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On February 18th we’re scheduled to have Daniel Vitalis on our show. I originally wanted to do an entire show just on water. I’m fascinated by water and believe there’s so much more to that magical substance than any of us realize.

He was keen on doing that but also wanted to talk about the concept of rewilding. I’ve been thinking about that concept more and more lately. If you’re unfamiliar with Daniel’s work you can watch some of the videos on our recommended videos page or you can visit his company where he sells great products called Surthrival or his blog which is his name Daniel Vitalis.

The concept of rewilding is quite interesting. The theory is that man is not living in his wild surroundings and therefore is suffering with diseases of all sorts.

If we were to take a gorilla from the wild it would make no sense to put him into our backyard if we live in a nice quiet neighborhood in surberbia would it? We’d want to recreate as close as possible what that gorilla would experience in his wild habitat.

This makes a lot of sense. The whole concept rests upon the notion of man being a wild animal. Personally I don’t agree with that but to me that doesn’t really matter.

To some degree we’ve lost our way in Western culture. If you look at indigenous cultures we can see that we don’t live very similar lives to what they do.

Whether you think we’re an animal or divinely created by God, the hectic and stress filled lifestyles we’re leading are leading us somewhere where we don’t want to go. Suffering, chronic degenerative disease and ultimately death.

Think about it, how natural is it for you to live in a constant state of stress? This is killing us people!

Just about everything we do every single day is causing some sort of stress in our bodies.

Let’s name a few so you can see what I mean.

  • Driving
  • Working in front of a computer
  • Sitting for long periods of time
  • Not being grounded
  • Sleeping on toxic mattresses
  • EMF exposure
  • Spending too much time indoors
  • Eating dead food
  • Putting chemicals on our skin (soaps, shampoos, lotions etc)

As you can see we couldn’t be living in a more unnatural environment. All of these things place some sort of stress on our bodies.

Now the question is what can we do about it?

We have a couple of choices. We can either go live in the jungle on the beaches of Hawaii (I’m not complaining), or we can keep living where we’re living but try to “upgrade” each and every area of our life that’s domesticated and make it more “wild” if you will.

So what does this look like and how does it work?

  1. Instead of working in an office you can try to see if the boss will let you work at home a few days a week where you have more freedom and control over your work environment.
  2. You could get a standing desk or a treadmill desk. I’ve got one, check it out!
  3. You can buy really great EMF protection devices for your work area and even your bed.
  4. You can walk barefoot as much as you can, or wear Vibrams more often.
  5. You can buy an air purifier to help clean up the air in your home or get some plants that help produce cleaner air.
  6. You could learn survival skills.
  7. Start buying emergency survival goods to stock up for you family.
  8. Go to bed when the sun goes down.
  9. Stop wearing sunglasses, or glasses all together!
  10. Learn to go to the bathroom in a more natural position.
  11. You can learn to sweat. All ancient cultures would sweat as part of their daily practice.
  12. Find a spring so you can start drinking wild water or spring water.
  13. You can switch the water from hot to cold and then from cold to hot when you take showers to help build nerve force in your body.
  14. You can adopt a more natural sleeping position (get rid of the pillow).
  15. You can start eating more wild foods or adopt more of a paleo style diet.

These are just some ideas. There are literally so many things you can do to “rewild” your life.

Take a moment and think about what life would be like if you lived in the jungle. How would you eat? How would you sleep? How would you go to the bathroom?

As I said earlier just about everything we do on a daily basis isn’t natural and if you can make a list of these things and figure out strategies for upgrading them to be more natural your health and outlook on life will benefit tremendously.

So let me know some of the ways you have “rewilded” your life.

Comment below and share some tips and strategies!

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About the author

Justin is a natural health advocate and health researcher. He has been studying alternative health, nutrition, longevity and disease prevention since 2003 when he became a 100% raw food vegan until 2010. Initially motivated by his mom's non Hodgkin's lymphoma diagnosis in 1995, Justin seeks to provide natural remedies for chronic health conditions often demonized by the mainstream medical industrial complex. He started Extreme Health Radio in 2010 and strives to provide empowering content designed to give you the necessary tools to heal naturally.


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