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Feel Good Project day 83

LAST sleep before my LAST day of work!!!!

Very bizarre feeling.

Justin mentioned today on our Free For All Friday show about his year long travels around the world in 2001, recounting a few of his adventures that took place along his journey.

He mentioned how no two days were ever really the same when you travel nomad style for an extended period of time, meeting different people and experiencing so many fresh, life giving experiences.

While he recounted some of these amazing times today on the show, I was struck by the sad fact that all the while he was soaking up life and filling up with unforgettable memories to last a lifetime, I was working as a stylist in a salon, doing the SAME thing I am doing still at this point…

UNTIL now.

Too many years and too much time has been robbed from me doing something that no longer serves me.

Tomorrow marks the end of this season on the timeline of my life.

Never been so excited, giddy or completely unsure of what anything looks like ahead of me. I am truly jumping into the unknown, trusting that each next step will appear before me as I need it on my journey.

To really drive home the point that this is a true test of FAITH, we received an email today about a major source of our income with EHR has completely dried up.


Didn’t see that one coming. Part of our new plan with me quitting we had based on this area of our show growing and being a viable income as we grew the show. That rug got completely pulled out from under us– right as I embark on my new path.

Crazy thing was that I smiled when I saw it-because I know this old trick.

The old lies that try to trick us into staying ‘safe’ and clinging for dear life to all we’ve ever known and feel secure about. It was so easy to spot that it seemed funny. One last ditch effort to derail me and make me turn back to the mundane.

Justin was so sure in his response when I called him from work and told him. He reminded us both that this is just a new opportunity we have been given to watch God provide as we forge ahead.

I couldn’t agree more with Helen Keller when she said, “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.”

Tonight might be a night of complete rest and deep sleep OR a night filled with tossing and turning as I attempt to process all of the feelings and emotions of all these past years as I learn to let them go…

FEEL GOOD MOMENT OF THE DAY: Learning to BREATHE again. As I drove to my last Friday of work today, I was conscious of the air that filled my lungs bringing newness, as I exhaled the old and exhausted. BREATHING is something I am focusing on in next chapter…

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Feel Good Project

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