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Grow Your Business & Empower More People By Sponsoring Our Show!

Are you looking to gain more exposure to your products? Do you truly want to help the world by offering products and services that will help empower people to become the greatest versions of themselves?

That’s our mission also!

Extreme Health Radio broadcasts live Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 9am-10:30am Pacific time on our live show page. Four new shows are added each week.

The Next Growing Trend…

Preventive medicine is becoming more and more popular in today’s world. People are buying more organic food, supplements are becoming more popular and green juices are the norm these days.

Never before have people been waking up to health and nutrition as fast as they are today.

Here are some statistics about where people are spending their money in the health and wellness industry.

Health and Wellness Market Segments

The following segments in retail sales have seen the following annual revenue and growth.

  • Nutritional: $31.5 billion
  • Food and Beverage: $10.2 billion
  • Vitamins and Dietary Supplements: $20 billion
  • Herbal and Traditional Products: $4.7 billion
  • Slimming Products: $3.6 billion
  • Sports Nutrition: $3.1 billion

Did you know that there are over 450 million active blogs on the internet? More than 72 hrs of video is uploaded to Youtube every single minute. In Dec 2010 270 million iPods were sold by Apple.

In comparison to 450 million active blogs there are..

  1. Only 200,000 audio podcasts in iTunes and 90% of them don’t have professional audio quality.
  2. 1 billion people world wide that own smart phones.
  3. 97 million people drive to work in the USA alone!

Podcasting and online radio shows like Extreme Health Radio are putting traditional network radio shows out of business. With 97 million people commuting each day to work, your chance to reach our audience through sponsoring our radio show is huge. Most people listen to our shows with their ear buds. This means that they are literally tuning out to what’s going on around them and tuning into you and your message as an advertiser on our show.



Extreme Health Radio will not promote products that contain: high fructose corn syrup, natural flavors, natural colorings, yeast extract, MSG, aspartame, sodium nitrite, hydrogenated oils, chemical pharmaceuticals, toxic perfumes and fragrance chemicals, etc. We will also not approve any sponsors who advocate gambling, online casinos, alcohol, weapons, or adult material.

In Summary…

You get constant repeat exposure to thousands of highly motivated audience passionate about health on a daily basis. Our motivated listeners take action and trust the hosts Justin and Kate for high quality recommendations for health products. Because many of our listeners listen to shows more than once you get constant exposure to a highly action oriented audience.

Join The Team & Change The World!

If you want to grow your business and help a motivated health minded community improve their lives through your products and services email justin [at] extremehealthradio dot com to learn more information! Or you can simply contact us via our contact page.

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