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Author: Justin Stellman   Date: 
October 16, 2024

Believe it or not, RIGHT NOW you have parasites in your body. In fact they’re on your body too.

Parasites are EVERYWHERE.

Some of them are able to be seen while other parasites are microscopic. Many people mistakenly think that parasites are only something that dogs or cats get.

All mammals have parasites in them and on them all the time.

It’s the nature of living on planet earth.

If you live a life that allows them to proliferate they can cause illness and disease.

But make no mistake you cannot get rid of every parasite in your body, even if you do a yearly cleanse.

With that said, even if you did a high level parasite cleanse and only ate foods that kill parasites in humans, and you magically got rid of all your parasites, within minutes they would invade your body.

The best we can do is to do a parasite cleanse once or twice per year, consume foods that kill parasites and live and antiparasitic lifestyle. If you do that, you should be fine and your parasites will be kept at bay.

But first…

What Are Parasites?

Essentially parasites are organisms that live in or on a host organism where they get their nutrients from the host (us) at our expense. They can be found in various forms, such as protozoa, worms, and ectoparasites like lice and ticks. They’re also live in different ecosystems, and inside the human body, where they thrive in areas such as the intestines, liver, pancreas, and brain.

How Do We Get Parasites?

Parasites are literally everywhere. You can get them from picking up dog poop, drinking unfiltered water, petting animals, uncooked seafood like sushi and oysters, raw meats, unwashed vegetables or just going to a salad bar at a restaurant. And you can contract parasites from getting bit bye fleas, ticks, and even mosquitos.

A while ago we had herbalist Barbara Frank on our show to talk about this exact subject. I’ll post the show below. Mind you, there was a lot of fear porn in her message. After listening to the show, you might be afraid to even walk outside without shoes on.

How Parasites Affect Health

To some people who live in a world dominated by parasites, they’ll tell you that parasites are to blame for all death and all disease. While that may be true, they can make you really scared. Yes I believe parasites can be implicated in diseases like cancer and even heart disease but you can’t live in hyperbaric chamber separated from life. If you live, you’re going to have parasites, get used to it.

With that said parasites put a massive burden on your immune system by creating oxidative stress (more fires for the body to put out which requires more energy to be made in your mitochondria) but also by creating tissue damage and cell damage.

When cells don’t work, tissues don’t get made correctly and organs stop functioning the way they’re supposed to. This creates even more oxidative stress by increases reactive oxygen species (ROS) in your body.

Parasites love to live in  your  intestinal tract, liver, pancreas, and brain, where they consume nutrients, drink blood, and release toxic waste into your system.

This can lead to a compromised immune system, fatigue, digestive disorders, and other really serious health issues like asthma, insomnia, and even organ damage that I mentioned above.

Also (and this is a big issue), parasites can destroy your cells faster than they can be regenerated, leading to further degeneration and illness.  The presence of parasites can also cause symptoms that really suck in your body like bloating, gas, unclear thinking, and a general feeling of toxicity, making it difficult for people to maintain optimal health.

Think of parasites like throwing a cog into a wheel. They just prevent the wheel from working correctly. When one wheel is only working at 20%, that means the other 80% gets shifted to the other wheels to carry the burden. This is what happens when parasites prevent your mitochondria from effectively generating energy (adenosine triphosphate – ATP) in cytochrome c-oxidase (complex  4).

When energy doesn’t get made properly or in high enough quantities, everything suffers.

Energy is the currency of the human body.

Parasite Cleanses

As I recommended above, I believe that since we live in a world full of parasites it’s important to do a parasite cleanse at least once per year. I have a yearly cleansing protocol that covers, parasite cleanses, liver cleanses, heavy metal cleanses and colon cleanses. Every 3 months you’re going to be doing one of those cleanses (same month each year) for a period of time. The length of each cleanse is different from each other but also from other cleanses for the same organ.

I also recommend washing your produce with ozonated water, washing your hands after you pet the dogs as well as picking up their poop. Live a clean lifestyles while also consuming foods that kill parasites in humans daily.

If you don’t want to purchase my protocol, here’s a parasite cleanse I do just about every year.

One a side note because it’s not really a parasite “cleanse” per se but it does involve the use of technology. It turns out that parasites do not like electricity. As a result I use a Zapper daily (I use the Sota Silver Pulser) and you can even use a Rife Machine which can emit certain frequencies that parasites absolutely HATE.

We did a radio show years ago with Dr. Kevin Connors all about Rife technology and parasites. I’ll post it below as you might find it interesting.

Top 21 Foods That Kill Parasites In Humans

I was able to pull up some foods that kill parasites not just in humans but in all mammals. These are foods that are readily available and cheap. Some of these foods are herbs, some are spices but they can all be added to your meals. I have a little bit of a food sensitivity to garlic (stinks because I love garlic!) so I just take garlic capsules instead which my body likes.

I hope you find this list of antiparasitic foods helpful.

  1. Raw garlic
  2. Carrots
  3. Beets
  4. Coconut
  5. Honey
  6. Pumpkin seeds
  7. Papaya seeds
  8. Cloves
  9. Pomegranate
  10. Nutmeg
  11. Turmeric
  12. Cayenne
  13. Ginger
  14. Hot pepper
  15. Onion
  16. Tart apples
  17. Wild spicy greens (like mustard greens)
  18. Fennel seed
  19. Oregano oil
  20. Olive leaf extract
  21. Grapefruit seed extract

Below I’ve included some more information about how each of these foods kill parasites in your body with a study link for more information.

  • Garlic: A study on Blastocystis hominis found that garlic treatment significantly reduced the number of parasites in infected individuals. The study was conducted in vitro, demonstrating the strong antiparasitic properties of garlic. – Source
  • Coconut: A study involving coconut husk fiber extract found that it was effective against gastrointestinal nematodes in sheep. This animal study confirmed the antiparasitic action of coconut in livestock. – Source
  • Pumpkin Seeds: A human study confirmed the traditional use of pumpkin seeds, showing that they have strong antihelminthic properties, effectively treating tapeworm infections. The study focused on their antiparasitic efficacy in children. – Source
  • Turmeric (Curcumin): A study found that curcumin induces oxidative stress, leading to the apoptosis (cell death) of Schistosoma mansoni worms. This study used animal models to examine curcumin’s antiparasitic effects. – Source
  • Clove: In an in vitro study, clove oil was shown to have significant antiparasitic properties, particularly against nematodes. The study highlighted its eugenol content as the active compound. – Source
  • Myrrh: Myrrh has been shown to significantly reduce the parasitic burden in patients with Schistosoma mansoni. This clinical study confirmed myrrh’s antiparasitic properties in humans. – Source
  • Onion: An in vitro study combining garlic and onion found that both significantly reduced Blastocystis hominis parasites in the gut. The combined effect showed a strong antiparasitic potential. – Source
  • Honey: Honey, especially royal jelly, was shown to have nematicidal activity against parasitic worms in an animal study. The study focused on honey’s glycoproteins, which exhibited antiparasitic properties. – Source
  • Moringa oleifera: Moringa seeds were found to reduce parasitic loads in goats, particularly gastrointestinal nematodes, in an animal study. This study supports the traditional use of moringa for parasitic infections. – Source
  • Chamomile: Chamomile extract demonstrated antiparasitic and anti-inflammatory effects, helping to alleviate small bowel inflammation caused by nematodes in an animal study. – Source
  • Echinacea: A study found that Echinacea extracts inhibited the proliferation of Leishmania donovani parasites in vitro, reversing the inflammatory response caused by the parasite. – Source
  • Pomegranate Peel: Pomegranate peel extract was found to have significant antiparasitic activity, especially against protozoan parasites like Leishmania in this in vitro study. – Source
  • Ginger: In an in vitro study, ginger significantly reduced the number of Blastocystis hominis parasites, showing its efficacy against intestinal parasites. – Source
  • Propolis: Brazilian propolis exhibited strong antiparasitic effects against Giardia in this in vitro study, confirming its potential for treating parasitic infections. – Source
  • Cassava: An animal study on goats found that fresh cassava foliage inhibited gastrointestinal nematode infections, confirming its traditional use as an antiparasitic agent. – Source
  • Mangosteen: This in vitro study demonstrated that mangosteen has antiparasitic effects, particularly against gastrointestinal parasites. – Source
  • Nigella sativa (Black Seed): Black seed has been shown to exhibit antiparasitic activity, particularly against liver flukes, in an animal study. – Source
  • Wormwood: In an animal study, wormwood extract was found to be effective in reducing intestinal parasites, confirming its traditional use for parasitic infections. – Source
  • Oregano Oil: In a human clinical trial, oregano oil significantly reduced the parasitic load in patients suffering from giardiasis. The study confirmed its efficacy as a natural treatment for parasitic infections. – Source
  • Olive Leaf Extract: Olive leaf extract demonstrated antiparasitic properties against Giardia lamblia in this animal study, reducing parasitic infections. – Source
  • Fennel Seed: An animal study found that fennel seed extract reduced parasitic infections in livestock, showing promise as a natural antiparasitic remedy. – Source


I think the most important thing to note is that you should consume foods that kill parasites in humans and do a parasite cleanse at least once per year. But don’t be afraid of parasites. Just live a little cleaner and don’t let parasites scare you. Just do what you can and take care of your health by taking high quality supplements, doing an infrared sauna 3 or 4 times a week, regulate your light environment, get good sleep, drink lots of high quality filtered water and you’ll be fine.

Health is really pretty simple. Connect more with nature and less with technology and you’ll go a long way.

I hope you learned that there are many foods that kill parasites in humans so you don’t have to worry about parasite infestation ruining your health!


  1. Do you think you have parasites?
  2. Do you have animals?
  3. Where do you think you picked up a parasite?
  4. Do you think your health condition is related?

Comment below!

Justin Stellman

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