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Once again we had another really fun Free For All Friday Show for you guys. To do these show is really a great privilege for us and we’re honored you enjoy them and that there’s such a wonderful community of people who actually care about their health.

I want to stress though that we’re simply focused on health as a means to an end. Health itself isn’t the end game. We want to restore health and vitality to the body so you can focus on that which you’re here to do. We all have dreams and passions but because of how we’ve abused ourselves with diet and lifestyle, we can’t focus on making a positive change in the world because some chronic health condition requires our more immediate attention.

When we’re young we can seemingly get a way with more health crimes than when we’re older. So we focus on prevention and I admonish you to do the same. Don’t wait until you have a disease and have to take drastic measures (naturally or conventionally) to cure it. Prevention is easy and it’s fun. It’s fun because who doesn’t like feeling better and better each day? How can you argue with having more energy today than you did yesterday?

We took quite a few listener questions from our wonderful community as well as talked about all the great health practices we’ve adopted into our daily lives since starting this show almost 1 year ago.

Can you believe it’s been a year? I can’t believe how fast time flies let me tell you!

Here’s a list of things we’ve added over this past year. Skin Brushing, Zapping, Squatty Potty for your toilet, Sauna for sweating out chemicals and heavy metals, Enemas for cleaning the live and colon, Selenium for cancer prevention, Vitamin B-17 for cancer prevention, Colonics, Clay, Rebounding, Growing Own Veggies, Urine Therapy, 5 Rites, Oil Pulling, Colorectal Recovery Program, neutralization ring, Qigong for restoring chi (qi) in the body, Zeolite for removing heavy metals and toxins.

This seems like a long list but not if you think of slowly adding these types of practices over the course of a whole year. I encourage you to pick one new practice and add it to your daily routine. For example rebounding only takes me 10 to 15 minutes per day. It’s really easy. I pop in my ipod or watch something on Youtube and it’s really a lot of fun.

Knowing you’re doing your body so much good is motivation in and of itself!

We also talked about the great water filters (tell Timothy we sent you for an even greater discount!) we just installed for our shower and bath.

It’s really quite shocking when you realize just how many toxins and chemicals (think chlorine, fluoride and more) are in our municipal water supplies. Breathing the hot steam while taking a shower isn’t being all too nice to your lungs.

We also talked about how doing coffee enemas can almost be kind of addicting. I couldn’t imagine this at first but after you do a coffee enema (as opposed to a colonic in my experience) you get a slight feeling of euphoria. It’s a really strange experience. I liken it to maybe a glass or two of wine but it doesn’t feel as toxic as that. It’ really hard to explain.

Coffee enemas are amazing for cancer therapy, cancer prevention, liver health, hair, skin nails, detoxification and so much more. They’re one of the most amazing things you can do for yourself.

My intention is to do 1 or 2 of them per week for as long as I can and then drop back down to 1 per week for the rest of my life.

Other than that we talked about a wide variety of issues and we hope you found value in the show!

Other items mentioned:

“Accept yourself for who you are, both inside and out. As you let go of your false identity, you will be loved for who you really are, and, finally, those who gravitate toward you will appreciate the real you.”Hayley Hobson

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Show Date: Sun 8/11/2013
Topic: colonics, coffee enemas, sweating, detoxification practices and much more!
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About the author

Justin is a natural health advocate and health researcher. He has been studying alternative health, nutrition, longevity and disease prevention since 2003 when he became a 100% raw food vegan until 2010. Initially motivated by his mom's non Hodgkin's lymphoma diagnosis in 1995, Justin seeks to provide natural remedies for chronic health conditions often demonized by the mainstream medical industrial complex. He started Extreme Health Radio in 2010 and strives to provide empowering content designed to give you the necessary tools to heal naturally.


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