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Have you heard of the Online World Tapping Summit?

It’s been around for about 5 years now and it’s a free online summit that takes place once a year.

Like most summits you get the opportunity to watch or listen to all of it live and then afterwards they package it up in a bundle along with bonuses, extra videos, downloadable mp3’s and workbooks etc for a price.

I’m a big fan of free online summits as long as they offer good information and the quality is high.

You can see some of the summits that we promote below:

I’ve heard of this Tapping Summit for 5 years now and some really big names promote this event. People like Kevin Gianni, Dr. Mercola, Kris Carr, Dr. Norm Shealy and many others.

I respect all of these people in a variety of ways. I thought about promoting the summit but was skeptical. I couldn’t see how tapping or EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) could help really me.

The Basic Concept of Tapping

As I understand it and correct me if I’m wrong but the underlying concept of Tapping has to do with the meridian points in the body. It works like acupuncture from what I’ve been able to discipher. The idea is that trapped emotions have a cellular memory. That is the actual emotion itself carries with it a vibratory pattern (similar to homeopathy) and as such stores itself in different organs and meridian systems inside the body.

Think of the meridian systems as being the freeways and the meridian points as being the on-ramps and off-ramps to these freeways. The organs are the glands that sit right near the freeway. The organs can be likened to perhaps a local diner or restaurant that’s right off the freeway exit. These meridian points travel all throughout the body from head to toe.

What happens is that because our bodies are more like an energy system and an eco-system and less like a machine (don’t tell fitness trainers or medically trained doctors this!) these blockages can happen in the meridian and cause certain organs and glands to stop working properly.

If you’d like to learn more about this, talk to your local acupuncturist or dive into Chinese Medicine which is about 6,000 years old.

Anyway, tapping helps to open up the meridian points and release the blockages of stored emotions and limiting beliefs that get stored in the energetic portion of your body. As these are opened up, fears go away, pain subsides and so on.

So there you have it. That’s my understanding of how EFT (emotional freedom technique) works and how Tapping applies to that.

That’s the theory anyway, I want to believe it but don’t have any experience with it. I figure before I promote something like this that many people can write off, I’d better do some experimentation on my own!

I’ve come a long way in my journey and understanding of what’s real and what’s possible. And on my journey I’ve basically let all the walls down and accepted possibility in my life. When you start asking (As-King) questions instead of trying to have all the answers about how life works, you really can expand your reality tremendously.

I’ve read The Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton and believe in accupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine and the meridian systems of the body. I don’t know what it is about Tapping. I guess I was just really reserved about it.

So I’ve registered for the event myself and have done quite a bit of reading on it and watched many youtube videos just trying to understand how it works and if it works.

As I said, I don’t feel comfortable promoting this particular event unless I have some experience with Tapping but apparently you can Tap for all kinds of things like:

  • Limiting beliefs
  • Fears of any kind
  • Anxiety
  • Pain of any kind in the body
  • Energy
  • And the list is endless…

So I’m going to do a little experiment. I’m going to focus on two things to Tap on. One of them has to do with our show. I don’t want to give that away in case I mess up the experiment.

The other thing I’m going to Tap for is my knee pain. As most of you know I have a torn ACL ligament in my right knee that causes LOTS of pain at a very high level.

About 10 to 12 times a day I’ll get a wave of shooting and very sharp pain in the center of my right knee (similar to when the doctor who is giving me prolotherapy shots has the needle in the center of my knee) that lasts for anywhere from 10 to 15 seconds.

It’s really debilitating and I can’t walk when it happens. It’s really really bad. So I’m going to Tap for that and I’m also going to Tap for this other desire of mine as it relates to our show.

If this works and if there is success with it, then next year I’ll most definitely be promoting The Online Free Tapping Summit.

I just don’t want to jump the bandwagon and promote this just because Dr. Mercola is or other well respected people in the industry are doing it.

Tapping sounds strange though doesn’t it? Have you ever tried Tapping and what are your experiences with it? I’d love to know!

Please comment below I’d love to knw what you think. 🙂

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About the author

Justin is a natural health advocate and health researcher. He has been studying alternative health, nutrition, longevity and disease prevention since 2003 when he became a 100% raw food vegan until 2010. Initially motivated by his mom's non Hodgkin's lymphoma diagnosis in 1995, Justin seeks to provide natural remedies for chronic health conditions often demonized by the mainstream medical industrial complex. He started Extreme Health Radio in 2010 and strives to provide empowering content designed to give you the necessary tools to heal naturally.


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  • Google brought me here and I wanted to weigh in:
    I too promote all those summits and my blog posts often take that tone – mentioning what all the summits have in common, and looking at the differences, expressing specifically why I’m promoting it.

    I also started my promotional blog posts about with Tapping Summit with something like, “This isn’t me jumping on the bandwagon because [big name experts] are into it. This isn’t a “new” thing that I’m suddenly into because everyone is talking about it.”

    My mom’s been an EFT practitioner for years, having worked with a number of the experts appearing on the summit. I practice it on and off. The affirmations are sometimes too cheesy. The results as discussed in interviews are amazing though, especially when you hear practitioners express how skeptical they were at first. Tapping isn’t necessarily a cure-all and doesn’t eliminate the need to put in work in areas of our lives. It won’t cure physical ailments nor eliminate risk. What is will do is discharge excess energy so that one can heal better.

    What makes me most skeptical is the affiliate aspect. Maybe it’s hypocritical of me to say because I participate in these programs, but I can’t tell if people are promoting these events because they believe in them or because of the commissions. The way to make money off such affiliate programs is a combination of a good program and popularity. Of course someone with thousands of followers can sell a summit. I’m guessing that most people who buy the upgrade packages never even use them.

    I promote stuff I believe in and if I make commissions, great. If I help educate just one person, I feel good.

    Good for you for not promoting something you have no experience with. It shows integrity.

    Now that the summit’s almost done, what do you think?

    • Hi Andrea!

      Thanks for writing in. To be honest I didn’t have the time to attend the summit and am still experimenting with some of the concepts. Some interesting things have happened that I plan on sharing but so far it’s a little too soon.

      Thanks for writing in!

    • “It won’t cure physical ailments…”

      My friend didn’t know this and got rid of her multiyear chronic bladder infection. In one session by herself.

  • I disagree with the original explanation of why EFT works. (By the way, T stands of techniques, not technique.)

    Having been exposed to and practiced different therapeutic approaches and read reports of some scientific experiments with EFT, I’ve come to a conclusion that the mechanism has nothing to do with meridians. You can tap on anything on your body or even outside it — with the same effects.

    A little known method called Mind Imaging calls for playing Simon Trickster, a $10 electro-mechanical game while focusing on a trigger for a problematic emotional state.

    Sedona Method uses a different “ritual” — saying 3 simple questions while focusing on a trigger.

    Other methods essentially do the same, and only their rituals differ from one another.

    A more important part of EFT and those other methods isn’t the rituals but doing the investigative work with emotions, getting one to feel whatever their bodies are feeling, going inside themselves, working with their metaphors, etc.

  • Hi Renee!

    I know people swear by it so much. I’m still in testing phase with it. I’ll definitely attend next years summit and see if I can pick up some new tips!

  • Hi Renee!
    I first experienced tapping about 10 years ago. A friend of mine came up to me and told me “Would you be willing to do this excercise with me?” He just told me he was trying it himself and wanted to see if it worked on other people. Nothing more. He didn’t even tell me the name of the technique. The next thing I know I was doing all this tapping, saying things outloud. All of a sudden I felt the knot on my stomach (it had always been there) release completely, I felt a nice, warm and very relaxing feeling in my whole body. I immediately started laughing… I had no idea I was so stressed until I discovered how good I could feel. This was thanks to tapping. I didn’t get into it then but, just a year and a half ago, I saw the tapping world summit online and signed up. It came at a great moment in my life, as I had just started a new job and was super stressed out and anxious about doing well.
    I felt relief immediately; I wasn’t stressed out (and when I felt it again, I tapped on it). That was the immediate physical response but I cannot begin to tell you how much it is changing my life. I am talking about negative thoughts that have completely transformed into positive ones; I have a much more clear mind in general and can focus better; I barely have the mood swings I used to have; I started remembering things I had forgotten from my past, negative memories, and I am working on them, crying a lot and feeling a great relief after that, and many more positive experiences. In this year and a half that I have been implementing tapping in my life I have not yet experienced something as strong as that first tapping interaction from 10 years ago, but I am experiencing a much more profound change in my life. I am spanish and I love tapping so much I started my own blog dedicated to translate all tapping material I own into spanish, so more people can benefit from this.
    Best wishes,

    • Hey Lara! Yes I have heard about it for a long time now and need to be consistent with it and see how it affects me in my life. I’m definitely open to it. It’s an interesting concept and it sounds like you’ve had some great experiences!

  • As someone who has a masters in science and math, EFT is an awesome awesome practice. There are plenty of studies to show that it works. The chair of psychology at Harvard actually participates in EFt and was interviewed.

    I could explain all the science and math behind it but you need to understand calc3 and linear algebra first haha. Just remember that in chemistry class, you learned that everything is made of energy and it can not be created nor destroyed.

    There are plenty of legit resources that qualify this as an actual therapy that actually works. The institute of heart math, harvard, and some other schools as well. A physics professor actually wrote a book on it. She is pretty cool. A medical professor at Berkly wrote a paper called the electricity of touch while working at a hospital. The U of U world medical research center in utah uses it as well. It is nothing new. It is exactly the same as acupuncture, you just dont need the needles and you can do it yourself haha.

    Basically this type of science falls under the same category of trying to prove that god exists. You will find plenty for it and against it. This is not a normal science to people just like god is not a normal science to people. Being a scientist who believes in god has been tough haha.

    anyway, thanks

    • Hey Matt!

      Great info thanks for sharing. And I completely agree with you on all this. We’re going to interview somebody soon from Heart Math. 🙂 I’d love to get links to the book you mentioned as well as the paper about all this. Thanks for your comments!

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