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I want to be clear, my intention with this article about coffee enemas and their benefits is to motivate you to research them and consider them as part of your wellness routine so you don’t get sick.

I’m obviously not a doctor (nor would I want to be one) so always check with your doctor before doing any biohack like coffee enemas.

If you do end up doing coffee enemas on the regular, it’s important to get a good high quality kit that you can use over and over again. I plan to get back to doing them once a week.  Lately I’ve been doing rectal ozone insufflations more regularly but I feel called to get back to doing coffee enemas along with weekly ozone insufflations.

In this article I want to share with you 5  powerful coffee enema benefits despite what the mainstream medical industrial complex wants to tell you.

The mainstream media wants to tell you that coffee enemas are dangerous because they *could* cause proctocolitis, which is simply inflammation.

Heaven forbid you should take your health into your hands and heal a chronic disease because you know just how powerful coffee enemas are to your health.

I have a strong feeling that they don’t want you healthy, informed and full of energy.

Coffee enemas can help you achieve that.

Instead they want you sick, mind controlled and reliant on them for literally everything.

This is why you’ll see article after article demonizing coffee enemas and scaring you out of doing them.

Just to compare, let’s take a look at about colonoscopies in relation to coffee enemas.

The main value of colonoscopies seems to be in lining the pockets of the doctors who perform them. The Lown Institute for example has said that 25% of them are not even necessary.

On top of that, the fine folks over at the New England Journal of Medicine are starting to question their effectiveness (the study says the participants “risk” for colon cancer was lower but not the actual amount people diagnosed with colon cancer. Clever wording) in preventing cancer, AT ALL.

And our good friends over at the “Scientific American” are now stating that colonoscopies for seniors pose “unnecessary risks“.

The main risk of colonoscopies seems to be a perforated colon.

According to the World Journal of Gastroenterology there are over 80,000 cases of perforated colons. My friend Dr. Richard Massey MD (a former anesthesiologist) has been in on a few cases where this happens. You can read more about the actual numbers from Surgical Endoscopy and the Endoscopy Journal.

What happens if your colon wall is perforated?

Well you could die or at the very least end up with a colostomy bag for the rest of your life.

But that’s okay, even though the New England Journal of Medicine questions the efficacy of colonoscopies, you should still go get one.

But God forbid you do your own coffee enemas at home to become so healthy you never need to get a colonoscopy ever again.

We wouldn’t want that to happen would we?

They need you to be depending on them and their unnecessary medical procedures until you die from them.

How do they do that?

Fear, of course.

They try to make you afraid of NOT getting a colonoscopy by telling you you might die of colon cancer. It’s important to note that they don’t want to heal you, because that would be really bad for business. If they did want to heal you, they would be teaching you all the amazing cancer remedies that I’ve listed out here.

Then they try to make you fearful of doing a coffee enema saying you could get some inflammation as a result.

And this my friend is why and how the medical industrial complex kills 440,000 people per year, by scaring you away from the thing that will might save your life while at the same time making you so fearful of NOT getting a colonoscopy only to be damaged by it.

I use the colonoscopy procedure as just one example of how biased they are and how much they try to instill fear in you at every level.

With that said, let’s empower you to learn about some pretty powerful coffee enema benefits you should be aware of.

But first…

Coffee Enema Origins

I’ve been doing coffee enemas off and on for 20 years and I’ve never had any adverse effects from them. The only thing I’ve noticed from doing coffee enemas are all the benefits.

Coffee enemas have been used for literally thousands of years in ancient cultures like Egypt and Greece for their health benefits and ability to detoxify the liver.

In modern times they became popular around 1917 during World War 1. They were used as a “pain management” solution for wounded soldiers. A German nurse in her attempt to alleviate a soldier’s pain, used coffee in an enema (instead of warm water) because they ran out of supplies. Even back then, doctors knew that caffeine stimulates the liver and gallbladder so they considered it a possibility to offer coffee via the rectum which actually works very well.

Then in the 1920s Dr. Max Gerson incorporated it into his Gerson Therapy to help heal people naturally. Since his natural healing therapies worked so well, they (the people who control information) have done a remarkable job in discrediting him with fear and false statistics.

We did a radio show with Dr. Patrick Vickers from the Gerson Clinic below about coffee enemas if you’re interested to listen.

Oddly enough coffee enemas were listed with a medical endorsement in the prestigious Merck Manual medical reference book until the 1970s. Allegedly they removed it because the edition was getting “too thick”.

In 1917, Dr. Kellogg reported to the Journal of American Medicine that he had observed rather remarkable results in over 40,000 cases of gastrointestinal disease through a regimen that included diet, exercises, and yep you guessed it….enemas.

What Is A Coffee Enema?

We know that coffee itself is very high in antioxidants.

A coffee enema is a type of retention enema that usually involves introducing a solution made from brewed coffee into the colon. This procedure is primarily used for its detoxifying effects on the liver and your entire body. The caffeine and other compounds in the coffee stimulate the liver to produce the master antioxidant called glutathione and bile, which helps in the excretion of toxins that we bioaccumulate.

We know that there are about 85,000 chemicals in our environment today including heavy metals, pesticides, industrial chemicals, plastics, pharmaceuticals, mycotoxins, endotoxins and the list goes on and on.

Also, substances like kahweol and cafestol palmitate in coffee enhance the liver’s enzyme system, aiding in the removal of toxic radicals from the bloodstream. The enema you do should be held for in your rectum for about 15 minutes to maximize its impact on your liver and for you to get the maximum detoxification benefits.

Detoxification of the Liver and Body

The main “method of action” from a coffee enema seems to be the reaction your liver has to caffeine. When caffeine is introduced into your rectum it travels through the portal vein that goes directly to your liver. Your liver doesn’t seem to like being exposed to caffeine in this way. As a result it expands and contracts.

This squeezing action then produces an extremely powerful enzyme called glutathione S-transferase (GST) by up to 700 times.

This is the magic right here.

It’s what this enzyme glutathione does that produces all of these enema benefits for your health.

Let’s say your doing the dishes and you run out of soap to wash your dishes. But your still have some residual soap left in a dish rag on your sink. If you ring out that dishrag the soap is liberated and now you can use that soap to clean the rest of your dishes.

The magic is in liberating the soap from the dishrag so you can then use that soap to clean other dishes that you can use in a variety of different ways.

Doing a coffee enema is like that. You manually cause your liver to contract which liberates (or causes) glutathione to be released and used in a variety of different ways.

Coffee enemas also cause your bile ducts to dilate which stimulates the excretion of toxins that are stored in your liver. Remember, your liver has over 500 functions so taking care of your liver is your number one priority if you want to live a long healthy disease free life.

Let’s explore some of the ways that glutathione can help with your overall health and well being.

Improved Skin Health

I’ve found that coffee enemas can be really helpful for different skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, and acne. The detoxification process that happens by coffee enemas helps in improving skin health by reducing the body’s toxic load, which can manifest in clearer and healthier skin. Remember, if you have a healthy liver and a healthy digestive tract, most likely you will not have any skin conditions whatsoever.

The production of glutathione, a powerful antioxidant, is significantly increased by coffee enemas. Glutathione helps in preserving cell DNA and reducing cellular damage, which can contribute to you having much healthier skin. This antioxidant activity helps in neutralizing free radicals that can cause skin aging and other skin issues like wrinkles etc.

Pain Relief

Some reports I’ve read suggest that coffee enemas stimulate the vagus nerve, which may help improve your parasympathetic nervous system activity (rest-and-digest responses) and reduce pain perception.

It’s worth noting that the caffeine in coffee enemas causes dilation of the bile ducts (like we mentioned before), allowing for increased bile flow. Huge. This helps flush out toxins more efficiently. The removal of these toxins may lead to reduced inflammation and relief of associated pain.

With that said it goes back to glutathione once again. We know that glutathione is a powerful antioxidant, and its production is enhanced when you do regular coffee enemas. By neutralizing free radicals and reducing oxidative stress, glutathione may (key word here) reduce the inflammatory processes that contribute to pain.

Enhanced Mental Clarity and Energy Levels

As stated before the main benefit of coffee enemas is its ability to stimulate the liver to produce glutathione s transferase. This powerful enzyme clears toxins from the bloodstream. By reducing your body’s toxic load, mental fog and sluggishness may improve, leading to enhanced mental clarity overall.

This is the health that gets restored when they body is able to remove chemicals and toxins that prevent organs from working properly. It’s kind of like having a headache from banging your head against the wall. Once you stop doing that the body restores itself and your headache is gone.

The same is true with coffee enemas. When your liver is stimulated to produce more glutathione, magical things happen all over the body.

Boosted Immune Function

We know for example that the accumulation of heavy metals prevents your mitochondria from producing energy (ATP or adenosine triphosphate). Glutathione s transferase helps the body chelate (bind to) and remove heavy metals. When there’s less heavy metals in your system, electrons are able to pass more easily over the electron transport chain of your inner mitochondrial membrane to go to complex 4 cytochrome c oxidase which is where ATP gets created.

Also when your liver produces more bile your body is able to remove toxins, pathogens, and waste products more effectively. By reducing the overall toxic load, your immune system can function the way God created it to, without being overwhelmed by this overload of toxins.

By reducing the toxic burden of your entire body by producing more glutathione and bile, your body now has more energy to devote to repairing things that are going wrong in your body.


As you can see there are so many coffee enema benefits that it behooves you to consider doing them on a regular basis. I’m going to do another article about how to do a coffee enema, how often to do coffee enemas and how to maximize their health effects.

Healing is about energy. You can either create more energy (recommended) and or remove the things that are preventing the body from making energy (in this case a coffee enema).

In short coffee enemas stimulate your liver to produce more bile and more glutathione s transferase. When there is more of these substances in your body, they can help you cleanse and detoxify the chemicals and poisons you’ve stored in your body that are preventing you from making energy.

When your body has less of these chemicals in them because you do regular coffee enemas, you’ll notice other lingering health issues begin to fade away. This is because the energy that you’re creating doesn’t have to be wasted in dealing with the chelation of these toxins you have in your body.

Since they’re now gone, that energy gets diverted to other health issues you have going on that have never been corrected because you only have so much energy to deal with these issues.

As you can see there are so many coffee enema benefits that can radically improve your health. I hope that you will at least consider doing them on a regular basis (but check with your medical doctor first because only they can give you health advice. Medical doctors are almost Gods so we should listen to everything they say).



  1. Do you do coffee enemas regularly?
  2. If so, what did you notice as a result?
  3. If not, why have you not started?

Comment below!

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About the author

Justin is a natural health advocate and health researcher. He has been studying alternative health, nutrition, longevity and disease prevention since 2003 when he became a 100% raw food vegan until 2010. Initially motivated by his mom's non Hodgkin's lymphoma diagnosis in 1995, Justin seeks to provide natural remedies for chronic health conditions often demonized by the mainstream medical industrial complex. He started Extreme Health Radio in 2010 and strives to provide empowering content designed to give you the necessary tools to heal naturally.


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