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Is it possible to “unclog” your arteries?

The answer is yes.

I’m going to share with you some life saving ideas about how to do it along with what causes them to “clog” in the first place.

But first we need to understand something vitally important, and that is clogged arteries do not cause heart attacks aka myocardial infarctions.

What causes heart attacks then?

This is a complex subject. But after reading books like The Blood Thinner Cure and The Origin of Atherosclerosis it appears to me (at least on a physical level) that unhealthy (viscous) blood combined with calcified arteries are the two biggest culprits.

Medical doctors mislead their patients conflating association with causation. I realize this is a pretty bold claim but I’ll do my best to prove it to you in this article.

An anectdote that may help explain this further would be…

One could say that in all house fires, there are toasters present and could make a case that because toasters could lead to a fire AND they’re at the scene of all house fires. that toasters cause house fires.

But that’s not entirely true. They /could/ cause house fires but they’re not always the cause.

Also just because firefighters are at house fires, you could make the case that house fires are caused by firefighters.

I think it’s important to split association from causation.

Medical doctors do the same thing with cholesterol. They’ll say if your cholesterol is “high” then you could have a heart attack.


If your cholesterol is as low as they want it to be, you’re going to have to be okay with dementia, low testosterone, depression, poor brain function, zero sex drive and 24 hour exhaustion. High cholesterol does not lead to heart attacks and is necessary to rise as we age to fight oxidative stress.

Top 5 Causes of Clogged Arteries


I consider inflammation in the body, the #1 cause of all disease. If your inflammation is high (electron loss) it means you have lots of internal infections going on. Infections could also mean stressors.

In your arteries, inflammation damages the smooth lining, creating tiny “cracks” or weak spots. These spots are like magnets for “bad” (for lack of a better word because LDL cholesterol is also necessary but that’s another article) cholesterol (LDL), which sneaks in and gets stuck in the branch points of arteries. To deal with this inflammation your body creates foam cells and plaque (which act as a bandaid).

This plaque builds up, narrowing your arteries and slowing down blood flow. If the plaque gets unstable, it can rupture and form clots, which are like roadblocks for your blood. That’s how chronic inflammation sets the stage for clogged arteries!

Lipid Peroxidation

Lipid peroxidation is when fats (lipids) become oxidized (lose hydrogen bond connections to other molecules) and create free radicals that result in electron loss (inflammation) in all cells in your body. It’s a huge part of my work and something I talk about a lot.

It turns out that Vitamin E is the antidote to these rancid fatty acids.

These show up as age spots or liver spots on your hands and forehead as you age. It goes by the name of yellow fat disease, progressive lipofuscinosis and many other names. These fats include Omega 3 fish oils (which is why I don’t recommend fish oil, vegetable oils or seed oils), canola oil cotton seed oil and more.

I’ll post a radio show we did about it below…

They put them in crackers, sauces, breads, cakes cookies and many baked goods. If you want to unclog your arteries, the best thing you can do is avoid seed oils like the plague and start taking Vitamin E daily.

When there’s lipid peroxidation in arteries they become sticky and combine with estrogen, heavy metals and form foam cells which leads to plaque in your arteries.

Insulin Resistance

Insulin is the hormone that allows sugar in the form of glucose to get inside cells to create energy. Insulin resistance happens when insulin no longer is able to get sugar into your cells. So the sugar remains in your blood stream. When insulin is high because it cannot pull sugar into your cells, it alters your blood vessles and makes them oxidized and calcified. When this happens your blood vessels are more  prone to damage and makes them less flexible (which also increase blood pressure).

The flip side is that increased insulin levels also increases LDL cholesterol which causes them to become even more oxidized. Do you see the snowball here?

Plaque buildup, calcified blood vessels, increase inflammation and there you have it, clogged arteries.

The terrible thing is you cannot feel this happening (although your body gives you many signs and symptoms that you can notice if you pay attention).

Poor Sleep

Sleep really is the trojan horse of your health. So much healing and repair happens when you sleep. If you were to immediately correct your sleep and get 8 hours uninterrupted deep sleep with REM, most of your health conditions would simply go away.

Sleep is more important than any biohack you could do or diet you could eat. It’s more important than the supplements you take and everything else combined. If you don’t get enough sleep your adrenal glands produce more cortisol because it is now in a fight or flight situation. It’s in a stressed state.

High cortisol alone can increase blood pressure, blood sugar and your cholesterol levels and all 3 of those directly impact clogged arteries. Want to know how to unclog arteries?

Get more sleep.

I know sounds too good to be true but it is.

The other thing to note is that a lack of sleep increases your body’s production of white blood cells which can contribute to plaque build up in your arteries.

A lack of sleep increases inflammation which damages arteries but it also prevents repair which further weakens (and inflames) your blood vessels and arteries to be more susceptible to inflammation.

Crazy circle right?

The point is, if you want to know how to unclog arteries, simply get more sleep.

I lay out how to manage your circadian rhythms and increase your REM sleep here.

Heavy Metals

Many people don’t realize how heavy metals can clog your arteries. We’re exposed to lead, mercury, cadmium, aluminum and arsenic on a daily basis. One very dangerous thing they do is prevent electrons from passing over the electron transport chain inside the inner membrane of your mitochondria.

Electrons must pass from complex 1 to complex 4 in order to make adenosine triphosphate (ATP – energy). When they cannot do that, oxidative stress rises which depletes minerals in order to deal with that stress.

Essentially heavy metals prevent your body from making energy. When it cannot do that the body is in stress. Think of a ceiling fan that’s turned on and while it is on, you’re putting your hand or a piece of wood in the fan blades preventing it from going around.

Two things are happening, you’re preventing the fan from working properly (pushing air) but you’re also putting stress on the fan blades and the motor that’s moving those blades. Eventually the blades and motor will break.

Your body wants to create energy, when it can’t, it puts stress on every cell in your body.

When heavy metals are in your cells they cause oxidative sress and inflammation which damages the cells in the lining of your arteries leading to plaque buildup. Heavy metals also enhance the oxidation of oxidized LDL cholesterol.

High exposures to heavy metals eventually leads to heart disease.

I recommend going a yearly heavy metal cleanse and then avoiding them as much as you can in your daily life.

Lifestyle Changes

The most important point to note is that inflammation in all of its forms is the cause of clogged arteries. How to unclog arteries? Lower inflammation. This means stress from bad relationships, job, situations you face daily and your environment.

Poor lighthing causes oxidative stress. Exposures to heavy metals, plastics and nnEMF increase oxidative stress in your body.

Think of the ideal low stress lifestyle and environment, what does that look like to you? Maybe it’s sitting on the beach with a full belly, getting a massage from your loved one with not a care in the world.

Even though it’s impossible, try to live as close to that ideal as you can.

  • Eat clean food
  • Get sunshine daily
  • Ground your body daily
  • Avoid blue light from compuer screens and lightbulbs
  • Go to bed early
  • Drink clean filtered water
  • Avoid processed foods
  • Mitigate your EMF environment (at least turn your wifi off at night!)
  • Spend more time with friends
  • Do yoga
  • Laugh
  • Do fulfilling work
  • Exercise
  • Do one hobby or fun activity per week
  • Give and receive more hugs daily
  • Get a massage once a month
  • Meditate
  • Setup a debt reduction plan and focus on building wealth
  • Give to people in need

All of these things have their own feedback loop to your nervous system that reduces oxidative stress. Obviously you will not be able to do all of them and the items you are able to do, you can’t do all of them in one day.

Protocols & Supplements

I have an entire protocol centered around how to unclog arteries which you can find here if you’re interested.

As for supplements I would consider the power of Vitamin K and Vitamin E in the form of tocotrienols.

Association between vitamin K1 intake and mortality in the Danish Diet, Cancer, and Health cohort

In a group of more than 7,000 people at high risk for cardiovascular disease, people with the highest intake of vitamin K were 36% less likely to die from any cause at all, compared with those having the lowest intake. – Source

And here’s an article from Harvard (for those of you that value their opinion)

Diets rich in vitamin K linked to lower heart disease risk

The findings come from dietary data from more than 53,000 Danish adults. Researchers focused on vitamin K, which comes in two forms: vitamin K1 (found mainly in green leafy vegetables and vegetable oils), and K2 (found in meat, eggs, and fermented foods such as cheese). For an average of 21 years, they tracked hospitalizations for heart disease, stroke, and peripheral artery disease (clogged arteries in the legs). People with the highest vitamin K1 intakes were 21% less likely to be hospitalized with cardiovascular disease caused by clogged arteries compared with people who had the lowest intakes. – Source

The other main vitamin I would consider is Vitamin E in the form of tocotrienols.

Antioxidant effects of tocotrienols in patients with hyperlipidemia and carotid stenosis

In a three-year, double-blind clinical study, Dr. Marvin Bierenbaum showed that tocotrienols, a form of Vitamin E, can lead to regression of atherosclerosis. His research group observed that tocotrienols greatly reduced activity in the platelets and could prevent clots forming. They also found that tocotrienols reduce blood vessel blockage. –  Source

During the 1930s and 1940s, Canadian cardiologists Wilfred and Evan Shute treated 30,000 patients with natural vitamin E and reported significant success in improving heart disease outcomes.

 “A consistent body of research indicates that vitamin E may protect people against heart disease…The data generally indicate that taking doses ranging from 100 to 800IU per day may lower the risk of heart disease by 30%-40%.”  – Wilfred and Evan Shute

Novel tocotrienols of rice bran inhibit atherosclerotic lesions in C57BL/6 ApoE-deficient mice 

This is the first report of a significant reduction in the atherosclerotic lesion size in all three genotypes of apoE mice fed a novel tocotrienol (d-P(25)-T3) of rice bran. Dietary tocotrienol supplements may provide a unique approach to promoting cardiovascular health. – Source

As for protocols there are things like chelation therapy which are done by IV. You can find a doctor in your area that can do these treatments. Ozone therapy via IV has also shown some promise. I do at home rectal insufflations as they’re roughly 93% as effective as IV and you don’t have to get stuck by a needle. The other benefit is that you can do rectal ozone insufflations more often in less time with no trips to a local clinic.

I’ll put a radio show we did some time ago about the power of ozone therapy for a wide range of health conditions.

A number of years ago Dr. Boyde Haley had something called OSR (oxidative stress relief) that worked so well in helping to unclog arteries that when the FDA got wind of it, they banned it. Don’t you just love the FDA? Always looking out for our best interest.

Dr. Boyde Haley is now working on something called EmeraMed. I’m hoping it’s able to stay on the market. We will see.

There are a number of heavy metal cleanses one can do along with suppositories like Medicardium. I lay all the options out in my Atherosclerosis Protocol

Dietary Changes

As we’ve seen the name of the game is inflammation. You need to be on a low inflammatory diet.

An anti-inflammatory diet is one of the best approaches to preventing clogged arteries. Processed foods are your enemy. This involves cutting out inflammatory foods like refined sugars, processed and fried foods, refined oils, and artificial ingredients. I like to focus on nutrient-dense options, including green vegetables, high quality meat (organic, grass fed, etc), low-glycemic fruits, herbs, spices, fermented foods, healthy fats, and clean protein.

Opt for organic produce when possible to avoid pesticides and toxins that can contribute to inflammation. By reducing inflammation in your body, this type of diet helps protect arterial walls and improves cardiovascular health​.

In other words, eat clean.


If you take the right supplements, eliminate poor lighting, get regular sunlight, avoid processed foods and bring more laughter into your life, you’ll be going a long way to unclogging your arteries.

Doing a once per year heavy metal cleanse would be highly advisable. I don’t recommend more dramatic approaches, although I do discuss them in my Atherosclerosis Protocol. I always recommend trying the simpliest things first. To me changing my environment, diet and upgrading my supplementation is much easier than doing a series of IV injections while not fixing the root cause.

Plus changing your entire life fixes the root cause of why your arteriers are clogged in the first place.

I prefer long term solutions that fix the reason why there’s a problem in the first place.


  1. Have you successfully unclogged your arteries?
  2. If so, how did you do it?
  3. What treatments did you try and what did you notice as a result?

Comment below!

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About the author

Justin is a natural health advocate and health researcher. He has been studying alternative health, nutrition, longevity and disease prevention since 2003 when he became a 100% raw food vegan until 2010. Initially motivated by his mom's non Hodgkin's lymphoma diagnosis in 1995, Justin seeks to provide natural remedies for chronic health conditions often demonized by the mainstream medical industrial complex. He started Extreme Health Radio in 2010 and strives to provide empowering content designed to give you the necessary tools to heal naturally.


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