Feel Good Project day 46
Unfortunately I guess there has to be things that feel BAD sometimes in order to know what feeling GOOD means and feels like right?
Today was just such a day.
Nothing too groundbreaking today, it’s funny how that’s the case with some days. Nothing exceptional or extraordinary happened today, but it flew by all the same!
My digestive challenges are pretty much back these past few days, as has been the case each time I add new foods back in seemingly.
That’s what the bummer thing about doing an amazing gut rest it seems. I feel like I am on top of the world for a bit and then slowly creeps back in the less than fantastic.
I am still nowhere close to feeling bad like I did a year ago by any stretch. Compared to that, I feel like a new human!
Again though, I just want to feel like the very BEST version of myself as possible, and I am still determined to figure out exactly how to get there.
Like eating an elephant I guess, right? One bite at a time.
There are SO so many ideas, programs and plans of my own I have in lie to try, so I try not to take myself too seriously when I have an off day. I know help is on the way and that this is not my destiny to just go through short phases of feeling amazing. I believe those moments are there to encourage me to keep going by giving me glimpses.
Although I get frustrated and tend to view them sometimes as a cruel joke, in reality I know they are serving a bigger purpose.
I plan on getting to the very bottom of this with some help from online resources like different gut help programs. There have been so many things I have tried already but I know I have by no means exhausted my options and possibilities and I feel great comfort in that.
Been thinking this week that maybe I stopped my juice and bone broth a bit too short, and am thinking of giving it another go-this time until I feel more healed up. It’s hard to tell when that point is, but I feel like I can go a bit longer than last time to gain even more benefit of giving the old digestion a well deserved break:)
FEEL GOOD MOMENT OF THE DAY: spending time with my family at the home I grew up in, watching my sister’s babies play and laugh while they looked at the Christmas tree in wonder. Hearing a baby laugh is truly magical.