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In this article I want to dive into 2 powerful home remedies for skin cancer, but first I have to get something off my chest. If you don’t mind.

Did you know that two main causes of skin cancer in my research are seed oils (polyunsaturated fats) and blue light?

Not the sun.

You see, the abnormal pathology of excess cell growth, isn’t something that’s caused by something in nature (like the sun) it’s an internal systemic issue.

Dermatologists will tell you the sun causes skin cancer so you need to use sunscreen which prevents UVB from hitting your skin (which converts 7-dehydrocholesterol to 1,25 vitamin D) which prevents skin cancer.

So doctors are telling you that the sun causes skin cancer so you need to block it with sunscreen (that is loaded with heavy metals which cause skin cancer) which blocks vitamin D in your body which prevents skin cancer.

In other words they’re telling you to avoid the thing that will prevent skin cancer while putting on sunscreen which causes skin cancer. 

It’s lucrative business model I have to say.

You may be asking, why don’t doctors know this?

Because they’re paid a lot of money NOT to.

Reminds me of the quote in the book The Jungle by Upton Sinclair I read years ago…

“It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it”

Doctors like dermatologist and oncologists are brainwashed through the Flexner Report and pharmaceutical companies.

I always say, I listen to all medical doctors in Krav Maga stance…ready to fight. I don’t trust them at all.


Not because they’re bad people, it’s that they don’t question anything and they don’t do research.

Dangers of Blue Light

How does blue light cause cancer? Seems a bit far fetched I know. Let me explain a little bit about how it works.

Blue light from tech devices and most all modern lighting is devoid of UV and Infrared. It’s an isolated wavelength. As such it causes your body to prevent the secretion of melatonin. Melatonin is your number one anti cancer hormone that your own body makes…..if you don’t prevent it from blue light exposure.

If I immediately removed all melatonin from your body (and prevented you from making more), you would start growing cancer cells that would proliferate and metastasize until you died. The number one thing from preventing us from getting cancer is melatonin.

Blue light depletes melatonin because it signals to your suprachiasmatic nucleus (the master clock in your brain) to stop releasing melatonin because it thinks that it’s day time. This is what happens when we make an alien sun (the lightbulb) and live under it during the night.

Massive melatonin depletion, which leads to cancer of all kinds.

Are some melanomas caused by artificial light?

Melanoma incidence and seasonal patterns are consistent with a reduction of melatonin secretion with intensity of exposure to light. “Consistent with our hypothesis is evidence from experimental studies suggesting a lightening effect of melatonin on frog skin and mammal hair during seasonal changes, its antioxidant and anti-carcinogenic effects in skin melanocytes, as well as the expression of melatonin receptors in melanocytes. Also, epidemiological data suggest lower melatonin concentrations in melanoma patients compared with controls; a potential therapeutic effect of melatonin in patients with metastatic disease; a higher prevalence of melanoma in pilots and aircrews, with increased risks with higher time zones travelled; and increased melanoma risks in office workers exposed to fluorescent lighting.” – Source

Light during darkness, melatonin suppression and cancer progression

“The presence of light during the dark phase literally ‘shuts off’ melatonin production… Nearly all studies have shown that darkness stimulates the pineal gland to secrete melatonin.” – Neuroendocrinology Letters

Lights should support circadian rhythms: evidence-based scientific consensus

“Exposure to blue-rich light in the evening and night hours raises significant health issues because there is a more than five-fold variation in nocturnal melatonin suppression between different LED light sources… blue-enriched (460–495 nm) light in the evening… disrupts nocturnal sleep, phase delays the circadian system and disrupts circadian rhythms more than blue-depleted light.” – Frontiers in Photobiology

Research links LED blue light to increased rates of breast and prostate cance

“Research from the Barcelona Institute for Global Health, published in the Environmental Health Perspectives in 2018, has found that LED lighting contributes to the risk of cancer. The results clearly showed a link between blue light exposure at night and a higher risk of developing breast and prostate cancer.” – Ocushield

How To Protect Yourself

To protect yourself I recommend installing a special software on your computer that prevents blue light at night. I also recommend wearing yellow blue blocking glasses during the daytime and when the sunsets start wearing your orange glasses. To take it a step further you could block out 100% of blue, green and violet light by wearing red glasses two hours before bed.

If you’re able to, I would recommend installing special circadian lightbulbs in your home that emit zero blue light. This is not always an option (if you have roommates or a spouse that is not on board) but ideal. The two companies I recommend are BonCharge and Healthy Home Shop. You cannot go wrong with either one of them.

Once you realize just how dangerous blue light is, it makes sense to start getting it out of your environment.

Blue light also disrupts your circadian rhythm, promotes macular degeneration and so much more. If you’d like a guide showing you how I block 100% of blue light from my house, you can get it here. I highly recommend learning more about this issue.

PUFAs & Skin Cancer

What are polyunsaturated fatty acids?

Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) are fats with multiple double bonds in their carbon chains, making them more flexible and prone to oxidation. These would be seed oils, vegetable oils and marine oils that are liquid at room temperature. They cause cell death and you (like me) have been eating them your entire life. The antidote to PUFA is vitamin E.

If you’re not sure about this concept because you’ve been taught that fish oils are safe, listen to the show below Dr. Chris Knobbe.

Dietary Linolenic Acid and Atherosclerosis, Including Impact on Skin Cancer

“Dietary Linolenic Acid Is Inversely Associated With Calcified Atherosclerotic Plaque in the Coronary Arteries… Notably, flaxseed and canola oils are key sources of linolenic acid, which, when oxidized, may have unintended effects on skin health, potentially exacerbating the risks associated with prolonged UV exposure.” – American Heart Journal

Fat Intake and Skin Cancer in U.S. Adults

“An analysis in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition indicates that high intake of certain fats, such as those found in processed vegetable oils, correlates with an increased risk of melanoma and other skin cancers, potentially due to oxidative stress.” – PubMed

American Heart Association and the Influence of Seed Oils on Health

“American Heart Association Was Paid Off By Procter & Gamble To Say Heart Disease Was Caused By Saturated Fat, Not Seed Oils. Seed oils, often oxidized and inflammatory, have been increasingly associated with chronic conditions including skin cancer.” – Evie Magazine

Fat Intake and Risk of Skin Cancer in U.S. Adults

“Studies in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition show a correlation between high fat intake, especially from processed vegetable oils, and increased skin cancer risks, likely due to heightened oxidative stress from these oils.” – Source

Effect of eicosapentaenoic acid, an omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid, on UVR-related cancer risk in humans.

“The highly unsaturated ω-3 PUFAs may become targets for free-radical attack, resulting in the production of oxidation products.” – Source

I don’t need to go on. There’s enough evidence stating that polyunsaturated fatty acids when in contact with high intensity UV light can cause DNA damage leading to skin cancers like melanoma.

When I go to the beach I’ll see people wearing sunglasses, eating fried foods high in PUFAs, slathering on sunscreen thinking they’re doing something good. Then they go home and expose that same skin to blue lit screens from cell phones, laptops and TVs.

This is a recipe for skin cancer and other cancers and they don’t even know it.

I want to shake people and tell them about what their doing. People have asked me over the years about home remedies for skin cancer but I first want to tell them, they have to stop participating in the cause, if you want the home remedies to work!

Dangers of Sunscreen

Let’s talk about sunscreen for a moment. Sunscreen does two main things…

  1. Blocks UVB radiation which creates Vitamin D
  2. Allows heavy metals in the sunscreen to enter your skin transdermally

Let’s take option #1 above first. Your body needs UVB in order to create cholesterol that will be converted to that active form of vitamin D. Low levels of vitamin D are associated with cancers of all types. The other thing to consider is when UVB radiation hits your skin, it creates 7-dehydrocholesterol which then creates “pre vitamin D” hormones like lumisterol, toxipherol etc. I believe there are dozens of these pre-vitamin D hormones.

Each one of them not only are useful and necessary for the human body but they all go down various pathway to carry out specific and unique functions. When you block the sun, none of these beneficial hormones get created.

Vitamin D is a deep deep subject in an of itself. Because of that I’m going to post an interview with did with Jim Stephenson Jr. below that will blow you way.

If you want to block the sun sit in the shade or put a shirt on. It’s that easy.

Now onto option #2 above….sunscreen contains toxic heavy metals that you don’t want reflecting and synergizing with PUFAs and UV light right there on your skin. This combination (PUFAs, heavy metals and ultraviolet light) is a recipe for skin cancer.

Let me be clear….the sun does not cause skin cancer!

Blue light, PUFAs and sunscreen high in heavy metals cause skin cancer.

If you’re going to wear sunscreen (which I don’t recommend) at least make sure it is organic coming from beef tallow, cacao butter or coconut oil. If you buy run of the mill sunscreen, you’re asking for skin cancer.

Okay so let’s get onto some home remedies for skin cancer…

2 Home Remedies for Skin Cancer

There are many home remedies for skin cancer that in my opinion are quite effective. I’m going to reference a show we did about essential oils and skin cancer. You can listen to that below. I think you’ll find it to be very interesting.

In my Skin Cancer Protocol I go over things you should avoid, foods to eat, substances to take internally and even topically. It’s extremely comprehensive where as I don’t have time to go into every detail I know about skin cancer remedies.

1. Curaderm

With that said the first home remedy for skin cancer I’d like to point out is called Curaderm. This is based off the work of Dr. Bill Cham who wrote a book called The Egg Plant Cancer Cure.

In the early 2000s Dr. Bill Cham was helping reverse skin cancers in 70,000 + Australians. These patients were opting for Curaderm aka BEC5 instead of surgeries and traditional treatments like chemotherapy and radiation. Thousands of dermatologists were losing out on their patients.

What did they do? Did they celebrate the fact that many people were reversing a terminal disease?


They decided to put an end to his work in their location.

They filed a complaint against him with the government regulators in Australia.

It’s that crazy?

These doctors cared more about losing money with less patients than patients curing their own cancers.


As a result he has taken his product to a country outside of this type of regulation. I honestly don’t even know where he operates from at the moment but I do know you can find his website at I have no financial affiliation with him, his company or his product. I’m just a messenger sharing the story.

The chemical in the eggplant seems to be selectively toxic to the lysosome of the cancer cell causing it to literally liquify and dissolve itself.

Here’s a snippet from a study you might like…

Topical treatment of malignant and premalignant skin lesions by very low concentrations of a standard mixture (BEC) of solasodine glycosides

In an open study, clinical and histological observations indicated that all lesions (56 keratoses, 39 BCCs and 29 SCCs) treated with Curaderm had regressed. A placebo formulation had no effect on a smaller number of treated lesions. Curaderm had no adverse effect on the liver, kidneys or haematopoietic system. – Source

I’m also not a doctor or a dermatologist. I’m simply somebody who research natural remedies to cancer and for this article home remedies for skin cancer in particular.

It’s better to realize these people don’t want to cure you, than it is to think they actually care about you. Let that go. It’s time to take your health into your own hands.

2. Bloodroot

Blood root is just one substance in a larger array of medicinal plant compounds called escharotics. These topical salves (some people call them “black salve”) have the ability to literally burn cancer cells following their line. So if it has spread it follows the path of where and how it spread, burning every cancer cells in that same path.

Bloodroot is considered and escharotic herb and it has been used for centuries as a topical treatment for skin cancer because (and this is the awesome part!) it has the unique ability to destroy abnormal tissue. These herbs are carefully procured because they cause targeted necrosis (tissue death) by creating what they call an “eschar” (a scab like crust) which will fall off after a few days and take the diseased cancerous tissue with it. This herbal medicine goes back to Native Americans and beyond. It does have a pretty controversial history so you have to do your own research.

It’s a deep subject and it’s quite controversial, probably because it works. If you search it on Google, you’re going to get propaganda and paid for ads by media fact check companies trying to scare you about it. I’ve received numerous message from listeners of our radio show over the years who have told me they reversed their skin cancer at home with black salve.

We did a really interesting show with Greg Caton about using black salve for skin cancer which I’ll post below.

You can find these types of salves at HerbHealers, Tickyboo and there’s even books on how to make it yourself.


I barely scratched the surface in this article about home remedies for skin cancer. I just wanted to give you two options worth exploring. Remember to always check with a qualified doctor before starting any new health protocol. Wink. Wink. 😉

There are so many more things that you can do from supplements, dietary recommendations, what to avoid (and how), topical treatments, biohacks and so much more. I did an entire protocol listing all of them out with links to everything below if you are interested.



  1. Have you been diagnosed with skin cancer?
  2. Did you look for any home remedies for skin cancer? Did they work?
  3. What did your dermatologist tell you?

Comment below.

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About the author

Justin is a natural health advocate and health researcher. He has been studying alternative health, nutrition, longevity and disease prevention since 2003 when he became a 100% raw food vegan until 2010. Initially motivated by his mom's non Hodgkin's lymphoma diagnosis in 1995, Justin seeks to provide natural remedies for chronic health conditions often demonized by the mainstream medical industrial complex. He started Extreme Health Radio in 2010 and strives to provide empowering content designed to give you the necessary tools to heal naturally.


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