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In this #FFAF402 episode we discuss lots of health issues. As most of you know by now we cannot ever give “medical” advice on the air during the shows, or via email or our social media accounts.

We wouldn’t want to anyway. I don’t believe there are such conditions as “medical” conditions. The medical industry has hijacked our language and turned it militaristic. People have health challenges, not medical conditions.

So with that said, typically our Free For All Friday shows Kate and I muse about natural healing, spirituality, sometimes politics, personal development and growing as people on every level. We’ll discuss challenges we’re going through, what we’re learning and the previous guests we’ve had on.

Each week Kate and I are exposed to new information on all the levels mentioned above and we like to share these with you during the show. Sometimes they’re related to natural health, sometimes thy’re more related to spirituality and personal development.

I believe all of these are one anyway and most people that are interested in healing from diseases naturally are typically also interested in personal growth, spirituality and generally being a better person.

We like to let our guests talk about the health aspects of the physical while we like to muse philosophically and spiritually on these particular shows. I hope you enjoy!

In this show we talked about my yearly health maintenance schedule. I think it’s very important to have a daily, weekly, monthly, seasonally and yearly schedule for taking care of our physical health.





  • 1 Herbal Cleanse
  • 1 Liver Flush
  • 1 Colonic
  • 1 Parasite Cleanse
  • 1 Blood Tests
  • 1 Silent Retreat or Fun Getaway
  • Ayahuasca session

Now obviously this list isn’t for everybody and most likely it will change even for myself over time but the idea is simply to get on a regular health maintenance program.

We also talked about the dangers of sugar and why it can be very toxic for our health. Sugar causes inflammation, increased aging, feeds candida, feeds cancer cells and causes a whole host of inflammatory processes in the body.

We also discussed honoring mom and dad and what we can do to truly honor them whether they are alive or have passed away.

Lastly we discussed how important it is (especially for men) to donate blood on a regular basis.

I hope you enjoy the show. Please tell your friends by clicking on the share buttons on this page and leave us a review on iTunes. We thank you for all of you that have done so!

Enjoy. 🙂


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Show Date:

Monday 10/30/2015

Show Guest:

Free For All Friday

Show Topic:

Dangers of sugar, yearly health cleansing schedule, donating blood

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About the author

Justin is a natural health advocate and health researcher. He has been studying alternative health, nutrition, longevity and disease prevention since 2003 when he became a 100% raw food vegan until 2010. Initially motivated by his mom's non Hodgkin's lymphoma diagnosis in 1995, Justin seeks to provide natural remedies for chronic health conditions often demonized by the mainstream medical industrial complex. He started Extreme Health Radio in 2010 and strives to provide empowering content designed to give you the necessary tools to heal naturally.


Blood, Sugar

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  • Hi Justin,

    Love to podcast as usual. I wanted to posit some information that may help you curb your sweet tooth cravings. Often times, craving sweets is due to a Magnesium deficiency. There is a local company that does a really good job of educating about health and they cover this topic in one of their podcasts. I hope you get a chance to listen.



  • Hey guys,

    Where did the comments go? I was just looking forward to hearing your responses… Keep up the good work,


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