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Bob-Capelli-Bio-PicMr. Bob Capelli joined us today to get to the bottom of what’s going on with astaxanthin, spirulina and how they can improve our health.

We briefly discussed how he got involved with taking BioAstin and spirulina (by the way their brand is one of the only brands that doesn’t taste gross. He explains why during the show) and how they’ve been helping him with knee pains and joint inflammation.

The way Nutrex Hawaii (parent company Cyanotech) dries their spirulina and astaxanthan is very interesting. Most companies dry their micro algaes in a matter of 3 or 4 days.

Nutrex Hawaii dries their products in minutes which helps to make sure the astaxanthin and spirulina don’t get exposed to oxygen which apparently further damages the algae and depletes key minerals and nutrients.

We also discussed why Hawaii is such an amazingly pure and pristine spot to grow algae. They mine the water from deep below the island so it contains more minerals from the ocean and to have that combined with the VOG (volcanic fog) that helps to bring in more nutrients to the farm is incredible. It’s like growing the fruits and vegetables in your garden with rock dust and ocean minerals.

It really takes things to a whole new level.

If you would like a 25% off coupon code to their products click here to grab it for your next order.

And also for those that are interested Nutrex tests their product for any radiation coming from Fukushima. And because of how they process their algae, the tests always show zero radiation. We talked about how the ocean currents have a lot to do with how Hawaii is affected by the radiation.

I also didn’t know that spirulina is a whole food. There’s nothing added or removed from the product.

These two substances (astaxanthin and spirulina) along with micro algae in general are so incredibly helpful to the body it’s ridiculous.

If you want healthy skin, joints that don’t hurt, better eye health and reduced inflammation (remember all disease is inflammatory) all throughout the body, I would highly recommend being on these products for as long as you can.

I hope you enjoyed this podcast as much as we did. If you enjoyed it please share the love with your friends by clicking “like” and “share” on this page!

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Show Date:

Thursday 7/3/2014

Show Guest:

Bob Capelli

Guest Info:

Bob Capelli has been involved in natural healing and herbology for twenty-five years. After graduating from Rutgers University with a degree in liberal arts, Bob spent four years traveling and working in developing countries in Asia and South America, where he learned about and developed a deep respect for the medicinal power of plants. Upon returning to the United States, Bob began working in the natural supplement industry where he has remained for the last twenty- two years. Bob is a co-author of a book on Spirulina called “Spirulina: Nature’s SuperFood” and is the lead author of a book on Astaxanthin called “Natural Astaxanthin: King of the Carotenoids” as well as several articles for trade journals and scientific papers for peer-reviewed technical journals.

Show Topic:

Astaxanthin, Spirulina, Algae

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About the author

Justin is a natural health advocate and health researcher. He has been studying alternative health, nutrition, longevity and disease prevention since 2003 when he became a 100% raw food vegan until 2010. Initially motivated by his mom's non Hodgkin's lymphoma diagnosis in 1995, Justin seeks to provide natural remedies for chronic health conditions often demonized by the mainstream medical industrial complex. He started Extreme Health Radio in 2010 and strives to provide empowering content designed to give you the necessary tools to heal naturally.


Bob Capelli

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