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Author: Justin Stellman   Date: 
October 8, 2024

The more I research natural health the more convinced I am that parasites play a major role in all disease, sickness and illness.

I’m not so sure that I’d go so far as to say that they are the cause of all death but it’s pretty close. Parasites are insidious they are everywhere, much like fungi. We all have them.

The main way that parasites kill people is that they steal your ability to make energy.

Energy is the currency of our bodies and life.

If you have enough usable energy, you can overcome any disease.

I could make the argument that the cause of all death and disease is the inability to make enough energy. Therefore it’s of utmost importance that we remove the things that steal our energy which in addition to parasites could also be…

  • Stress
  • Poor diet
  • Infections
  • Medications
  • Lack of sleep
  • Poor light environment
  • etc

If we can restore energy to the body, anything is possible. Parasites rob us from making energy to run effectively. I think do a parasite detox cleanse (especially if you have pets like dogs or cats) makes a lot of sense.

But first…

What are Parasites?

Parasites are essentially organisms that live inside of a host (all mammals) that feed off of the host in multiple ways. They can be microscopic in the case of protozoa or much larger like worms. Essentially parasites steal resources from the host until the host is dead.

Kind of like government.

But I digress…

When you have a craving for a certain kind of food, most likely you have a parasite that’s craving that food. The craving you have is not even yours. Parasites have been found everywhere inside and on the human body.

In most cases parasites offer no value to the host. They simply steal resources, energy and food from you the host. They keep you alive long enough to steal your life force so they can live.

This is why we need to do a once per year parasite detox cleanse. In fact I recommend doing a candida and yeast infection cleans, as well as a heavy metal cleanse once per year. If you have animals I recommend doing a parasite detox cleanse at the very minimum twice per year. This is critical if we want to live a long healthy disease free life.

Types of Parasites

There are many types of parasites that can affect human health. Here’s a pretty comprehensive list.


  • Giardia lamblia (causes Giardiasis)
  • Entamoeba histolytica (causes Amoebiasis)
  • Plasmodium species (causes Malaria)
  • Toxoplasma gondii (causes Toxoplasmosis)
  • Trypanosoma species (causes Chagas disease and African sleeping sickness)
  • Leishmania species (causes Leishmaniasis)

Helminths (Parasitic Worms)

Nematodes (Roundworms)

  • Ascaris lumbricoides (causes Ascariasis)
  • Enterobius vermicularis (causes Pinworm infection)
  • Ancylostoma duodenale and Necator americanus (cause Hookworm infection)
  • Strongyloides stercoralis (causes Strongyloidiasis)
  • Trichuris trichiura (causes Whipworm infection)
  • Dirofilaria immitis (causes Heartworm infection, primarily affecting animals but can occasionally infect humans)

Cestodes (Tapeworms)

  • Taenia saginata (Beef tapeworm)
  • Taenia solium (Pork tapeworm, causes Cysticercosis)
  • Echinococcus species (causes Echinococcosis)

Trematodes (Flukes)

  • Schistosoma species (causes Schistosomiasis)
  • Fasciola hepatica (Liver fluke, causes Fascioliasis)
  • Paragonimus westermani (Lung fluke, causes Paragonimiasis)

Ectoparasites (Parasites living on the surface)

  • Sarcoptes scabiei (causes Scabies)
  • Pediculus humanus capitis (Head lice)
  • Pediculus humanus corporis (Body lice)
  • Pthirus pubis (Pubic lice)
  • Ticks (can transmit Lyme disease and other infections)
  • Fleas (can transmit plague and murine typhus)

Where We Get Parasites

It’s funny as humans we think that only animals have parasites. Every time we go to the veterinarian to see our dogs, they’ll always ask about heart worm medication. But when was the last time when you went into your doctor if he asked you about parasites?

The correct answer is never. Doctors never ask about parasites, yet we all have them (to a greater or lesser degree) and they affect our health (to a greater or lesser degree).

If you live in the tropics, it’s almost a slam dunk that you have parasites. We can get them from kissing our dogs or cat (sad right? I’m still going to kiss Charlee, Coco, and Frankie I don’t care!). You can also pick up parasites from uncooked meat or a big one is seafood, especially raw like sushi.

If you drink any kind of unfiltered water (invest in a high quality water filter please!) most likely you have parasites. Some common water born parasites would be Giardia, Toxoplasma, or tapeworms.

You can also pick up parasites from eating unwashed vegetables (that’s why I always wash my fruits and vegetables in ozone water).

It’s also possible to get them from salad bars at restaurants and even walking on grass barefoot (I still do it because the benefits of grounding are powerful).

If you have dogs and are picking up their poop on the backyard lawn most likely you’ve contracted hookworms or whipworms.

One scary way to get parasites is through insect bites. We get a lot of mosquitos here in Southern California especially in the Fall and they can carry malaria and possibly even Lyme disease.

This is why I recommend at least once a year to go through a high quality parasite detox cleanse.

We did an interview a few years ago with a really interesting (and controversial) herbalist named Barbara Frank. I’ll post it below for you to listen.

How Parasites Impact Health

Some people like herbalist Barbara Frank conclude that parasites are the cause of EVERY known disease. I “kind of” agree with her. But if you think about it, it’s hard to pin the death of somebody to a parasitic infection.

For example, what happens in the case where a person’s immune system is weakened by just enough to cause them to succumb to cancer or an autoimmune disease? We know that the currency of the body is energy.

Energy (ATP) is made in complex 4 of your mitochondria called cytochrome c-oxidase. That’s where we make EZ water or 4th phase water also. If you need 100% of your energy so that your immune system has the resources to prevent cancer cells from growing, what happens if parasites deplete your available energy by 30%?

How could you equate that 30% energy loss to parasites? There’s no real way to prove it.

But in theory, the idea that parasites cause all diseases does have some merit.

We know that parasites have been implicated in damaging tissue internally, causing inflammation, nutritional deficiencies, immune system suppression, as well as some cancers.

This is why parasite detox cleanses are mission critical for your health, energy levels and longevity.

There was a study conducted in 1999 by McGuire et al., where they examined plasma levels in severely anemic children with Plasmodium falciparum infection and found that low plasma TNF levels were observed in these children, unlike the high levels found in cerebral malaria patients. – Source

In 2018, Kamdem et al. explored the regulation of liver fibrosis in Schistosoma mansoni infections and discovered that fibrosis severity is modulated by genetic factors linked to interferon-gamma receptors, highlighting the potential for severe organ damage in chronic cases. – Source

A study by Abo-Al-Ela et al. in 2019 examined the impact of Toxoplasma gondii on the brain and found that toxoplasmosis is linked to neuropsychiatric conditions and behavioral changes due to the parasite’s ability to disrupt normal brain function and induce inflammation. – Source

There was a study in 2014 by Brown et al., which focused on Giardia infections in children and found that the parasite impairs nutrient absorption, leading to growth retardation and nutritional deficiencies due to its interference with the host’s digestive processes. – Source

In 2014, Young et al. conducted a study on Opisthorchis viverrini and its genome, discovering that the parasite is classified as a group 1 carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), and chronic infection significantly increases the risk of bile duct cancer due to the persistent inflammatory response and genetic mutations it causes in host cells. – Source

I could go on and on about parasites and how they affect the health of every mammal on the planet. At this point I’m starting to agree with Barbara Frank that parasites are at least involved in the death of every mammal. To what extent we will never know.

But what we know is that in order to delay parasites killing us as their host, we must do parasite detox cleanses regularly. I like to do them once per year but you could do them more often.

Best Parasite Detox Cleanse

What is the best parasite detox cleanse on the market? Well they’re all different and emphasis different herbs, and nutraceuticals to kill parasites. You want to make sure that you’re killing the parasite as well as its eggs too.

The best parasite detox cleanse is the one that you’ll actually do and stick to. You don’t want to stop your parasite detox cleanse halfway through. It’s mission critical to do the entire parasite cleanse so make sure you plan accordingly.

We have dogs and unlike what Barbara Frank recommends, I’m going to be kissing and loving on my dogs. I’m also not going to wash the bottoms of my feet each time I come into the house. It’s just not practical. I’m just going to be using my zapper (right now my favorite is the Silver Pulser from Sota), my rife machine, sweating in my infrared sauna, doing anti parasite herbs on a regular basis and increasing my copper and regulating my light environment.

Even while doing all that I’m still going to do a parasite detox cleanse each year. Most likely I’ll rotate them and switch them out. I like to try new things and this way it also confuses the parasites so they don’t know what’s coming.

The best parasite detox cleanse is going to have herbs in it like wormwood, garlic, pumpkin seeds, black walnut & papaya seeds in them. More conventional antiparasitic medications include things like fenbendazole and ivermectin. Just make sure you pick a good one and like I mentioned it’s okay to try different parasite cleanses each time.

In my Yearly Cleanse Protocol I give 4 different parasite detox cleanses that I like and use.


As you can see parasites can be at least connected to every major disease and illness that mammals get and die from. Doing a regular parasite detox cleanse allows your body to relieve the burden they put on your system. This way your body can use the extra energy to fight other infections and help you feel more energetic and alive.


  1. Do you have parasites? What makes you think so?
  2. What symptoms do you have?
  3. Have you tried any parasite detox cleanses before?
  4. What were there results?

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Justin Stellman

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