I eat nothing bad for me in terms of no bleached sugar/flour/starch/salt, in fact the salt I eat is so healthy for you it will lower your blood pressure almost as effectively as the most powerful blood pressure medication in the world but without side effects… I eat a lot of raw foods but definitely it is totally a Bible Diet – and it seems my main interest in nutrition is not just in helping people in nutrition to eat better or get over diseases but also in Youthing… anti-wrinkle type diets and etc… how to naturally increase Human Growth Hormone without supplements or synthetics etc… about a year after getting into nutrition I came across a church I started to go to where they saw that I was more freakish in my eating habits than they were… and the nutrition people in the church took me under their wing and taught me all the dirty secrets of the nutrition industry… this catapulted me beyond others in the nutrition field since they were part of the secret section of nutrition; thus, making it possible for me to not get caught in an endless array of lies as is inundated in the nutrition field… this is the single most EVIL industry in the known world, not even contract killing industry can compare to this type of evil!!! Not even pharmaceutical company corruption can compare, not even corruption in hospitals, and drugging of patients with drugs whose only 100% guarantee is that it will make you worse over time (but at a slower pace lol) with something else side effect-wise and why??? B/c every year they sponsor more studies to promote a disinformation campaign to lie and confuse the public regarding one supplement or another… the undiluted ushering in of innocent souls trying to get well – into a hospital b/c they were using natural methods or drinking Diet drinks or eating Diet foods which are poison incarnate and will fatten you worse than the non-diet versions – is unrelenting… Want more info on this alone just check a couple extra examples of it I have in my Source List.
I’m a simple lowly nutrition consultant, but that does not mean I didn’t have dozens of chances to become a naturopath, PhD in nutrition and many other designations but I never pursued the “letters” on the end of the name – could’ve but did not b/c…- they were sooooo ignorant of their own industries and outright lies and corruption in the studies that were being done – (there were quite a regulatory issues with them as well that tied your hands extensively too) – having no way to decipher the small print so to speak in the studies that were used to fool people into believing something that ‘not only is bad for you and will even go so far as to kill you if you take it consistently enough’, but also thinking that this was GOOD FOR YOU! And these were PhD’s, crazy! But you get my point…. My Gosh, I had a 6 year dietician ask me what an anti-oxidant was, dang!!! My first ever class in my double major – Nutrition was one and Finance the other – I simply went thru the book on the start of the first class and left after one lesson – I went tip toeing out the door with the book in between my index and thumb fingers and holding it as far from me as you would poop – and dunked it in the trash… and these were supposed to be my text books – they were such vomit it was insane! I just kept saying “what is that crap?” by then I was already aware of how deep and diabolical the nutrition industry was – and that was a LONG time ago!
These people even in the Alternative health field and most notoriously the Naturopaths (now I love my Naturopaths, but dang, they are indoctrinated into this nonsense severely! Ugh!) were acting like things like cancer was hard for the body to reverse! NO IT IS NOT!!!!! In fact the blood cancers: HIV/AIDS (yes they have labeled it a type of cancer that is and is not cancer – go figure) and Luekemia are the easiest of allll for the body to reverse!!!! Osteoporosis – they were jumping up and down in the streets at the study done showing 5 to 10% increase in bone mass in someone that lost 30% already lol… all that in a years time – seriously – they had the increase of a measely 5 to 10%, and yet, if instead, had they followed a simple dietary tea, the body would’ve reversed the condition, their bones would’ve been that of 20 year old, 100% restored, and then some in only 4 to 6 months!!! What is going on in this country when even alternative medicine is making it sound like it’s difficult to deal with bone loss issues, or worse, osteoarthritis and so on… Type II diabetes is not even a DISEASE!!!! It’s a fancy word for “junk food –itis” … fatigued pancreas b/c everyone in this country eats out of a box and God forbid they should get any real vegetables into themselves! OR WORSE – where our precious Raw Foodists think cooked veggies are evil and will kill you – all b/c of one statement by an obnoxious poor fool… that is, 118 degrees farenheit will kill enzymes… lolol Sure in a petri dish it will!!! LOL but that’s not a vegetable! It takes 15 mins at BOILING (212 degrees) for enzymes to cease and be destroyed in a veggie! I could go on for hours explaining the corruption in this system but they allll back each other up… the media, backs up the food industry and pharmaceutical industry and the nutrition industry is used as their right arm to deliver filth to your door – all in the name of the last study done on some super nutrient (for which product just delivered – you just bought it – has NONE of that super nutrient in it, though it says right on the label 100% such and such super nutrient)… and they get away with this, b/c they KNOW FDA will never investigate a product that does not work, only the ones that do! I have dealt with everything from cancer to diabetes to osteopenia/-porosis/arthritis to every type of heart disease… I can’t even understand for a second why they act like hardened arteries or hardened liver is something hard for the body to fix, geez!! … 4 months and they’re 100% perfect like a brand new babies’ arteries, just by letting the body do it’s job! Is this just not good enough or was the problem that it was just too easy??? I stopped the worst case of chronic bronchitis I have everrrr heard of in 3 days cold – in myself!!!!!!! 27 more days of minor follow up and never happened again!
We have not so much as even gotten to my favorite subject yet either!!!!! YOUTHING:
I could go on and on about the dragging skin that has been re-tightened without having to go to the plastic surgeon, wrinkles undone, bags under the eyes and OVER the eyes removed with eating of certain foods, no more turkey neck in just a few months by adding something to the diet… …. But by far my fave is the use of a combo substance in my Mini Beet Protocol that allows for the removal of wrinkles, the youthing of skin, the cleansing of all candida from the body in a whopping two weeks (side effects are gone usually in 2 weeks, not all of it, that takes 6 months of minor use – even removal from blood and bone and …) , and the most powerful heavy metal cleanser I’ve come across, and it’s use in getting rid of left over fat from weird places in the body that never seem to yield it up after you’d worked so hard to get skinny again lol… but I digress, probably best to stop here for now… after all, that was just ONE of my protocols… are we having fun yet?
Did I mention I was a speaker invited to speak at the World Ormus Conference, both those conference where I spoke for 2-3 hours each are recorded on Robertvon.com