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  • Andreas-Kalcker-Bio-PicToday we had a fun conversation with Dr. Andreas Kalcker all the way from Spain.

    It’s amazing to me that you could be listening to this conversation 5 years from now in South Africa. We’re in Southern California and Dr. Kalcker is in Spain and you’re still getting some kind of benefit from it. It’s really amazing what we’re able to bring to the world today.

    The connection wasn’t as great as we would like as there was a little bit of a delay in the call but we hope you enjoy the podcast as much as we did recording it for you.

    What an interesting guy.

    So what do you think? Do you think (like Dr. Andreas Kalcker does) that there’s a connection between parasites and autism? It makes sense to me. The interesting thing is how the vaccines and chemicals in the vaccines have some kind of reaction on the parasites and it isn’t until a child gets his vaccination shots that the symptoms of autism become known.

    As of this writing I cannot recall what Dr. Kalcker said about what exactly happens to the parasites when they’re exposed to vaccines. There’s something that goes awry at that moment where the kids start expressing all the symptoms of having autism.

    He did mention that parasites were associated with all kinds of neurological disorders like ADD, ADHD, seizures and even cancer. I believe it. I believe parasites, worms and the flukes that live in our bodies are creating such havoc in our tissues, glands and organs that they could be the cause or related to every known illness and disease.

    The fact that these parasites and worms are excreting toxic substances all throughout our bodies is causing us much harm.

    These parasites are such a big deal that Dr. Kalcker has come up with an intense parasite cleanse (see link below) that’s 39 pages long. Dr. Kalcker is an associate of professor Alexander Volinsky (see links below) and I believe they are both on to something big.

    Whether you do the Andreas Kalcker parasite cleanse or the 5 part enema cleanse that Professor Volinsky talks about, I believe it’s imperative to do at least 1 parasite cleanse each year.

    If you have pets you might want to do 1 parasite cleanse every 6 months. Dr. Norman Walker recommended doing 2 rounds of colonics (colon hydrotherapy sessions) every six months. For example he recommended in January do 6 colonics (2 per week for 3 weeks) and repeat it in June and do that every year.

    I’d probably add to that a parasite cleanse in April and October. But you’ll have to figure out what your body likes and what your body resonates with.

    I hope you enjoyed this interview with Dr. Andreas Kalcker and I hope you can take your health and cleansing to the next level.

    If you could do us a HUGE favor and please consider clicking like or share and share this interview with your friends Kate and I would be so grateful. 🙂

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    Show Date:

    Wednesday 2/26/2014

    Show Guest:

    Dr. Andreas Kalcker

    Guest Info:

    Dr. Andreas Ludwig Kalcker is a founding member of the NGO Earth-Help-Project focused to help the third world with alternative energy, water and health. He worked in the 90s at the Centre for New Technologies in Barcelona He first licensed in economics and later in biophysics and alternative health (Ph.D). Former Member of the the Research Institute I.I.E.E. Barcelona. He has lectured at the “Club Equestrian” in “La Pedrera” for plastic surgeons Catalonia and “Erasmus University” Brussels medicine among others,Brussels His presentation is a new medical discovery about using chlorine dioxide possibilities beyond conventional use at the Erasmus University of medicine. He lectured as well at the Autism Foundation ” in Venezuela 2011, Puerto Rico, Sofia-Bulgaria,2012 Prague – in the Chech republic, among many others.

    In Autism One , the world biggest conference abaout autism inChicago 2013 he presented the new concept of : Parasitological Vaccinosis A method of successful treatment for regressive autism where in 1 year more than 65 children have been able to reduce former ATEC from over 50 to less than 10, or a so called full recovery. The successful treatment has been completely different to mainstream medicine focusing to the cause of parasitic toxicity experienced in their body’s causing irrational behavior.

    Show Topic:

    Parasites, worms, viruses, bacteria, autism, cleansing, enemas

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    About the author

    Justin is a natural health advocate and health researcher. He has been studying alternative health, nutrition, longevity and disease prevention since 2003 when he became a 100% raw food vegan until 2010. Initially motivated by his mom's non Hodgkin's lymphoma diagnosis in 1995, Justin seeks to provide natural remedies for chronic health conditions often demonized by the mainstream medical industrial complex. He started Extreme Health Radio in 2010 and strives to provide empowering content designed to give you the necessary tools to heal naturally.


    Andreas Kalcker

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