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WARNING: This article might rock your world view.

I’m going to start off with this question….

Are there home remedies to cure pneumonia?



They” don’t want you to know about alternative or natural health solutions to diseases.

I know that’s kind of hard to think about because you have to ask a ton of questions if that hypothesis is true. And I mean hard questions like

  • If there’s a natural home remedy to cure pneumonia, why would they hide it from me?
  • Are they that evil to do it?
  • Do “they” care more about profits than their own people?
  • Why wouldn’t they share this on the news?

Since most people don’t want to come to grips with the fact that they have been lied to, they’ll just dismiss the fact that they have cures to diseases by saying that “they” would never do that to us.

It’s like what Dr. David Jubb once said, it’s

“submission to authority for the sake of certainty”.

The fact is that there are numerous home remedies to cure pneumonia naturally and I’ll share some of them with you in this article. For a full detailed list I’d recommend you look further into this information.

But the fact remains that the medical industry has ordered every doctor with an active medical license to follow the “standard of care”. I call it the “standard of scare”. If the doctor starts recommending herbs, vitamins, minerals and many of the nature based lifestyle principles that I recommend, they’ll lose their license.

Hense “the standard of scare”.

They are scaring the medical doctors from going outside the lines.


Profit and control of course.

Don’t they already have enough money?

Of course they do, but they want total and complete control. Just take a look at the years between 2019-2024 for proof of that. This is why they not only control the doctors but they also control the media and what people can say.

This is why I can write about home remedies to cure pneumonia in general but I always have to tell you to go to a doctor and talk to them. And it’s also why I have to tell you that  I’m not a medical doctor and this is not medical advice (thank God because the medical industry unalives 440,000 people per year…not counting mistakes).

So the answers to those hard questions are yes.




Yes they care more about profit and control than you. They consider you a product and they want to control you from cradle to grave while extracting as much money from you in the process. Let’s just get that out of the way.

That’s fine, that’s their goal big deal.

We’re all awake now able to take full control and responsibility over our health.

So let’s do that while we still can.

To understand more about why they’re doing what they’re doing, let’s look at some stats. Remember pneumonia is simply a problem, that they can have a solution (product) for.

Pneumonia Stats

Pneumonia is the primary cause of mortality for children under the age of 5 worldwide, responsible for 16% of all deaths in this age group and claiming the lives of roughly 2,400 children daily in 2015. Annually, children under 5 experience around 120 million cases of pneumonia, with over 10% (about 14 million) developing into severe conditions.

In 2016, it was estimated that 880,000 children under five died from pneumonia, with the majority of these cases occurring in children under the age of 2.

Now let’s look at that cash money…

Here’s how the American Lung Association words it…

The annual cost of pneumonia in the United States is over $10 billion. Inpatient costs account for 89% of all expenditures.

Just replace the phrase “annual cost of” with “money we can make from” and that now represents a more accurate truth.

Just one medication called Prevnar 13 earned Fizer (spelled incorrectly on purpose) $5.8 billion in sales in 2020 alone.  I’d link to their Full-Year 2020 Earnings Report, but I don’t even want to be on their radar to be honest.

You can look that one for yourself.

Mind you, that’s just one year and one medication.

Let’s just be honest here….pneumonia is a cash cow.

Do you think they want you to know about home remedies to cure pneumonia when they could make billions if you don’t know about them?

It’s time we grow up and stop acting like the G’ment and the medical industry actually cares about our health.

Once we accept that truth, then we can get on with learning how to care for the human organism naturally.

What is Pneumonia?

Pneumonia is an infection that affects one or both lungs. It causes the air sacs, or alveoli, of the lungs to fill up with fluid or pus. Bacteria, viruses, or fungi may cause pneumonia.

Okay so take note of that last sentence there….”Bacteria, viruses or fungi may cause pneumonia”.

There was a Nursing study by StatsPearls in 2023 that says exactly this.

Then there was a study in 2000, 2009 in Periodontology that also says the same thing.

Now that we know that bacteria, viruses and/or fungi cause pneumonia, we must figure out natural solutions to these 3 core issues.

If only there were home remedies to cure pneumonia that got to these issues!

Turns out there are and we’ll get to them in a moment.

But first….

Types of Pneumonia

Pneumonia can be classified into a bunch of different types based on the cause, location, and setting of when you may have picked it up. Like I mentioned above, the main types of pneumonia are bacterial, viral, fungal, aspiration, and hospital-acquired pneumonia, each with unique pathogens and risk factors.

Community-Acquired Pneumonia (CAP)

Refers to pneumonia contracted outside of healthcare settings.

Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia (HAP)

Also known as Nosocomial Pneumonia, this type is acquired 48 hours or more after being admitted to a hospital. My mom had this kind about a year ago.

Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia (VAP)

Occurs in patients who are on mechanical ventilation.

Aspiration Pneumonia

Also known as Inhalation Pneumonia, caused by inhaling food, liquids, or vomit into the lungs.

Atypical Pneumonia

Also known as Walking Pneumonia, typically caused by specific bacteria like Mycoplasma pneumoniae and has milder symptoms.

Symptoms of Pneumonia

How do you know if you have pneumonia? There are quite a few ways to know.

Pneumonia symptoms can range from mild to severe and often include cough, which may produce green, yellow, or even bloody mucus. I have to say for legal reasons, if you have any of these symptoms, contact a doctor skilled and knowledgeable in natural medicine.

Other common symptoms are fever, chills, and shortness of breath. You might experience chest pain that worsens with deep breaths or coughing, as well as fatigue, muscle aches, and headaches.

If it progresses you may notice confusion, especially if you’re older, and a bluish tint to your lips or fingertips from a lack of oxygen. You may also notice additional symptoms like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, mostly in kids and individuals with weakened immune systems.

Now let’s look at some natural and more holistic remedies to cure pneumonia naturally at home.

Home Remedies to Cure Pneumonia

From my research it appears as though lowered immunity combined with exposure to bacteria, viruses or fungi is the main culprit here. I’m going to share with you some supplements in the form of vitamins, minerals, herbs, and other nutraceuticals that you can take as a home remedy to cure pneumonia.

But I want you to ask yourself this question…

Why do other people get exposed to the same bacteria, viruses and fungi that you did and don’t contract pneumonia?

The reason is they have a healthy immune system.

So I want you to work on building stronger immunity while at the same time trying some of these home remedies to cure pneumonia.

You can do these things at the same time.

I’m also going to share some natural remedies to cure pneumonia that aren’t necessarily able to be done at home, unless you have access to specific devices (like a Hemealumen Polychromatic Device) and you happen to be a nurse or somebody who’s able to do IV injections.

Carbon Dioxide Therapy

Carbogen inhalation therapy has actually been used for at least a few hundred years. It was briefly rediscovered in the early 1930s.

“Enter ‘carbogen’ to save the lives of pneumonia victims. Inhaling this new gas, a mixture of oxygen and carbon dioxide, is reported to have proved effective in cases usually considered hopeless. The photograph above [in the actual magazine] shows the strange apparatus developed by two Yale University medical experts to administer the treatment. Carbogen from the cylinder is led into a tent like chamber with flexible windows that fits closely over the patient’s head and shoulders as he lies in bed.” – “New Gas Used to Save Pneumonia Patients,” Popular Science, Apr. 1932 page 66

They had a cure to pneumonia back in 1932? Why hasn’t this been more mainstream? Why don’t people know about this?

If you’re still asking that question sincerely, then you just don’t know how the medical system works. Sorry to be so blunt.

There are many ways to get more carbon dioxide into your blood stream. The first way is to nasal breathe during the day. I’ll put a radio show we did all about nasal breathing just below this. The other way to increase your carbon dioxide is to use mouth tape when you go to sleep at night. This is something I’ve been doing for years with great success.

The other way to get more CO2 is to use a device like the carbohaler and doing a Co2 bath which I would highly recommend (even though I’m not a bought and paid for medical doctor).

IV Treatments

If I had pneumonia and I needed to get on top of the infection quick, I would find a doctor in my area who does IV therapies. Keep in mind, not all doctors will do these therapies. Some might do all of them, while others may do some of them. Also some doctors might follow a protocol of their own for these types of remedies for pneumonia. For example, some doctors might do a series of 3 IVs in a week of peroxide followed by another week with a series of 3 of vitamin c.

Just find a doctor in your area that can do these types of treatments. That’s what I would do if I had a serious lung infection like pneumonia.

I’m going to post an interview we did below with my medical doctor friend Dr. Richard Massey MD. He no longer practices medicine because he woke up to how the system works. I think you’ll enjoy this show all about ultraviolet blood irradiation therapy.

The interview we did below was with Tom Lowe who has done extensive research into ultraviolet blood irradiation therapy. He’s the author of a book called Invisible Cure which I would highly recommend purchasing. His website that goes into more detail can be found here.

Speaking of UBI, I’d like to quote this for you from a paper entitled Ultraviolet Irradiation of Blood: “The Cure That Time Forgot”?

UV irradiation of blood was hailed as a miracle therapy for treating serious infections in the 1940s and 1950s. In an ironic quirk of fate, this historical time period coincided with the widespread introduction of penicillin antibiotics, which were rapidly found to be an even bigger medical miracle therapy. Ultraviolet blood irradiation (UBI) was extensively used in the 1940s and 1950s to treat many diseases including septicemia, pneumonia, tuberculosis, arthritis, asthma and even poliomyelitis.

I’m going to add a video below where Tom Lowe does a brief breakdown of UBI. I think you’ll find it interesting.

Home Supplements

Obviously I cannot give medical advice about anything. I can only share what I would do as a home remedy to cure pneumonia. I would increase my vitamin D intake through light. As of this writing in do not recommend taking vitamin D in supplement form. If you feel comfortable doing that, then I would consider it. 

If you can get your hands on some ivermectin than I would look into that. I think that could be very helpful for most people suffering from pneumonia.

I would take these supplements as well…

  1. Vitamin CSource
  2. GlutathioneSource
  3. SeleniumSource
  4. GarlicSource
  5. BromelainSource
  6. Vitamin ESource
  7. ZincSource
  8. Vitamin ASource

My main “home” remedy to cure pneumonia would be getting IV treatments done. By home I mean away from the doctors office, emergency room or hospital. These IV treatments are powerful and can really change the game for you very quickly.

Personally I would start taking 1,000mg of vitamin C every 15 minutes. I can’t tell you what  you should do but that’s what I would do. I would also get on a regimen of taking those 8 supplements above.

I’ll put a show below about the power of high dose oral vitamin C with Dr. Andrew Saul author of Vitamin C: The Real Story.

While I’m taking those, I would then start searching for a doctor in my area that can do these types of IV treatments.

I’m fortunate because I have a home ozone device where I can breath ozone through olive oil or do rectal insufflations as a systemic whole body treatment. I highly recommend investing in some of these more expensive tools to have at home. This way you can turn your house into your very own wellness clinic.

For example, I believe having an ozone device at home that you know how to use is like having an emergency room, doctors office and a hospital all rolled into one. Ozone has hundreds of use cases.

I would avoid substances like antibiotics, proton pump inhibitors, statins, corticosteroid. If you’re on these medications I would talk with your doctor about tapering off of them.


As you can see from the studies I’ve linked to that there are indeed home remedies to cure pneumonia naturally without drugs and expensive hospital visits. I’m not a medical doctor but I personally would try everything I mentioned above as my first attempt at healing at home in a natural way.

If you’d like even more things you can do along with dosing and my targeted approach I put together The Pneumonia Protocol you might be interested in.


  1. Have you ever had pneumonia?
  2. How did you overcome it?
  3. Do you know of anybody that had it? What was their outcome?

Comment below!

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About the author

Justin is a natural health advocate and health researcher. He has been studying alternative health, nutrition, longevity and disease prevention since 2003 when he became a 100% raw food vegan until 2010. Initially motivated by his mom's non Hodgkin's lymphoma diagnosis in 1995, Justin seeks to provide natural remedies for chronic health conditions often demonized by the mainstream medical industrial complex. He started Extreme Health Radio in 2010 and strives to provide empowering content designed to give you the necessary tools to heal naturally.


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