When got into health, I had relatively good oral health. I would get cavities every so often but not that often.
Then I followed a 100% raw food vegan diet for 7 years (2003 to 2010).
You can probably guess what happened.
I went to my favorite biological dentist and had 9 cavities and had to get two root canals removed. This was insane. How could that be?
Here’s an interview we did with Dr. Stuart Nunnally that I think you may enjoy.
I thought veganism and even better, raw veganism would make me healthier on ever level.
Fortunately when I learned about Weston A Price and fat soluble vitamins like vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin D and vitamin K I realized my teeth were severely lacking nutrients.
I realized many people in my community were having the same issues which is why I put together my complete Oral Health Protocol.
Suffice it to say, I now use ozone therapy for my teeth in a couple different ways (which I’ll explain below) every night before bed. I also do light therapy on my teeth before bed and more.
I get into my exact protocol above so I don’t get into it here but I can say ozone has been extremely helpful for me healing my gums and teeth from years of abuse.
Before we get into how I use ozone therapy for my teeth we should probably lay some kind of foundation first.
So with that in mind….
What Is Ozone Therapy?
Ozone therapy is a medical treatment that uses ozone (O₃), which is a highly reactive form of oxygen, to stimulate healing and fight infections all over your body, including your mouth! It has been used for over a century in tons of medical applications, particularly in dentistry, wound healing, and chronic disease treatment.
I’m going to put an interview we did on ozone therapy down below. I highly suggest you listen to it.
Here are some ways you can use ozone therapy. The only application you cannot do is breathe ozone gas, unless you have a special device.
- Topically: For wound healing and infections.
- Intravenously: Through ozonated autohemotherapy (where blood is drawn, mixed with ozone, and reinfused).
- Rectal Insufflation: Introducing ozone gas into the rectum, which is believed to have systemic benefits.
- Ozonated Water and Oils: Used in dental treatments and skin applications​.
The interesting thing is that ozone therapy was first discovered around 1785 when Dutch physicist Martinus Van Marum first noticed its distinct smell while he was performing electrical experiments.
It wasn’t until around 1840 that a German chemist (Germans are known for their attentiveness to detail aren’t they?!) named Christian Friedrich Schönbein officially labeled ozone O3 as a gas and unique molecule.
Ozone’s medical potential was then explored in the late 19th century. Our buddy Nikola Tesla patented the first ozone generator in 1896 and even founded his Tesla Ozone Company, which produced ozone generators for medical use. I honestly cannot believe this was even allowed if you know anything about how medicine works. But then by the early 20th century, German doctors started using ozone to treat infected wounds with many of their patients, gangrene, and other conditions, particularly during World War I​.
I’m going to leave a really great video down below so you can learn how our medical system really works!
Ozone literally saved the lives of thousands of people!
A new healing modality was born. But don’t worry, it was soon suppressed like all the other cures out there.
Then in…
The 1950s we saw the development of the more modern medical ozone generator, pioneered by once again a German scientist named Dr. Hänsler. After that Dr. Hans Wolff developed autohemotherapy techniques, which still remain a foundation of ozone therapy even to this day. The treatment gained wider acceptance in Europe, mostly in Germany and Russia, while facing regulatory hurdles in the U.S.​.
And by “regulatory hurdles” I mean, suppression of known cures for diseases that they cannot profit from.
But that’s another article entirely. 😉
So now let’s look at…
Ozone Therapy & Oral Health
Since the late 80s ozone therapy has really gained a lot of recognition in dentistry mostly because it has antibacterial and remineralizing properties. These two aspects of using ozone therapy for teeth have profound effects in my research for overall oral health. This expands to gum disease, receding gums, cavities, root canals and much much more.
Ozone gas can effectively eliminate bacteria that many times lead to gum disease, cavities, and oral infections. This means ozone therapy for teeth pretty much reduces your need for traditional drilling and invasive treatments​, like mercury fillings and root canals.
Essentially you just became your own dentist at this point. 🙂
I’ve seen quite a few studies that have shown ozone treatment can slow and even stop the progression of tooth decay, allowing natural remineralization of the enamel by calcium and phosphate in saliva​. This is why I recommend mouth taping when you sleep so that your mouth doesn’t dry out while you sleep.
Saliva is your friend.
Also ozone therapy has been used extremely successfully to treat periodontal disease. It helps by dramatically reducing inflammation in your gums but also lowers the bacterial load in your mouth. The great thing is that ozone therapy for teeth is non invasive, has zero side effects and is completely painless.
Unlike most visits to your local dentist if you know what I mean! 😉
How I Use Ozone Therapy For My Teeth
In my complete Oral Health Protocol I go over my entire oral care routine each night before bed. It includes many things in it besides ozone. For the sake of this article I’ll focus mostly on ozone therapy for teeth and how I apply it.
Like I mentioned before, ozone is incredible but the only thin you cannot do, is to breathe it into your lungs unless you do this.
I have this ozone machine and before bed I make ozonated water. It usually takes about 20 minutes. I’ll floss my teeth and then hop in the shower (under red lights of course) while the ozone water is being made.
When I get out of the shower I’ll stop making the ozone water and swish it around in my mouth and then spit it out. I’ll do this once or twice. Then I take the rest of the water and put it into my water pick machine. This is a POWERFUL way to use ozone therapy for your teeth.
After that I brush my teeth with toothpaste that has xylitol in it.
Another way I use ozone therapy for teeth is to use a special ozone mouthguard. I do this 2 to 3 times per week as maintenance. The water is just easier and faster for me to use.
If I feel a cavity is starting to grow, many times I’ll apply some ozonated olive oil to it (after brushing etc) right before bed.
Don’t be scared of using ozone therapy for your oral health. It’s not hard. Once you purchase the equipment, all you have to do is watch a couple youtube videos and now you have a new skill.
A skill that can save you and your family thousands of dollars per year on dental visits!
Not to mention this skill will save you lots of physical pain. There’s nothing worse then root canals with exposed nerves giving you sharp pains in your mouth when eating certain foods.
I hope learning how to use ozone therapy for your teeth has been helpful. I love teaching people what I do and how I can share with people ways to control your health destiny. You don’t have to get cavities, root canals, mercury (silver) filling or deal with receding gums etc.
Ozone therapy for your dental health is so powerful and can save you lots of pain and thousands of dollars each year!
- Do you get cavities a lot?
- How do you prevent cavities?
- Do you use ozone therapy in your oral care routine?
Comment below!