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Dr_Marita_Headshot-bio-picDr. Marita Schauch joined us IN STUDIO today, which was loads of fun. She is the author of The Adrenal Stress Connection as well as this really fascinating book called Making Sense of Women’s Health: A Naturopathic Solution.

Quick back story…

We were shopping at our local health food store and her picture was up all over the walls advertising a free talk she’s going to be giving one Women’s Health the coming week. Kate and I looked at each other and both had the same thought, “We should see if she wants to come into the studio and talk with us!”

It’s amazing how life works right?

A week or so later she showed up to our little studio and had a fun and inspiring conversation.

Dr. Marita Schauch arrived a bit early to our studio which was awesome because we got to meet each other in person and spend a few minutes having some good conversation before the show started.

So on this show we talked mostly about women’s health issues and some of the most common issues and health challenges she’s seeing in her practice. You’d be surprised at what younger and younger women and girls are coming to see her for. It’s a sign that in our modern toxic world, if we don’t take steps to get rid of these chemicals and toxins from our bodies our health will eventually break down given enough time.

We talked about pregnancy a little bit as well as vaccinations and hormone issues relating to the thyroid and more importantly (which I wasn’t aware of) the adrenal glands.

I learned a lot of really great information here and I hope you will too. Please pass this show on to any family and friends (especially women!) who think might be interested in this type of unique health information!

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Show Date:

Tuesday 1/13/2015

Show Guest:

Dr. Marita Schauch

Guest Info:

Dr. Marita Schauch is a trusted naturopathic doctor, women’s health expert, author and public speaker with a genuine passion for sharing the knowledge and tools of alternative medicine and nutrition to empower women to own their path to optimal health, and lead happy, vibrant lives.

Dr. Marita Schauch is licensed by the College of Naturopathic Physicians of BC and is a member of the BC Naturopathic Association and the Canadian Naturopathic Association.

As a health educator for Preferred Nutrition (Canada) and Natural Factors (USA), she trains health industry retailers and gives public talks across North America about various health topics and disease prevention with a special interest in women’s health.

Doctor Marita appears regularly as guest in radio and TV shows, runs webinars, and writes frequent health articles and columns for various print media. She is the co-author of The Adrenal Stress Connection and the author of Making Sense of Women’s Health.

With particular expertise in alternative solutions for chronic pain, stress management and adrenal health, hormone balancing, detoxification, weight management and nutrition, Doctor Marita leads a busy clinical practice in Sidney, BC on Vancouver Island, Canada. She is a graduate of the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto (Canada’s premier institute for education and research in naturopathic medicine), and holds a Bachelor of Science with Distinction majoring in Biology from the University of Victoria.

Born and raised on the west coast of B.C., Doctor Marita enjoys the outdoors and keeps active and balanced with camping and hiking, running, weight training and spending time with her husband and family.

Show Topic:

Women’s health, hormones, sex drive, chemicals, toxins, adrenal glands, thryoid

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About the author

Justin is a natural health advocate and health researcher. He has been studying alternative health, nutrition, longevity and disease prevention since 2003 when he became a 100% raw food vegan until 2010. Initially motivated by his mom's non Hodgkin's lymphoma diagnosis in 1995, Justin seeks to provide natural remedies for chronic health conditions often demonized by the mainstream medical industrial complex. He started Extreme Health Radio in 2010 and strives to provide empowering content designed to give you the necessary tools to heal naturally.


Adrenal, Hormones, Marita Schauch, Thyroid

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