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Author: Justin Stellman   Date: 
October 7, 2024

Are you one of the 26 million women between the ages of 15 and 50 looking for some natural cures for uterine fibroids before getting a expensive and painful surgery?

If you are my hope is that you will be able to find some natural remedies to help you avoid a painful myomectomy.

That same paper I linked to above also states that 80% of black women and 70% of white women will have fibroids by the age of 50.

What’s going on? What are they putting in our water?

Why do so many women deal with the pain of uterine fibroids?

Are there any natural cures for uterine fibroids that actually work if we’re being poisoned?

There are.

Let me tell you a little bit about how we got interested in natural remedies for fibroids and what happened when we went to a surgeon for them.

My wife and I met with a local gynecologist who came highly recommended. She used to work for many years as a hair stylist (hair dyes are known to be pro estrogenic and cause cancer) and has been dealing with the pain of uterine fibroids for quite a while.

The gynecologist assured us that the surgery was easy and the recovery was fast and almost painless. (Great sales job right?). It’s hard to believe them when we know that the pharmaceutical companies routinely lie about their products and we know that doctors themselves are a leading cause of death.

It’s almost as if they don’t want to cure you.

The doctor was very nice but also a bit too sure of himself. When I asked him what the cause of fibroids were, he said nobody knows (even though I do). Because if he doesn’t know, nobody can know. This is how doctor use words against you.

I asked him directly if there were any natural cures for uterine fibroids. To which he said, “absolutely not”.

Apparently he hasn’t read the research that I’m going to link to in this article.

My aim is to let you know all the things your gynecologist should have given you informed consent about.

But first…

What Are Uterine Fibroids?

Uterine fibroids aka leiomyomata are most times non-cancerous growths made of the same smooth muscle tissue in your uterus, they seem to develop as hard masses. While fibroids can vary in size—from as small as a seed to large enough to distort the shape of the uterus (which is the case with my wife) — they are generally benign and cannot turn into cancer. They may appear individually or in clusters and are among the most common types of tumors found in the body​.

Fibroids typically develop within the layers of the uterine wall, such as the endometrium, myometrium, and serosa, often in response to hormonal fluctuations, especially those involving estrogen and progesterone.

Although most gynecologists will tell you the exact cause of fibroid formation is not known, they are willing to tell you that genetic predisposition, diet, hormonal imbalance, and exposure to certain environmental toxins may contribute to their growth.

Symptoms of Uterine Fibroids

Fibroids most times remain asymptomatic, and most women are not even aware of they have them unless they grow large or cause symptoms like heavy menstrual bleeding, pelvic pain, or reproductive issues​.

Heavy Menstrual Bleeding

Women with fibroids very often experience increased menstrual flow and bleeding between periods, which can sometimes lead to anemia due to excessive blood loss​.


Pain is a common symptom for most women who have uterine fibroids. This pain happens mostly during menstrual cycles. Fibroids can cause really intense cramping, abdominal discomfort, and even pain during intercourse. The severity of the pain can depend on the size and location of the fibroids​​.

Abdominal Pressure and Bloating

Large fibroids can cause a sensation of fullness or bloating in the abdomen, leading to a feeling similar to early pregnancy. Many women I’ve talked to tell me they feel bloated and full even after a a very small meal. This can be accompanied by a noticeable protrusion of the belly​.

Urinary Problems

The pressure of large fibroids on the bladder can cause increased urinary frequency or incontinence. If a fibroid compresses the ureters, it can lead to some pretty severe kidney issues​.

Reproductive Issues

Fibroids can interfere with conception and pregnancy. They may block the fallopian tubes, prevent implantation, or cause complications during pregnancy like pre-term labor​, which is pretty common actually.

Pelvic Pain

Fibroids may cause continuous pelvic pain that can occur not only during menstruation but at any time of the month​.

Digestive Problems

Pressure from large fibroids can lead to constipation and other digestive issues​.

Causes of Uterine Fibroids

Both cancer and uterine fibroids are driven by an imbalance of hormones. Usually there’s a lack of testosterone (yes women produce testosterone!), progesterone and an excess of estrogens.

Some folks will tell you that a gene mutation (like MED12) or genetic predisposition can make some women more susceptible to fibroid formation. Alterations in genes that control uterine muscle cells can lead to abnormal cell activity, resulting in fibroid growth.

Dietary factors, such as a high intake of refined carbohydrates and processed foods, can contribute to hormonal imbalances that foster fibroid development. Most times eating processed foods leads to insulin sensitivity which can lead to fibroid growth.

I believe blood sugar issues, combined with exposures to phytoestrogens and xenoestrogens are the primary causes of uterine fibroids.

But with that said…

Hormones mostly estrogen and progesterone, play a significant role in the growth of fibroids. Other notable factors include a weakened immune system, the accumulation of toxins in the body, and insulin resistance, which can worsen fibroid-related symptoms and hinder the body’s ability to eliminate fibroids naturally .

Environmental toxins and lifestyle factors, such as exposure to chemicals (e.g., xenohormones) and chronic stress, have also been shown to disrupt hormonal activity and cause fibroids to grow out of control.

5 Natural Cures for Uterine Fibroids

As you know from my work that I’m all about natural cures for every disease. I think finding holistic remedies and alternative medicine options for health conditions is choice #1. Then if they do not work or they don’t work as fast as you’d like, then you can seek out medical intervention. That’s how I work. I always give God a chance first through natural molecules that can be found in nature.

Are there natural cures for uterine fibroids? Of course there are. Here are 5 natural cures for uterine fibroids that your gynecologist probably doesn’t know much about. If I had fibroids I would work with a natural doctor and consider doing all of these at the same time for quickest success.

Here they are…

1. 2-Methoxyestrodiol 2ME2

2-methoxyestradiol is known to halt the growth of fibroids and sometimes even shrink them, acting as a pretty potent anticarcinogenic agent.  It does not contact estrogen receptors, which means it can help manage fibroids without the risk of estrogen-related side effects. 2ME2 for the win! – Source 

The only place I know right now that is able to produce 2ME2 in high enough dosages to shrink fibroids naturally is a place called Key Compounding Pharmacy.

2. Progesterone

Progesterone is used in the treatment of fibroids by applying it to the skin for better absorption, as swallowing capsules is less effective due to liver transformation. Adjusting progesterone levels can help manage symptoms like excessive bleeding by reducing estrogen and increasing progesterone. Some articles talk about fibroid shrinkage after long term progesterone use.

This approach is often recommended for hormone-related conditions to make sure proper hormone balance is maintained in your body.

3. Systemic Enzymes

I love Serrapeptase because it is a pretty powerful  antifibrinolytic agent, similar to nattokinase, which helps in breaking down fibrin, which is a protein involved in blood clotting and tissue repair. Both nattokinase and serrapeptase have the  ability to dissolve dead tissue and fibrotic tissue in your body, which many people use for lung conditions like pulmonary fibrosis but also it’s great for women dealing with fibroids.

I always recommend taking serrapeptase  and nattokinase away from food to make sure it works on your fibrotic tissue rather than digesting food.

4. Myomin

Myomin works by reducing estrogen levels, which can help in shrinking fibroids and alleviating related symptoms. It takes a long time for this to work as a natural cure for uterine fibroids. Consider the fact that it took years to grow. It will take years to shrink fibroids naturally.

5. Iodine

I would highly recommend reading the book The Iodine Crisis by Lynn Farrow. She details a high dose iodine protocol where many of the people in her network have had success with many health challenges including shrinking fibroids naturally. Here’s a snippet from her protocol.

We know that iodine plays a role in balancing estrogen levels by promoting the healthy metabolism of estrogen, which can help reduce the size of estrogen-dependent fibroids.

  • 1/4 teaspoon of salt dissolved in 8oz water 2x per day for 14 days.
  • Continue adding the salt to your water while adding in…
  • 12.5mg Iodoral per day for 2 weeks
  • 1 tablet Optimox ATP cofactors – 3x per day
  • Selenium – 200 micrograms per day
  • Vitamin C – 1,000 mg 3x per day
  • Vitamin A – 5 to 6 capsules per day
  • Zinc Orotate – 50mg per day

Continue with the salt loading during the first 2 weeks and after along with the cofactors listed above. After two weeks of being on the salt, the cofactors AND 12.5mg of iodine, then add 1 tablet more (12.5mg) of iodine while continuing doing everything else. Do this for another 2 weeks and then add in another 12.5mg until you get to 50mg of iodine per day. Every 2 weeks, add an additional 12.5mg of iodine. You can find more information on this protocol here.


The goal to finding a natural cure for uterine fibroids is to work with them (never fight illness or try to kill illness, you will create more karma for yourself) on 4 levels.

  1. Eliminate the causes of them (exposures to plastics, xenoestrogens, hormones in food, phytoestrogens, chemicals, toxins, stress etc)
  2. Provide your body the right hormones (2ME2, progesterone, myomin etc) in balance that can cause them to shrink naturally.
  3. Take substances that actually shrink them (proteolytic enzymes)
  4. Work with a doctor skilled in natural medicine to help you monitor their size over time.

I’ve only included a small portion of what’s in the Fibroid Protocol which you should definitely read and follow.


  1. How long have you had uterine fibroids? How big is it?
  2. What have you done for it (and did it work?)
  3. Did you have surgery?

Comment below!

Justin Stellman

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