This is something that has been bugging me for quite some time and I have to get it off my chest. Today was the straw that broke the camel’s back. When I saw a Facebook post from my friend, it just reminded me that it was time I wrote this article.
This isn’t a knock on my friend who posted this, it just reminded me of my desire to write this article.
For most of my life I wasn’t raised in any particular religion. At the age of around 8 or 9 I started going to Awana which is a Christian organization teaching kids biblical principles in a fun and creative environment.
Then when I was a Junior in high school I attended a Christian school for two years. Lots of my friends who came out of that are bitter and upset at “God” for what was allowed to happen. Some of it I understand, some I don’t but that’s neither here nor there.
This is not what I want to talk about in this article.
What I want to talk about in this article is how many churches I’ve been to in the past most of the time will have some sort of coffee and doughnut stand for people to eat after the service is over.
Am I the only one who thinks this is quite strange?
Personally I think food, nutrition, enzymes, vitamins and minerals all play a huge role in how much desire we have to even be spiritual in the first place. Some people take it a step further and say that food or lack thereof allows us to access a higher state of being.
Maybe it’s because every spiritual leader fasted. Maybe it’s because there are medicinal plant compounds that can have a psychedalic effect on the body and allow people to be taken into realms of existence that they never knew existed.
If you’re unsure look into mushrooms and the work of Timothy Leary, Paul Stamets, Terence McKenna or a movie called The Spirit Molecule which goes into the ancient herb Ayawaska. It contains DMT (Dimethyltryptamine) which allows us to access higher levels of ourselves.
And just about every person we’ve interviewed says that the calcification of our pineal gland through calcium and fluoride actually prevents us from being spiritual beings.
To some degree I believe that. But even if you don’t you have to admit at the very least, that food causes and can cure diseases like cancer and others. Making poor food choices (processed cooked carbohydrates for example) are directly related to diabetes, cancer and heart attacks.
Whether you go further and say that food allows us to be spiritual or not is not my main argument here.
Since we know that food is a highly causitive factor in the role of disease, why the hell are we serving the most cancer causing foods in church?
It makes zero sense to me.
I believe everything is connected. Diet, health and disease are all connected. Can one be spiritual and close to God and still eat skittles, coke and pizza after the Wednesday night sermons?
Do I respect people that are fragmented in their minds like that?
Not so much.
I think they’re great people and I’m not expecting them to eat like I do but it’s just so funny to see such a disconnect in their lives. In the Christian church it might be looked down on if somebody is smoking or drinking a beer but it’s okay to be addicted to carbohydrates.
It’s all a matter of perception.
I want to surround myself with people who see how all of this is connected.
These people hear a good sermon, then go to the back of the sanctuary and eat doughnuts, drink coffee and think that that’s not having any effect on them. It’s mind blowing.
Many of you from a Christian perspective might be thinking I’m placing a higher role on food than we should. That’s okay if you think that. I’m just trying to bring an issue like this to the table and ask the question that’s all.
The obese person who’s addicted to eating this way will eventually get cancer or suffer a heart attack. Then the church will rally around them in prayer and organize food drives for people to bring carcinogenic meals to them while they’re getting chemotherapy treatments.
Does anybody else see this as strange? Sometimes I feel like shaking these people.
If that person ends up dying from their disease, some people will blame God. Others will say that God has finally called them home. Others will say it was God’s will that that person be taken from us.
While all the time I’m thinking that we “do” diseases we don’t “catch” diseases. You “do” cancer every time you eat highly sugary and acidic foods. You “do” cancer every time you harbor stress and anger in your heart.
Cancer should be a verb, not a noun.
I’m not saying I have it all figured out. But what I am saying is that there’s more connected here than what we think.
Instead of taking the youth group out for pizza and ice cream after your mid week bible study, how about teaching them to take care of the amazing body that God designed for them?
We teach them all these principles and then sit around trashing our bodies. It’s insane to me.
Instead of providing doughnuts and coffee after your Sunday morning sermons how about thinking about some creative alternatives that will support people in their quest to be better Christians or live more conscious lives?
How about we start thinking about how everything is connected instead of having this segregated world view where everything stands alone.
Am I crazy on this one?
I hope I’m not the only one who thinks this way.