re living in a comma. Once we heal our chronic health conditions we’re living in a space right where that comma is.

Now comes the question how are you going to change the world since you have a new lease on life? God has granted you perhaps 50 more years of life, what are you going to do with it? Are you going to keep living in a toxic and reckless way that produced the cancer to begin with?

Or are you going to completely change your life, find new work and fulfill your dreams and passions?

Health allows us to have the energy to actually contribute something meaningful to the world. Health is really just energy and vitality.

Think about it. Health is pretty simple when you break it down. Being healthy is being able to go to have a bowel movement two or three times a day. It’s being able to have sex a few times a week. Health is the ability to sleep without waking up for at least 8 hours during the night. If you’re able to do those three things, you’ve got it pretty good.

But I’d like to take it a step further. Do you have the energy and vitality to live your dreams and fulfill your passions? Can you help people and change their lives with your meaningful work?

Again this is where we want to be. It’s time we all got healthy so we have the energy vitality and passion to fulfill our idealistic passions we had as kids.

In my opinion being healthy is just a means to an end.

The question is, what’s your “end”?

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About the author

Justin is a natural health advocate and health researcher. He has been studying alternative health, nutrition, longevity and disease prevention since 2003 when he became a 100% raw food vegan until 2010. Initially motivated by his mom's non Hodgkin's lymphoma diagnosis in 1995, Justin seeks to provide natural remedies for chronic health conditions often demonized by the mainstream medical industrial complex. He started Extreme Health Radio in 2010 and strives to provide empowering content designed to give you the necessary tools to heal naturally.


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